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2022年朝阳市初中学业水平考试英语试题(考试时间120分钟试题满分100分)第卷选择题I单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My hometown is _ beautiful city in _ west of Liaoning Province.A. the; aB. a; theC. a; aD. the; the2. We took pride in _ when we succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain finally.A. weB. usC. ourD. ourselves3. It is Moms _ birthday next Wednesday. What should we do?What about buying her _ flowers to show our love?A. forty; fortyB. forty; fortiethC. fortieth; fortyD. fortieth; fortieth4. I am very nervous in my new school now.Dont worry. Its _ to have this feeling in a new environment.A. specialB. dangerousC. coolD. normal5. Dad, must I become a doctor like you when I finish university in the future?No, you_. You can make your own decision and do whatever you like.A. dont have toB. cantC. mustntD. couldnt6. What are you going to do this weekend?I am going to visit the sick kids in the hospital and _ them _ as a volunteer.A. wake; upB. cheer; upC. give; upD. pick; up7. Its said that tea _ by accident about five thousand years ago.A. was inventedB. is inventedC. will be inventedD. were invented8. What kind of movies do you like?I prefer movies _ me something to think about.A. whom giveB. who givesC. which giveD. that gives9. _ fast technology has progressed over the years!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. What an10. Excuse me, could you please tell me_?By working hard and never giving up.A. who you often practice English withB. if you will pay more attention to the traffic rulesC. when you got used to the life hereD. how you will achieve your dreamII完形填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。There was a stone lying in the mountains for a long time. He had a dreamone day he could fly up into the sky _11_ a bird. When he told his dream to his friends, they all laughed at him.“Look! Your heart is _12_ than the sky!”However, these words didnt make a difference to the stone. Instead, he just said _13_ , looked up into the sky full of hope in his eyes and waited for the chance.One day, a man named Zhuangzi passed by. The stone knew this man had the great wisdom. So he talked about his dream to the great man.“ _14_ me, please!” The stone begged(乞求).Zhuangzi said, “I can help you achieve it, but you must first grow into a mountain and be strong enough to suffer(承受) a lot.” The stone replied, “I am not afraid of anything _15_ Im sure I can do it.”From then on the stone tried his best to get as much energy as he could from nature to make himself strong. After so many years and storms, the stone grew into a large mountain _16_. So Zhuangzi sent some huge birds to hit the mountain with _17_ wings. After shaking strongly, the mountain broke apart and countless stones flew up into the sky. At the moment of flight, the stone was so _18_ that he couldnt help shouting, “I am flying in the sky now!” He finally experienced the joy of flying.But soon he fell off from the sky and turned back into what he was like before. Zhuangzi asked, “ _19_ you regret?”“No, I dont. I am very _20_ . I have ever grown into a mountain and flown!” The stone answered.11. A. likeB. withC. forD. about12. A. lowerB. longerC. higherD. smaller13. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything14. A. To helpB. HelpingC. HelpedD. Help15. A. andB. butC. soD. or16. A. at the beginningB. over and over againC. in the endD. after all17. A. hisB. ourC. yourD. their18. A. scaredB. relaxedC. excitedD. surprised19. A. DidB. DoC. HaveD. Are20. A. luckyB. luckC. luckilyD. unluckyIII阅读理解(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(A).阅读短文,根据其内容从文后A、B、c、D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。Passage OneDo you want to have a nice trip in your spare time? Maybe Yunnan Province is a good choice for you. There you can enjoy different places of interest.TimeActivitiesDay 1Arrive in Shangri-La. You will meet your local guide at the airport or the station and he or she will take you to the hotel. Visit Napa Lake in your free time in the afternoon.Day 2Drive to Lijiang (about 2 hours) and visit Tiger Leaping Gorge on the way. After you reach Lijiang, you can visit Black Dragon Pond and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. You can take the cable cars (缆车) to Baisha Village in Lijiang.Day 3Take a bus to Dali (about 3.5 hours). You can go boating on Erhai Lake, visit Bai Village, Xizhou and Zhoucheng or do some shopping in the old Dali town.Day 4Fly to Kunming in the morning, which is the capital of Yunnan. Then take a tour to the Stone Forest. In the afternoon, end