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Unit 3 Computers reading IILanguage points Spelling 1.operator_(vi)2,simplify_(adj)3,logical_(adv)4,technology_ (adj)5,intelligent_ (n)operate simplelogically technological intelligence6,real_(n)7,personal_ (adv)8,finance_(adj)9,explore_ (n)10,solve _(n)reality personally financial exploration solution 1.In pairs discuss what they have in common.In common 常常同常常同have连用,如:连用,如:have nothing in commonhave little in commonhave something in commonhave a lot in common无共同之处无共同之处几乎无共同之处几乎无共同之处有一些共同之处有一些共同之处有许多共同之处有许多共同之处2.The twins_have much/a lot in common with each other1.You know,princess Han Xiang,you and I _(有一些共同有一些共同之处之处/臭味相投臭味相投)have something in common(1)They have a lot_ and became good friends very soon.A.in common B.in case C.in surprise D.in interest(2)We are_(普普通通人人),but we can do something well.(3)_(和和多多数数英英国人一国人一样样),he enjoys football.(5)Snow_(常常见见)in cold mon peopleIn common with most Englishmenis common common sense 常识常识 calculate vt.计算计算 n.3.I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.calculationCalculate on=?rely/depend/count on 依赖;依靠依赖;依靠 即时练习即时练习1.The students were asked to _ the speed of light2.Have the votes been _.calculatecalculated4.In 1936 my real father wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a“universal machine”to _(解决解决)any difficult sums.solve vt.解答;解决解答;解决(疑惑;困难;问题疑惑;困难;问题)solution n.a solution to sth 的解决方法的解决方法 the answer/key/entrance toSettle?平息;解决平息;解决(争议;争端;争议;争端;)solve a mystery/puzzle/difficulties/problemsettle a quarrel/disputesolve 5._(从那时起从那时起),I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.sincefrom on:一般过去时一般过去时/将来时将来时完成时完成时你的人生将会从此改你的人生将会从此改变变。Your life will change from now on.从那从那时时起,他起,他们们就再没有就再没有见过见过面。面。From then on,they didnt see each other again.Since then,they havent seen each other again.From then on 6.By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room,and I _(想知道是否想知道是否)I would grow any larger.wonder ifVt.想知道想知道n.奇迹奇迹wander 闲逛闲逛wander about vi.漫游,闲逛,徘徊漫游,闲逛,徘徊Dont wander about the room like that.Get something to do.不要那不要那样样在房在房间间里里闲闲逛逛,找点事情做。找点事情做。(It is)no wonder that 难怪;怪不得 从句从句一般一般过过去去时时一般一般现现在在时时一般将来一般将来时时主句主句had donehas/have donewill/shall have doneBy the(time)/by the end of By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _in Beijing.A.Would be completed B.was being completed C.Has been completed D.had been completed donePhrases as a result as a result of result from result in 结果结果因为因为;由于由于的的结果结果因因而起而起导致导致(lead to)7._(结果结果)I _(完全地完全地)changed my shape.As a result totallyIn total=in all 总计;总共总计;总共Practice:由于大雨的原因,他们到晚了:由于大雨的原因,他们到晚了._the heavy rain,they arrived late.It was raining,_,they arrived late.The heavy rain _their late arrival.Their late arrival _the heavy rain.As a result ofas a resultresulted inresulted from8.Since the 1970s many new _(应用)have been found for me.application n.应用;用途应用;用途;申请(表)申请(表)applicationsapply v.应用;申请应用;申请have a wide application in 在在 中得到广泛应用中得到广泛应用apply for 申请申请 apply to 适用于适用于apply A to B 将将A应用于应用于BShe wants to apply for study in Harvard.你应该学以致用。你应该学以致用。英语在交流中得到广泛应用。英语在交流中得到广泛应用。我所说的只适用于你们部分人。我所说的只适用于你们部分人。You should apply what you have learnt to practice.English has a wide application in communication.what I have said only _some of you.applies to.9._(无论如何无论如何)my _(目标目标)is to _(提供提供)humans a life _(高质量的高质量的)anyhow adv.无论如何,不管怎样,无论如何,不管怎样,反正;尽管如此反正;尽管如此,(anyway)goalprovidewithof high qualityAnyhow Learn through use(即学即用即学即用)Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the British Museum?Sorry,Im a stranger here.A.Thanks anyway B.It doesnt matter C.Never mind D.No problem2)Im not sure what time Ill arrive,maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight._,Ill be there as early as possible.A.Anyhow B.somehow C.somewhat D.ThereforePs:somewhat“有点儿;有几分有点儿;有几分”常用来修饰形容常用来修饰形容词;词;somehow“不知怎么地,莫名其妙地不知怎么地,莫名其妙地”;therefore“因此因此”goal(n)cHe has achieved his goal.That last goal was a beauty.Thats the twentieth goal hes kicked this season.