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雷峰塔与白蛇传课件1 Outline1.LeiFeng Pagoda 1.1 Original 1.2 Collapse 1.3 Connection with the White Snake2.The Legend of The White Snake 2.2.1.The story of The White Snake 2.2.2.The image of the White Snake Outline1.LeiFeng Pagoda2雷峰塔与白蛇传课件3雷峰塔雷峰塔雷峰塔4 Original The original pagoda was built in 975 AD,during FIve Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period,at the order of King Qian Chu(钱弘俶)(born Qian Hongchu)of Wuyue(吴越).It was built to celebrate the birth of Qian Chus son,born to Huang Fei(黄妃).It was therefore called Huangfei Pagoda at that time.All those names,however,have been forgotten over the years;only the name Leifeng Pagoda has been passed on from generation to generation.Original The original pa51.钱弘俶钱弘俶:五代十国时期吴越国的最后 一位国王。2.吴越吴越:国都杭州,范围包括今江苏省 东南部、浙江省全部和福建省北部,后降于北宋。雷峰塔与白蛇传课件6雷峰夕照Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset雷峰夕照Leifeng Pagoda in the Suns7 8Lu Xun:鲁迅,esteemed as the most influential and world-renowned writer of Modern China.Lu Xun:9 How do we judge the Ancient Architecture?1.Lu Xuns Class angle2.In the novel,a symbol of scapegoat(替 罪羊)of suppressing Lady White 3.In reality,wisdom of Chinese people.How do we judge the Ancien10 On March 11,2001 the mausoleum was excavated(挖掘)and many artifacts were found,most notably a gold and silver coated hair of the Buddha.11 舍利子阿育王塔舍利子阿育王塔 舍利子阿育王塔12 In Ming and Qing dynasties,Lei Feng Pagoda was involved in the legend of the White Snake.1.洪楩洪楩清平山堂话本中的西湖三塔记。2.冯梦龙冯梦龙警世通言,又将其记录整理,题 为白娘子永镇雷峰塔。3.方成培方成培雷峰塔传奇最为著名,后人改名为白蛇传。In Ming and Qing dynasties,13 The Legend of White Snake The image of the White Snake The Lege14雷峰塔与白蛇传课件15千年白素贞千年白素贞161.Why Does Fa Hai want to destroy their marriage?They got married and opened a medicine shop,which is todays widely famous Bao He Tang(保和堂,Harmony Preservation Hall).They led a happy life.They cured a lot of patients with the unknown and intractable(难治疗的)cases.1.Why Does Fa Hai want to dest17 Monk Fa Hai lived in Jin Shan Si(金山寺,Jinshan Buddhist Temple,which is located in Zhenjiang,Jiangsu Province).Due to the effectiveness of Lady Whites perfect treatment,less and less pilgrims went to temple for praying.Monk Fa Hai lived in Jin18 Lu Dongbin,one of the Eight Immortals,disguises himself as a man selling tangyuan at the Broken Bridge near the West Lake in Hangzhou.A boy called Xu Xian buys some tangyuan from L Dongbin,not knowing that the tangyuan are actually immortal pills.He does not feel hungry for the next three days after eating the tangyuan and is so puzzled that he goes back to ask the seller.L Dongbin laughs and carries Xu Xian to the bridge and flips him upside down,causing Xu to vomit out the pills into the lake.The Second Version Lu Dongbin,one of the19 There is a white snake spirit in the lake,who was practising Taoist magical arts in the hope of becoming an immortal after centuries of training and cultivation.The white snake eats the pills vomited out by Xu Xian and she gains 500 years worth of magic powers.The white snake is grateful to Xu Xian and their fates became intertwined.There is another terrapin(北美淡水龟)spirit also training inside the lake and he did not manage to consume any of the pills,so he becomes very jealous of the white snake.There is a white snak20 The image of the White Snake 21雷峰塔与白蛇传课件22雷峰塔与白蛇传课件23 The image of the White Snake 1.可恶、可憎的蛇妖 2.可畏、可爱的蛇妖 3.美丽、善良的蛇仙 4.可敬、可佩的人妻 5.敢于反抗的新女性 The image of the Wh24 谢谢观赏!谢谢观赏!25


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