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Chapter Five 刘虹 1 Chapter Five 刘虹 1 Approach Design Procedure Model Teaching 2 Approach Design Procedure Mode?What is Total Physical Response?Total Physical Response(TPR)is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action;it attempts to teach language through physical(motor)activity.3?What is Total Physical Respo James Asher?美国圣加州约瑟大学心理学教授?20世纪60年代 4 James Asher?美国圣加州约瑟大学心理学教?Asher states that“most of the grammatical structure of the target languge and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor”.?Asher sees a stimulus-response view as providing the learning theory underlying language teaching pedagory.Approach:Theory of language and learning 5?Asher states that“most of th?In addition,Asher has elaborated an account of what he feels facilitates or inhibits foreign language learing.?He draws on 3 rather influential learning hypotheses The bio-program Brain lateralization Reduction of stress 6?In addition,Asher has elaborThe bio-program?There exists a specific innate bio-program for language learning which defines an optimal path for first and second language development.7 The bio-program?There exists The bio-program?Children develop listening competence before they develop the ability to speak.?Childrens ability in listening comprehension is acquired bcause chilren are required to respond physically to spoken languge in the form of parental commands?Once a foundation in listening comprehension has been estabilished,speech evolves naturally and effortlessly out of it.8 The bio-program?Children dev?Parellel to the process of the first language learning,the foreign language learner should first internalize a“cognitive map”of the target languge through listening exercises.Listening should be accomplished by physical movement.9?Parellel to the process of thBrain lateralization?Brain lateralization defines different learning functions in the left and right-brain hemispheres.10 Brain lateralization?Brain Brain lateralization?Asher sees Total Physical Response as directed to right-brain learning,whereas most second language teaching methods are directed to left-brain learning.?Similarly,the adult should proceed to languge matery through right-hemisphere motor activities,while the left hemisphere watches and learns.11 Brain lateralization?Asher se12 12 13 13 Reduction of stress?Stress(an affective filter)intervenes between the act of learning and what is to be learned;the lower the stress,the greater the learning.14 Reduction of stress?Stress(aReduction of stress?An important condition for successful language learning is the absence of stress.?First langugae acquisition takes place in a stress-free environment,according to Asher,whereas the adult language learning environment often causes considerable stress and anxiety.?The key to stress-free learning is to tap into the natural bio-program for language development and thus to recapture the relaxed and pleasurable experiences that accompany first languge learning.15 Reduction of stress?An importDesign Objectives?General Objectives?Specific Objectives 16 Design Objectives?General Syllabus?Sentence-based Syllabus?Meaning first?Inductive grammar teaching?Language chunks?Imperative 17 Syllabus?Sentence-bTypes of learning and teaching activities?Imperative drills?Conventional dialogues?Role plays?Slides presentations?Reading and writing 18 Types of learning and teachingRoles of learners?Listener?Performer/Actor?Producer?Monitor and evaluate?Speak 19 Roles of learners?Listener?PRoles of teachers?Active director?Decide what to teach?Models and presents teaching materials?Selects supporting materials?Provide opportunities for learning?Giving feedbacks to learners 20 Roles of teachers?Active direThe role of instructional materials?No basic text?Teachers voice,actions and gestures?Common classroom objects?Supporting materials?TPR Kits 21 The role of instructional mateProcedure?An amount of a course provided by Asher(1977)on Page 77.A.Review B.New demands C.Ask simple questions D.Role reversal E.Reading and writing.22 Procedure?An amount of a cour 23 23 TPR教学的主要特点?1)听力理解领先。首先培养学生的听力理解能力,然后再要求学生用口语表达。?2)学生应通过身体对语言的反应动作来提高理解力。这种身体反应应该由教师用有计划的指令来控制。学生根据教师的指令做出相应的动作,从而感知并理解掌握语言。?3)允许学生在预先做好准备的情况下发言。教师不强迫学生发言。?4)教学应强调教学的意义而不是形式,这样可以降低学生的紧张情绪。24 TPR教学的主要特点?1)听力理解领先。首先培养学生的听TPR教学的主要优点?1)抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参加活动,让他们在身临其境的实验体验中学习英语。?2)它能够提供一个与实际生活紧密相连的学习环境,使学生在多种多样的活动中、在循环反复的练习中学会英语。?3)协调学生的左、右脑,有助于学生的左脑发展以及语言学习的成效。?4)主张以句子为教学单位,整句学、整句用,重视语言内容和意义,有利于培养学生实际运用语言进行交际的能力。?5)采用大量挂图、小纸条等教具,创设语言情境。25 TPR教学的主要优点?1)抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参加TPR教学的主要缺点?1)对成人学习的特点注意不够?2)对读写能力的培养重视不够?3)比较抽象的单词和句子很难用 TPR来表述 26 TPR教学的主要缺点?1)对成人学习的特点注意不够?2 Conclusion?Asher stressed that Total Physical Response should be used in association with other methods and techniques.Indeed,practitioners of TPR typically follow this recommendation,suggesting that for many teachers TPR represents a useful set of techniques and is compatible with other approaches to teaching.27 Conclusion?Asher stressed 28 28 29 29


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