目标,目的目标,目的进球进球(进球)得分(进球)得分set a goal 设定目标设定目标achieve a goal 实现目标实现目标Provide means supply.Provide sb _ sth Provide sth _ sb 1)This hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service _ guests.2)A project designed to provide young people _ work.withforforwithprovide(vt)提供提供1.I very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,我我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,我才才被制成被制成一台分析机。一台分析机。句型:句型:It took+时间段时间段+before+从句从句“过了多久过了多久 才才”developed_(七年后才)they finally got married._(很多天后才很多天后才)I got used to the new school life.It took seven years beforeIt took a few days beforeExtension 拓展拓展It is/was before+从句从句It is/was not before+从句从句It will be before+从句从句It will not be+before+从句从句要过要过/过了多久后才过了多久后才.用不了用不了/没过多久就没过多久就.要过多久才要过多久才.过不了多久就过不了多久就.Before 用法面面观“之后,才之后,才;没来得及;以免;免得;在没来得及;以免;免得;在之前之前”We walked a long way before we arrived at the destination(目的地目的地).Before I could say a word,she rushed out of the classroom.Write down what I say in class before you forget it.之后,才之后,才没来得及没来得及以免;免得以免;免得(07江西江西)He was told that it would be at least three months _ he could recover and return to work.A.When B.before C.since D.that(08北京)北京)Im sorry you have been waiting so long,but itll still be some time _ Brain gets back.A before B.since C.till D.afterIt _ long before we _ the result of the experiment.(02 上海)上海)A will not be ;will know B is;will know C will not be ;know D is;know强化习题:强化习题:1.It was two years _he realized the truth.2.It will be two years _ the economic situation improves.3.It was two years later _ he realized the truth.4.It is/has been two years _ he lived here.5.It was midnight _ he arrived home.6.It was at midnight _ he arrived home.7.It was not until midnight _ he arrived home.beforebeforethatsincewhenthatthat(1)It was the park _ he first met his wife.(2)It was in this park _ he first met his wife.wherethatwith 和和as表示表示 “伴随伴随”as+clause(句子句子);With的复合结构的复合结构;表伴随条件原因方式;表伴随条件原因方式 doing 主动主动 进行进行 done 被动被动 完成完成 to do 未做未做 adj/adv/介词短语介词短语 2._(随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝),I was made smaller.with+n./pron.As time went byAs time went by,I was made smaller.作业做完了,你就可以出去玩儿。有许多作业要做,你不得不呆在家。With time going by,I was made smaller.finishedWith your homework_,you can go out and play.With a lot of homework_,you have to stay at home.to do1)The murderer was brought in,with his handsbehind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied 2)07安徽安徽John received an invitation to dinner and with his work _,he gladly accepted it.A finished B finishing C having finishing D was finished3)_ two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.A.With B.Besides C.As D.Because of4)They got there without any difficulty with the boy _ the way.A leading B led C to be led D lead-He came in,with a book _.-He slept,with the light _.-He was lying there,with his eyes _.在他手里在他手里开着开着睁着睁着on open with+n./pron.+adj/adv/介词短语介词短语in his handgo by (时间时间)过去,逝去过去,逝去 从从经过经过 As time goes by,my memory seems to get worse.Did you see a boy go by on a bicycle?(1)As time_,she became more and more anxious about her sons safety.A.passing B.going by C.passed D.goes by(2)With the time_,our anxiety grew.A.goes by B.going by C.has gone by D.had gone by(3)Three months_ before we knew it.A.passed by B.went C.went by D.past3.My memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!She is so lovely a girl that everyone likes her.=She is such a lovely girl that everyone likes her.so.that.“如此如此.以至于以至于.”,that引引导结导结果状果状语语从句从句so+adj+a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数+that从句从句=such+a/an+adj+可数名词单数可数名词单数+that从句从句Observe There are so many cars on the street that I couldt get through.We have so little money that we cant buy a car.Students have so much homework to do that they spend little time playing.These are such interesting books that I want to read them again.It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home.so+manyfew+可数名词复数可数名词复数+that-clauseso+muchlittle+不可数名词不可数名词+that-clausesuch+(adj.)+不可数名词不可数名词+that-clausesuch+(adj.)+可数名词复数可数名词复数+that-clause 1)She told us _ story that we all forget the time.A.Such an interesting B.such interesting a C.So an interesting D.a so interesting2)He has _ few friends that he often feels _.A.such;lonely B.such a;aloneC.so;lonely D.so;alone他们是如此聪明的机器人,能够解决困难问题。