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Subtitles Translation(影视字幕翻译影视字幕翻译)1Two forms of subtitles translationDubbing(配音配音)covering the original English voice by Chinese voice.Subtitling(字幕翻字幕翻译)providing synchronized Chinese subtitles for English speeches.2Natures of subtitlesPrinted materialsre-readableSubtitlestransientirreversibletime and space constraints 3Time and Space ConstraintsSpace Constraints:Position on the screen:1/12 of the total screen height above the bottom;Number of lines:Around 13 words in 1-2 linesFont color and background:Pale white against a grey,see-through host box 4Time and Space ConstraintsTime Constraints:Maximum duration of a full two-line subtitle:No more than 6 seconds Reading speed:adults(150-180/min)children(90-120/min)Leading-in time:0.25 second after initiation of utteranceLagging-out time:No more than 2 seconds after the end of the utterance 5Principles for Subtitles TranslationConciseness(简洁简洁)Immediate Comprehensibility(易懂易懂)6-Hes probably not there,but if I dont at least look,Ill always wonder about it.-Sleepless in Seattle-他也许没来,但至少我应该去看看,否则我他也许没来,但至少我应该去看看,否则我会老想着这件事会老想着这件事.-他也许没来,但我不看不死心他也许没来,但我不看不死心.7Example 1-Yes,I would just like to know where I could get this mans address.-Sleepless in Seattle-是的,我想知道如何才能得到这个人的是的,我想知道如何才能得到这个人的地址地址.-我想知道他的地址我想知道他的地址.8Example 2-And for a while I could not enter,for the way was barred to me.-Rebecca-由于大门深锁由于大门深锁,一时间不得其门而入。一时间不得其门而入。-由于大门紧锁由于大门紧锁,一时无法进入。一时无法进入。-蝴蝶梦蝴蝶梦9Example 3 -She stood there laughing,her black hair blowing in the wind,and told me all about herself-everything.-Rebecca -她站在崖上大笑,黑发随风扬起,她站在崖上大笑,黑发随风扬起,诉说她的过往诉说她的过往,巨细靡遗巨细靡遗.10Example 4 -她站在崖上大笑,黑发随风扬起,她站在崖上大笑,黑发随风扬起,诉说她的一切诉说她的一切.Skills for Subtitles Translation111.Using Simple Syntactic Structures不知你能不能把自行车借我用一下?不知你能不能把自行车借我用一下?我能借一下你的自行车吗?我能借一下你的自行车吗?给你看样你以前从没见过的东西。给你看样你以前从没见过的东西。给你看样新东西。给你看样新东西。明天为什么不去公园呢?明天为什么不去公园呢?明天去公园吧。明天去公园吧。你能不能不用我的东西?你能不能不用我的东西?别用我的东西。别用我的东西。122.Using Simple Vocabularies be miserly,stingy 悭吝悭吝 小气,吝啬小气,吝啬 be thin 清癯清癯 清瘦清瘦 be familiar with 熟谙熟谙 熟悉熟悉 be foolhardy,foolishly bold 暴虎冯河暴虎冯河 有勇无谋有勇无谋 13Many a little makes a mickle.集腋成裘 积少成多积少成多 foot of a mountain 山麓山麓 山脚山脚 origin,source 滥觞滥觞 来源,起源来源,起源 be of great benefit 大有裨益大有裨益 大有好处大有好处143.Reducing Source TextDeletion(省略省略):to leave out some words or phrases.Condensation(浓缩浓缩):to maintain only the gist of the original text.Reductive Paraphrase(压缩性意译压缩性意译):to convey the meaning of the original utterance in a concise way.15 Will the conveyance of information be much affected if we reduce the original utterance?161.Deletion Filler words(填充词):e.g.“um”,“uh”,“er”,“ah”,“okay”,“so”,“actually”,“you know”,“well”,“but”,“anyway”,“look”,etc.Repetition/tautologies(重复):e.g.“look out”&“be careful”17some exclamations(叹词):“my goodness”,“oh,my God”,“Jesus”tag questions(附加疑问句):“dont you”,“isnt it”simple forms of address(称呼),greetings or farewells:“sir”,“madam”,“good morning”,“hi”,“hello”,“goodbye”)181.Deletion(Gumps mother tried to persuade the principal of an elementary school to admit Forrest.)-Well,were all different.-Forrest Gump19Example 1-所有人都不相同。所有人都不相同。-阿甘正传阿甘正传Forrest recalled the first day when he met Jenny.