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开放英语开放英语1 的讲义的讲义11、不为五斗米折腰。12、芳菊开林耀,青松冠岩列。怀此贞秀姿,卓为霜下杰。13、归去来兮,田蜀将芜胡不归。14、酒能祛百虑,菊为制颓龄。15、春蚕收长丝,秋熟靡王税。learn how to talk about different quantities;谈论数量 learn how to use the verb to need.学习动词 “need”Session 1 In this session you learn some vocabulary for food;学习食物词汇;practice making offers;练习表达提议;learn about countable and uncountable nouns.学习可数名词和不可数 名词。Language Focus 1、表达提议、表达提议 有三种表达提议的方法,其中两种已经学过。Would you like a cup of tea?Ill tell Franco.Shall I phone Tim now?Would you like 句型有三种结构:Would you like+名词 Would you like some water?(你要水吗?)Would you like+to+动词 Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?(今晚和我一起吃饭,好吗?)Would you like+代词+to+动词 Would you like me to phone Tim?(你要我给Tim 打电话吗?)注意:动词前的 to 是不定式符号,表示该动 词是原形.to+动词构成动词不定式 如 :to have,to phone.Ill(I will)+动词原形 Ill tell Franco.(我会告诉 Franco 的。)Shall I+动词原形 Shall I help you?(我能帮你吗?)Shall I get some apples?(要我弄些苹果 来吗?)2、可数名词与不可数名词、可数名词与不可数名词 在英语中,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。在词典里,用 C 和 U 标示,C表示可数名词,U表示不可数名词。例如:prawn C,milk U。可数名词:可数名词:apple 是可数名词,其复数形式是apple+s (apples)例如:an apple,six apples,lots of apples 在来看一下其他一些可数名词及其复数形式:prawn(s),pea(s),orange(s),lychee(s),litre(s),kilo(s)不可数名词:不可数名词:water是不可数名词,可以说:some water,lots of water.我们学过的不可数名词还有:food,toast,tea,oil,milk,coffee,juice,rice.可数名词和不可数名词都可以用some来修饰。例如:There are some oranges on the table.Id like some rice,please.不论是可数名词还是不可数名词,如果用一个表示量的词来修饰时,要用 of.例如:a kilo of rice(一千克大米)a canton of cream(一盒奶油)a cup of tea(一杯茶)a bag of apples(一袋苹果)在餐馆点咖啡或茶的时候,也可以说 two coffees 或 two teas,意思是 two cups of coffee 或 two cups of tea,表示两杯咖啡或两杯茶。Session 2In this session you learn further vocabulary for food;learn how to use How much?and How many?study the use of some and any;learn how to use the verb“need”.Language Focus1、动词动词need need+动词不定式:其结构是:“主语+need +to+动词”。主语是第三人称单数时,need 要加-s。例如:I need to buy a carton of cream.You need to get some prawns.She needs to buy oil.He needs to get some apples.We need to get some oranges.They need to buy a bottle of wine.need+名词:其结构是“主语+need+名词”。例如:I need some oil.He need a bottle of wine.We need oranges.否定形式需加 do not(dont)或 does not(doesnt)。例如:I dont need to buy any rice.She doesnt need any peas.2、How much?和和 How many?How many?用于可数名词。用于可数名词。例如:How many apples do you want?How many oranges would you like?How many lychees are there in a tin?How much,?用于不可数名词用于不可数名词。例如:How much water shall I buy?How much milk shall I get?How much mineral water is there in the bottle?询问价格时,用询问价格时,用How much?例如:How much is it,please?3、some 和和 any 先看两个句子:Could I have some oranges,please?And do you have any lychees?some 表示不确定的量,意思是“一些”,多用于肯定句中,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如:Id like some water.I need some milk.We want some oranges.I have(got)some prawns.any 多用于疑问句和否定句中,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如:Have you got any lychees?Do you have any cream?Do you need any water?Have you got any onions?用于否定句中:I dont want any tea,thanks.They dont need any mineral water.I havent got any cream.I wouldnt like any coffee,thanks.Session 3In this session you revise how to make offers and requests;learn more vocabulary for food.Cultural Note 在西方国家,应邀去别人家吃饭的时候,通常都要带一些小礼物,比如,葡萄酒,巧克力,或是一束鲜花。Language Focus 1、提出请求、提出请求 先来看几个请求他人做某事的句子:Could you be on time this evening?Can you bring some wine,please?Id like you to be on time today.其结构是:Could+主语+动词?Could you buy some wine?Could you prepare the vegetables,please?Could I have some oranges,please?Can+主语+动词?Can you get some mineral water,please?Can I have some apples,please?I+would+like+宾语+动词不定式。Id(would)like you to get some prawns.2、打电话的开始语与结束语、打电话的开始语与结束语在给他人打电话的时候,你可以说Hello.Its Tim here.或者This is Tim.打电话中做自我介绍时,要说 Its+你的名字,或 This is+你的名字,而不说 I am在打完电话时,通常要说再见Goodbye,随便一点的情况下可以说Bye,Bye now,See you soon,See you等。Review Reminder表达提议表达提议 Would you like?Shall I?谈论数量谈论数量 How much?How many?打电话的开始语和结束语打电话的开始语和结束语 Hello.Its/This is Goodbye./Bye./Bye now./See you soon./See you.请求他人做某事请求他人做某事 Could you?Can you?I would like you to 词汇学习词汇学习 可数名词和不可数名词 need(I need to get;She needs some oil.)some 和any的用法 谢谢46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。卡耐基47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。陆游48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。史美尔斯49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。孙洙50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。莫扎特


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