他们是如此聪明的机器人,能够解决困难问题。They are so intelligent robots that they can solve difficult problems.So intelligent robots are they that they can solve difficult problems.Ps:So that 句型中句型中,so+adj/adv 位于句首时,位于句首时,主句借助主句借助be(am,is,are,was were)助动词助动词(does,do,did),has/have/had,以及情态动词实以及情态动词实现部分现部分 倒装倒装,that 后的从句不倒装。后的从句不倒装。3)So loudly _ that every one of the class could hear him.A.he spoke B.did he spoke C.Spoke he D.did he speak 4)_ homework did we have to do that we have no time to take a rest.(2006.福建福建)A.So much B.Too much C.So few1,It is _ fine weather that we all want to go out.2,_ great progress did he make that the teacher praised him.3,_ difficult did I feel it to live in an English speaking country that I determined to learn English.suchsuchSoTrue or False 1,By the 1940s I have grown as large as a room.2,With time went by,I was made smaller.3,I had been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.4.As a result I total changed my shape.hadgoinghavetotally5,I was able to share my knowledges with others through the World Wide Web.6,I have also been put into robots and used to making mobile phones as well as help with medical operation.7,I wondered if I would grow any larger.8,However,this reality worried about my designers.knowledgemake Assessment(检测检测)1,_more and more forests destroyed,some animals are forcing the danger of dying out.A.As B.With C.Through D.For2,_ house price up all the time,the complains can be heard everywhere.A.As B.With C.Through D.For3.Several weeks had gone by_ I realized the painting was missing.(04 全国)全国)A.as B.before C.since D.when4,Scientists say it may be five or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.(福建福建2004)A.since B.after C.before D.when5,-Did Jack come back early last night?-Yes.It was not yet eight oclock _he arrived home.A before B.when C.that D.until 6,With drink and food _,the prisoner had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding.A run out B run out of C use up D using up7,I couldnt do my homework with all that noise_.(NMET2005)A going on B goes on C went on D to go on8,_ the day went on,the weather get worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As9,This book is written in _ easy an English _ beginners can understand it.A.such,that B.so,that C.rather,that D.fairly ,that10,_rapid progress has he made that we all admire him.A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 11,Nancy enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A.that B.which.C.when D.where NMET2005江苏江苏12 _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A.So curious the couple was B.So curious were the couple C.How curious the couple were D.The couple was such curious 13.2008四川四川I have not seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.A such B very C so D too14,(2006福建)福建)-How long do you think it will be _ china sends a manned spaceship to the moon?-Perhaps two or three years.A when B until C that D before 15,(2006四川)四川)It is impossible for so _ workers to do so _ work in a single day.A.few much B.few many C.little much D.little many 16,There is_ much work to do and he was_ worried about finishing it in time that he was quite nervous all day long.A.so;so B.such;such C.so;such D.such;so17,It was_ that we went camping in the mountains.A.such nice weather B.such a nice weather C.so nice a weather D.too nice weather18,_ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A.So clever are the construction robotsB.So clever the construction robots areC.Such construction robots are cleverD.Such clever construction robots are19,So large_ that I couldnt believe it.A.did my memory become B.my memory became C.my memory did become D.became my memory20,It was a pity that the great writer died _ his works unfinished.A for B from C of D with 结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best,Failure Is Great,So DonT Give Up,Stick To The End谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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