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1 B.welcome to our class!Junior Ne1Introduce myself Chinese Name:邬老老师(Miss Wu)English Name:Jane .Introduce myself Chinese Nam2Introduce yourself to us,like this:Hello,my Chiese name is Zhang Xin.My English name is Tom.Nice to meet you!.Introduce yourself to us,like3新新课程新要求程新要求1.上上课准准时到;到;2.上上课坐姿端正,坐姿端正,认真听真听讲;3.有有问题举手;手;4.认真完成作真完成作业;5.及及时复复习当天所学内容。当天所学内容。.新课程新要求1.上课准时到;.4Tianan Men Square天安天安门广广场the Great Wall长城城Water Cube水立方水立方Birds Nest鸟巢巢.Tianan Men Square天安门广场the Gre5.6England.England.7The capital of England isLondonLondon.The capital of England isLondo8伦敦眼敦眼London Eyeon the Thats a river down there.This is fun.伦敦眼London Eyeon the Thats a r9This is fun.Is this fun?希望得到肯定的回答:希望得到肯定的回答:Isnt this fun?这多有趣啊!多有趣啊!太棒了!太棒了!Isnt it great?它是橘色的它是橘色的.Isnt it orange?.This is fun.Is this fun?希望得到肯定10binocularsPass me the binoculars!.binocularsPass me the binocula11Big Ben大本大本钟.Big Ben大本钟.12There is a famous river in England.theRiver Thames泰晤士河泰晤士河.There is a famous river in Eng13英国第二大的河流,英国第二大的河流,也是最重要的水路,也是最重要的水路,又是英国的母又是英国的母亲河,河,从从伦敦市中心穿敦市中心穿过bridge.英国第二大的河流,bridge.14There is a special bridge across the River Thames.Tower Bridge塔塔桥.There is a special bridge acro15Westminster Bridge威斯特敏斯特威斯特敏斯特桥.Westminster Bridge威斯特敏斯特桥.16London EyeBig BenRiver ThamesTower BridgeWestminster Bridge.London EyeBig BenRiver ThamesT17.18.19Watch a video.Watch a video.20What can you see?I can seeThere is a bus on the bridge.Can you see.?Yes,I can./No,I cant.What can you see?I can seeThe21There are some buses on the bridge.There are some buses on the br22_some people on the bridge.There areAre there any people on the bridge?Yes,there are.No,there arent._some people on the br23There are some boats.Are there any boats?Yes,there are.No,there arent.There are some boats.Are there24some any some any 的用的用法法1)some表示一些,用于肯定句中表示一些,用于肯定句中2)any表示一些,任何一个,用于疑表示一些,任何一个,用于疑问句和否定句中句和否定句中 .some any 的用法some表示一些,用于肯定句中.25Unit 16On the London Eye Lesson 31 .Unit 16On the London Eye 26JackClaireDaisy.JackClaireDaisy.27.28Daisy:Oh,Jack!Isnt this fun?Can you believe it?Were all together on the London Eye!.Daisy:Oh,Jack!Isnt this fu29Jack:Yes,honey.Isnt it great?Look,Claire!Claire:Yes,Dad.Isnt it grey?Daisy:Well,grey and silver!Its beautiful.Look at all the bridges!Thats the River Thames.Jack:Yes,honey.Isnt it gre30Claire:Hey,Mom,I can see Tower Bridge.Its open!Jack:Is it really?Pass me the binoculars!.Claire:Hey,Mom,I can see.31 Jack:Can you see any ships there?Claire:I can see one.There are some boats,too.Jack:Can you see any ships 32Daisy:Look,Jack!Thats Westminster Bridge down there.There are some peopleon the bridge.Jack:There are some cars and buses,too.Daisy:Look,Jack!Thats Westm33Claire:Hey,Dad!Thats Big ben!Its twelve oclock!Daisy:Ding-dong,ding-dong;Ding-dong,ding-dong!Oh,Jack!Isnt London just great?.Claire:Hey,Dad!Thats Big b34Home work:1.听、跟读Lesson31三遍;2.听写P4单词;3.默写Lesson31第一、二幅图;4.完成Lesson31一课一练;5.家长签字。.Home work:1.听、跟读Lesson31三遍;.35 .See you next time!.36


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