your trip and leave Kunming by air.Contact InformationTel: 010-8974630Working time: 9:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday21. Who will take you to the hotel when you arrive in Shangri-La?A. Your local guide.B. Your friends.C. Your parents.D. Your driver.22. You can visit the old Dali town _.A. on the first dayB. on the second dayC. on the third dayD. on the fourth day23. How can you go to Kunming on the fourth day?A. By bus.B. By plane.C. By car.D. By train.24. When can you call the agency if you want to get more information?A. At 19:00 on Wednesday.B. At 8:30 on Tuesday.C. At 14:00 on Sunday.D. At 10:30 on Thursday.25. Where does this passage probably come from?A. A story.B. An ad.C. A play.D. A news report.Passage TwoMichelle, a famous lady, has found that more than 25% students are too fat in her country. It is a very serious problem. So she starts a Health Program to deal with it. The Health Program is to reduce the number of fat students today and in the future.The program will get families, schools, newspapers, magazines and TVs to join together and deal with the students obesity so that students will be at a healthier weight.The program includes: Food stores should sell healthier foods; schools should arrange(安排) healthier meals without too much fat and more gym classes.The lady is trying to fight the students obesity all over the country because it can cause illnesses and high food cost. She wants the students to eat right, exercise more and control their weight. She also wants the students to understand it is important to have less sweet food and drink water, milk and fresh juices, but not to choose cokes. At the same time, she has also set a good example by planting a vegetable garden. She hopes that the garden will encourage more people to plant one, too.The Health Program is really meaningful to the students today and in the future. As she says, “We cant always build the future for the young, but we can build the young for the future.”26. In Michelles country, over _ of the students are too fat.A. 15%B. a quarterC. a halfD. 75%27. What does the underlined word “obesity” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A. 厌食症B. 抑郁症C. 肥胖症D. 强迫症28. What does the lady want the shops to do?A. To arrange gym classes.B. To plant a vegetable garden.C. To serve meals with less fat.D. To sell healthier foods.29. According to the passage, which of the statements(陈述) below is right?A. Everyone must plant a vegetable garden.B. The students obesity can cause many kinds of sicknesses.C. Schools are supposed to arrange meals with too much fat.D. We can know that Michelle comes from America.30. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The lady fights obesity in students.B. The lady cares about food cost.C. The lady introduces healthy drinks.D. The lady worries about the height.Passage ThreeMartinas Grandpa Peter lived with the family after Grandmas death.One day, Mom Susan decided to do the spring cleaning. They cleaned the house until everything was clean. Then Mom pointed to Grandpas sofa and said, “That old sofa has got to go. Well buy Grandpa a new one.”But as they moved the sofa, Grandpa stopped them and shouted, “You cant take my sofa! I dont want a new one.” Mom had to say, “We will talk about it tonight when John gets home.” John, Martinas dad, was still at work.“Grandpa, why dont you let us take away the sofa?” Martina asked at supper. Grandpa shook his head, “I sat in this sofa, with your grandma, when I asked her to marry me. It was so long ago, but when I sit in this sofa and close my eyes, she seems to be near.”“Its surprising!” Martina thought, “How Grandpa can remember things from the past. These days he forgets almost everything.”Grandpa smiled to Martina, “The night your father was born, I sat in this sofa. I was nervous when they placed the little baby into my arms.”“Many years later,” Grandpa continued, “I sat in this sofa when the doctor told me your grandma was ill. I was lost without her, but the sofa gave me the comfort.”“I do see now.” Martina looked at Grandpa. “This is not just an old sofa. It is more like a friend.” “Yes.” Grandpa added, “Weve got through a lot together.”The whole family agreed that the house would be boring without the old sofa.31. What was Grandpa like these days?A Forgetful.B. Impatient.C. Angry.D. Careless.32. Who does the underlined phrase “the little baby” in Paragraph 7 refer to(指的是)?A. Martina.B. John.C. Susan.D. Peter.33. According to the passage, what important things did Grandpa experience sitting in the old sofa?Grandmas deathholding the little baby for the first timeasking Grandma to marry himhearing the news that Grandma was illA. B. C. D. 34. We can infer(推断) that the family were probably _ at the end of the story.A. surprisedB. boredC. movedD. nervous35. