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2020/10/1811.What star is at the center of the universe?Its the sun.2.Whats the difference between the sun and the earth?The sun is a star while the earth is a planet.3.How many planets are around the sun?There are eight.2020/10/182Do you know what these planets are and their order in solar system?2020/10/183be made oftemperature (F)wideness(M)V R CMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunerockrockrockrockgas,liquidgas,rockgas,metal-279800890-130136-266620-278-292-346-353264279263963871867133431704317042020/10/1841.Which planet is the biggest?2.Which is bigger,the sun or the Saturn?3.Which planet is the coldest?4.Which planet has the hottest temperature?5.What is Pluto made from?Its Jupiter.SaturnNeptuneVenusIts made from frozen gas.2020/10/1851.at the center of在在的中间的中间2.at the top of3.at the bottom of4.2.be made of5.be made from/in/by在在的顶部的顶部在在的底部的底部2020/10/186 Paper is made _ wood.This car is made _ France.This cake is made _ Meimei.Chairs are made _ wood and iron.We can make flour and milk _ bread.3.so far “到目前为止到目前为止”+have donefrominofintoby2020/10/1872020/10/1882020/10/1891.He dreamt he was flying above the houses and the fields and the cars.2.His neighbour3.He got a part-time job and saved his money for it.4.He got his flying license5.The first man stepped on the moon.2020/10/18106.Physically speaking,it was just one step on moon,but it showed that human beings have the ability to do more than just step on it.For example we can set up some buildings for man to live there.2020/10/18111.take off 起飞起飞 快点,飞机在半小时内要起飞了快点,飞机在半小时内要起飞了 Hurry up!The plane will take off in half an hour.2.above 在在上面上面He dreamt he was flying above the house.2020/10/1812above 非接触的,在上面。以水平面为非接触的,在上面。以水平面为参照参照over 非接触的,在上方。垂直的上方非接触的,在上方。垂直的上方on 接触的,(放,摆)在上面接触的,(放,摆)在上面below 在下方,以水平面为参照在下方,以水平面为参照under 在下方,垂直的下方在下方,垂直的下方2020/10/18133.look through the telescope4.land on land(v.)着陆着陆 land(n.)陆地陆地2020/10/18141.Then he would go home and sit in his bedroom,where he always had lots of books and magazines about space and flying.2.He saved his money and went to and airport near his home,where he paid for flying lessons.2020/10/18153.The day on which he got his flying license was also his 16th birthday-the first day on which it was possible to get it.2020/10/1816结构:结构:先行词关系词从句先行词关系词从句关系词关系词先行词先行词从句中的成分从句中的成分关系代词关系代词whichwhowhomthatwhose关系副词关系副词whenwherewhy物物主语主语 、宾语、宾语人人主语主语人人宾语宾语人,物人,物主语,宾语主语,宾语人,物人,物定语定语“谁的谁的”时间时间时间状语时间状语地点地点地点状语地点状语原因原因原因状语原因状语2020/10/1817Exercise1)The student studies very hard.Her father is a model worker.The student whose father is a model worker studies very hard.2)She joined the Party on Oct.4th.2005 She will never forget that day.She will never forget Oct.4th,2005,when she joined the Party.2020/10/18183.The coat would keep me warm.My mother bought me the coat.The coat that my mother bought me would keep me warm.4.He lives in a house.The house has modern inventions.He lives in a house which has modern inventions.2020/10/18192020/10/1820Do you know?Do you believe in?2020/10/1821UFO2020/10/1822alien2020/10/1823 Listen and fill in the blanks2020/10/18241.What was strange2.Honestly3.Unbelievable4.happened5.It looked really strange2020/10/1825Read and answer1.What homework did Annie have to do last night?To write a story about a UFO 2.Why didnt Annie want to do the homework?Because she didnt believe in UFOs2020/10/18263.What did Yongxian write about?4.What did Annies alien look like?He wrote about green aliens with 4 heads and 6 legs.It had long black hair and really strange hands like an animal.And it was wearing blue jeans and a red T-shirt.2020/10/1827 A UFO visited my home.I didnt believe in UFOs,but last night a UFO visited my home.It was u_!At first the blue light got c_ and c_ and it came right up to my bedroom window.At that time I was so s_ that I couldnt nbelievableloserlosercaredFill in the blanks2020/10/1828m_.I dared not look at it and kept my eyes c_.The UFO entered my room and came slowly t_ me.“W_ are you doing h_?”It asked.I opened my eyes and saw the UFO.It had very s_ hands w_ long black hair.The UFO wasovelosedowardshatometrangeith2020/10/1829w_ jeans and T-shirt.It was my cousin Yang Min!earing2020/10/18301.tell sb.to do 2.a bit of=a little+ucn.3.I didnt think it was(否定前移)否定前移)4.closer and closer(越来越近)越来越近)5.knock on/at 2020/10/1831Part 2 Talk about something unusual with the following words Unbelievable!Never!Really?Oh dear!What a surprise!How surprising!Im surprised.Does that surprise you?Is that so?What was strange?2020/10/1832Part 31.We stayed in a hotel where/in which Jason stayed last year.2.I love sunny days when/on which you dont need to wear a coat.2020/10/18333.The friend to whom I lent my bike is coming to my house today.4.The school to which/where my cousin goes is the best in Guangzhou.5.The football team in which my brother plays won the match.2020/10/18342020/10/18351.Barry decided to go to Mars because _.2.On the flight to Mars,Barry _ _3.When Barry saw the giant spider _.4.The spider told Barry that dinner would be _.5.On the table Barry saw _ _.Mars would be an adventure.watched 3 films and read a whole magazine.he nearly jumped out of his skinfried flies a deliciouschocolate cake2020/10/1836A village where _.Answer:_.A time when _.Answer:_.A month when _.Answer:_.A person who _.Answer:_.Mao zedong was bornShao shan chongpeople eat mooncakes in ChinaMid autumn festivalthere are usually 28 daysFebrury was the first American president Washington 2020/10/1837谢谢您的聆听与观看THANK YOU FOR YOUR GUIDANCE.感谢阅读!为了方便学习和使用,本文档的内容可以在下载后随意修改,调整和打印。欢迎下载!汇报人:XXX日期:20XX年XX月XX日


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