-You know its funny what a young man recollects.-Forrest Gump20Example 2-年轻人的记忆很奇怪。年轻人的记忆很奇怪。-阿甘正传阿甘正传(A thief pretended to be kindhearted by warning others to be on alert.When other people thanked him without caution,he stole their money rapidly.)-Watch yourself.Be on guard.This place is full of vulture.-Casablanca 21Example 3-请你小心,这儿有许多坏人请你小心,这儿有许多坏人.-卡萨布兰卡卡萨布兰卡-Oh,God,I forgot my present for your stepmother-I took it inside by accident.-Sleepless in Seattle22Example 4-我把送你继母的礼物忘在屋里了。我把送你继母的礼物忘在屋里了。-西雅图夜未眠西雅图夜未眠-Walter.Its quite a formal name,isnt it?-Sleepless in Seattle23Example 5-华特,蛮正式的名字。华特,蛮正式的名字。-西雅图夜未眠西雅图夜未眠(Mrs.Gump was talking to Forrest)-Remember what I told you,Forrest.-Forrest Gump24Example 6-记住我跟你说的话记住我跟你说的话.-阿甘正传阿甘正传-Hi,Barry!Remember me?from Friends25Example 7-巴瑞,记得我吗巴瑞,记得我吗?-老友记老友记(Forrest talked about Jennys poor living conditions.)-She lived in a house that was as old as Alabama.-Forrest Gump262.Condensation -她住在一间很旧的屋子。她住在一间很旧的屋子。-阿甘正传阿甘正传Harriet:You can go there if you want,but dont open his refrigerator.哈丽亚特:去呀,但千万别开他冰箱。哈丽亚特:去呀,但千万别开他冰箱。They dont cover anything when they put it in the fridge.They just stick it in and leave it there till it walks out by itself.-Sleepless in Seattle 他们把东西放进冰箱时却不盖上,丢进去后就一他们把东西放进冰箱时却不盖上,丢进去后就一直放到有东西从里面爬出来直放到有东西从里面爬出来。男人最邋遢,东西放到生蛆。男人最邋遢,东西放到生蛆。273.Reductive Paraphrase Both Ugarte and Captain Renault earned a lot of money by selling visas to the refugees.Ugarte tried to find an excuse to explain his action.-Think of the poor devils who cant meet Renaults price.I get it for them for half.-Casablanca-想想那些可怜的家伙,他们付不起雷诺开的价我想想那些可怜的家伙,他们付不起雷诺开的价我收他们半价收他们半价-雷诺的价更高,我收半价。雷诺的价更高,我收半价。28Example 2Example 3臣妾来给太子生母上柱香。I came to pay respect to the Crown Princes mother.我竟萌生了退出江湖的念头。And yet Im thinking of quitting.29-What about the engineer?Why cant he marry us on the train?-from Casablanca-工程师怎么样工程师怎么样?为什么不让他在火车上替我们证婚呢为什么不让他在火车上替我们证婚呢?-工程师可在火车上替我们证婚。工程师可在火车上替我们证婚。30Combining Short Utterances-Five minutes in the microwave.Any one of them,five minutes and done.Ready to eat.-Sleepless in Seattle-微波炉加热五分钟微波炉加热五分钟.任何东西任何东西,五分钟就好了五分钟就好了,就可就可以吃了。以吃了。-微波炉热五分钟就可以吃。微波炉热五分钟就可以吃。31Example 2-He doesnt have one now.Thats the problem.from Sleepless in Seattle-问题是他没有。问题是他没有。-他现在一个也没有他现在一个也没有.这就是问题所在这就是问题所在.32Example 3SummaryUsing Simple Syntactic StructuresUsing Simple Vocabularies Reducing Source Text 1.Deletion:to leave out some words or phrases.2.Condensation:to maintain only the gist of the original text.3.Reductive Paraphrase:to convey the meaning of the original utterance in a concise way.Combining Short Utterances33You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.真爱过的人很难再恋爱.34You know its easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.女人过了40想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀死都比这容易.When youre attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious,subconsciously.So what we think of as fate,is just two neuroses knowing theyre a perfect match.当你被某个人吸引时,那只是意味着你俩在潜意识里相互吸引.因此,所谓命运,就只不过是两个疯子认为他们自己是天造一对,地设一双.35The reason I know this and you dont is because Im younger and pure.So Im more in touch with cosmic forces.之所以我知道而你不知道,是因为我年幼纯洁,所以我比较能接触宇宙的力量.36


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