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Martinas WishB. A Spring CleaningC. A Happy FamilyD. Grandpas Old Sofa(B).Passage Four阅读短文,根据其内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文内容连贯、完整。选项中有两项为多余选项。Every year, when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, Chinese people often hang a kind of plant on the door. It is called wormwood (艾草). _36_ On the other hand, its special smell can also keep annoying insects away from rooms.In fact, wormwood tastes bitter but smells very pleasant. _37_ So it can be seen in Compendium of Materia Medica (本草纲目). This book is widely believed to be the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The writer of the book is Li Shizhen. _38_Wormwood is well-known for its ability to treat a great number of illnesses. Hundreds of years later, in Qichun, Hubei Province, it is still serving local people. Recently, Qichun has been busy preparing for the World Wormwood Industry Show. _39_ And it will be good for the popularity of TCM and the traditional Chinese culture.Wormwood has become the main industry in this area. _40_ At the same time, wormwood is gradually known around the world as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.A. Wormwood can be eaten in many ways.B. You can try this plant.C. Hundreds of years ago, Chinese people began to use wormwood as a kind of medicine.D It will take place during the Dragon Boat Festival.E. The life of local people is getting better and better by growing wormwood.F. He was a very famous TCM expert during the Ming Dynasty.G. On the one hand, people believe that wormwood can drive out evil spirits or bad luck.IV情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从所给的选项中选择恰当的选项完成对话。选项中有两项为多余选项。(Xiao Yun and Fangfang meet on the street on Sunday.)Xiao Yun: Hello, Fangfang! Long time no see.Fangfang: Hi, Xiao Yun! _41_Xiao Yun: Its great! And you?Fangfang: Im OK, too. _42_Xiao Yun: Im going to the bookstore. I want to buy a book about ice skating.Fangfang: Ice skating? _43_Xiao Yun: I like the sport because of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes (运动员) all faced challenges bravely and tried their best to win in the competitions. I admire them. And I like Wu Dajing best. He is a very excellent skating athlete.Fangfang: Yes, so he is. He is so confident and brave. His spirit is worth admiring.Xiao Yun: I agree with you ._44_ We should study hard and stick to our dreams like him. By the way, could you help me choose a book now? I need your advice.Fangfang: With pleasure.Xiao Yun: _45_ Lets go.A. We young people should learn from him.B. Its kind of you.C. How was your vacation?D. How is it going with you?E We can read more to improve reading skills.F. Why do you show your interest in this sport?G. Where are you going now?第卷非选择题V补全对话(本题共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。Xiao Jing: Hello? This is Xiao Jing speaking. Who is that?Gu Hong: Oh, Xiao Jing. _46_ Its reported that Chinas Shenzhou-14 has been sent up into space successfully. _47_Xiao Jing: Yes, I have. I watched it just now. Maybe the astronauts will give the Heavenly Palace Class (天宫课堂) in space for the third time.Gu Hong: I hope so. The astronauts of the Shenzhou-13 gave the Heavenly Palace Class three months ago. It was amazing!Xiao Jing: Really? Its a pity that I missed it. _48_Gu Hong: It was about some interesting scientific experiments.Xiao Jing: Oh, I love science! I cant wait to watch the third class.Gu Hong: Me, too. Oh, there will be a space show in the Space Museum and people can experience the life in space. Why not pay a visit there?Xiao Jing: _49_ Would you like to go with me?Gu Hong: _50_ I also want to learn something more about space. Lets go there together.VI.短文填空(本题共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)阅读短文,用所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词,每词限用一次,使短文完整、正确。方框中有两词是多余选项。day memory return but go hour interestMany Chinese people these days leave their hometowns to work in the cities. They usually _51_ to their hometowns one or two times a year. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has worked in a factory in Wenzhou for 13 years. Although it is only about ten _52_ bus ride, he is just too busy to go back.People like him are _53_ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the government. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are good because things need to change in order to become better. _54_ he also thinks some things will never change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his soft and sweet _55_.VII任务型阅读(本题共20分)根据短文内容,简略回答所提出的问题。Xian Xinghai is a very famous musician in China. He has written many great pieces of music. In his short life, he wrote nearly 300 songs and an opera.Xian was born in Panyu, Guangzhou in 1905.Because his father died before he was born, Xian had to move from place to place with his mother. He began learning to play the violin when he was 20 years old. At first, his violin was so cheap and in a poor quality that he could not play it well. His friends laughed at him. However, Xian did not stop practicing and soon showed his talent. In 1934, he became the first Chinese student who studied in a special music school in Paris. Before he left, Xian became the schools best student and won several prizes for his talents.The next year, be got back to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yanan to teach music at a college. Although there were no pianos in Yanan at that time, Xian still wrote some of his most important music there, including The Yellow River Chorus, his most famous work.In May 1940, Xian Xinghai went to the Soviet Union (苏联) to write music for movies. Life there was so hard that he got very sick. Later he died of a lung illness on October 30, 1945, aged only 40.Xian Xinghai is such a great man and his music will live on in peoples hearts forever.56. Was Xian Xinghai talented in the violin or the piano at first?_57. When did Xian Xinghai get back to China from Paris?_58. What is Xian Xinghais most famous work?_59. Why did Xian Xinghai go to the Soviet Union?_60. How do you like Xian Xinghai?_根据短文内容,完成表格,每空不超过三个词。We sometimes say the lion is “the king of the jungle” because it is stronger and more dangerous than the other animals. Most other animals in the jungle run more slowly than the lion, so it can hunt better. The lion is the top animal in the land food chain.In the sea, the shark is at the top of the food chain. Most other sea animals swim much more slowly than it. It can also use its big teeth to catch other sea animals and eat them.What is at the top of the worlds food chain? Humans are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the cleverest! We could not catch up with most animals, so we invented cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than a lion, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.Peoples inventions help a lot, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, many years ago in Inner Mongolia, people used guns to kill a lot of wild wolves.The wild wolves usually eat wild rabbits. But in recent years the number of wild rabbits is becoming bigger and bigger because the number of wild wolves is getting smaller and smaller.The wild rabbits competed for the grass with the sheep and cows. Much of the grassland became desert because the rabbits destroyed (毁坏) it seriously. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting ourselves. Luckily, people have paid much attention to such problems. We will do more things to keep the balance of ecosystem in the future.61. _62. _63. _64. _65. _VIII.句子翻译(本题共8小题,其中局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题2分,满分共10分)66. 礼貌地讲话让人觉得舒适。Speaking politely makes people _.67. 消防员在大火中总共救出来12人,他们太勇敢了!The firefighters were so brave that they saved twelve people in the fire _.68. 他总是给有需要的人提供帮助,大家都很喜欢他。He always _ help _ people in need and everyone likes him very much.69. 我们为什么不讨论一下来想出一个更好的计划呢?Why dont we have a discussion _ a better plan?70. 别担心!一定有办法解决这个问题。Dont worry! _ some ways to solve the problem.71. 我们坚信中国人能够齐心协力抗击新冠疫情。We strongly believe that we Chinese can _ to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.72. 如果你亲自来朝阳,你就会爱上这座城市。_73. 中国是世界上最古老的国家之一。_IX.书面表达(本题共1小题,满分15分)74. 自从“双减”政策实施以来,我们学生有更多的空闲时间参与文娱、体育、艺术等方面的课外活动,这些活动为我们的生活增添了生机和活力。请以“After-school Activities Make My Life Colorful”为题,写一篇英语短文来介绍你参与的课外活动。内容:1. 介绍你所参与的1至2项关于文娱、体育或艺术方面的课外活动;2.谈一谈课外活动给你带来的收获及感受。要求:1.文中不得出现真实姓名校名或地名;2.语言通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3.词数在80词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。After- school Activities Make My Life ColorfulNowadays, we have more free time to take part in after -school activities._参考答案I.单项选择1-5BDCDA 6-10BACCDII完形填空11-15ACBDA 16-20CDCBAIII阅读理解21-25ACBDB 26-30BCDBA 31-35ABCCA 36-40 G C F D EIV情景交际41-45CGFABV补全对话46. It is Gu Hong(speaking). 47. Have you known it? 48. What was it about? 49. Its a good idea./ That sounds great! 50. Yes,Id lo


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