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World History 2020/10/181Expansion of Industrial Revolution 工业革命的扩展工业革命的扩展Industrial Revolution in England 英国工业革命英国工业革命 Effect of Industrial Revolution 工业革命的影响工业革命的影响 Lecture(讲授新课)(讲授新课)Lead in(导入新课)导入新课)2020/10/182Watch part of the film2020/10/183The Industrial Revolution 工工 业业 革革 命命2020/10/184Which country was the birth place of the industrial revolution?Why?England.Because she had the ideal economic and political conditions2020/10/185Industrial Revolution in EnglandPrerequisite(前提)(前提)Conditions(条件)(条件)Process(经过)(经过)2020/10/186Glorious Revolution光荣革命光荣革命2020/10/187权权利利法法案案2020/10/188Industrial Revolution in EnglandPrerequisiteConditionsProcessThe set up of capitalism system 资本主义制度的建立资本主义制度的建立2020/10/189Minds 人人 才才2020/10/1810Trade with the east殖殖 民民 贸贸 易易2020/10/1811Slave trade奴隶贸易奴隶贸易2020/10/1812Slave trade三角奴隶贸易三角奴隶贸易2020/10/1813Money 资资 本本2020/10/1814Enclosure Acts 圈地法令圈地法令2020/10/1815Manpower 劳劳 动动 力力2020/10/1816Market 市市 场场2020/10/1817Industrial Revolution in EnglandPrerequisiteConditionsProcessThe set up of capitalism systemMindsMoneyManpowerMarket2020/10/1818(1704-1764)Flying shuttle 飞飞 梭梭2020/10/1819 Handlom weaver using Kays flying shuttle织工正在使用凯依的飞梭织工正在使用凯依的飞梭2020/10/1820Jersey Wheel 旧式纺车旧式纺车2020/10/1821James Hargreves spinning JennyIn the 1860s the industry revolution began in the cotton industry.十九世纪六十年代工业革命首先从棉纺织领域开始十九世纪六十年代工业革命首先从棉纺织领域开始哈格里夫斯的珍妮纺纱机哈格里夫斯的珍妮纺纱机2020/10/1822Drawing of Arkwrights water frameDrawing of Arkwrights water frame 阿克莱特的水力织布机阿克莱特的水力织布机2020/10/1823Cromptons Spinning Mule 克隆普顿的骡机克隆普顿的骡机2020/10/1824Edmund Carwrights Powered loom 卡特莱特的水力织布机卡特莱特的水力织布机2020/10/1825Power was provided by water 动能由水力提供动能由水力提供2020/10/1826James Watts steam engine 瓦特的蒸汽机瓦特的蒸汽机2020/10/1827Cottage IndustryPower Loom Factory In the 1840s,the factory system took the place of the cottage Industry system.Thats the end of the Industry revolution 19 19世纪世纪4040年代,年代,工厂取代了手工作坊。工厂取代了手工作坊。第一次工业革命结束。第一次工业革命结束。2020/10/1828In the 1840s,the factory system took the place of the cottage Industry system.Thats the end of the Industry revolution2020/10/1829How to transport the numerous goods?如何把堆积如山如何把堆积如山的商品运输出去?的商品运输出去?2020/10/1830Horse Drawn Carriage 马马 车车2020/10/1831In the USA,Robert Fulton made the first steamboat美国人富尔顿首先制成了汽船美国人富尔顿首先制成了汽船2020/10/1832In England,George Stephenson made the first locomotive 英国人史蒂芬孙制成火车机车英国人史蒂芬孙制成火车机车2020/10/1833 Compared with the carriage the capability of transportation of train greatly improved 同马车相比火车的运输能力大大提高同马车相比火车的运输能力大大提高2020/10/1834 The industry revolution took place mainly in England.Soon she became known as the“workshop of the world”because she supplied foreign countries with goods continuously.Then the industry revolution and factory system spread to the United States and the rest of Europe.第一次工业革命主要发生在英国,她被称为第一次工业革命主要发生在英国,她被称为“世界工厂世界工厂”。接着工业革命推向美国和欧洲的其它地区。接着工业革命推向美国和欧洲的其它地区。2020/10/1835Discussion(讨论)(讨论)Say something about the industry revolution in French说一说关于法国工业革命的情况。2020/10/1836 By the end of the 19th century,French had set up the Capitalism System.She had vast colony which was only second to England.But Frenchs industry revolution was far behind England.How did this happen?19 19世纪末的法国已确立起资本主义制度。世纪末的法国已确立起资本主义制度。在世界上她拥有的殖民地面积仅次于英国。在世界上她拥有的殖民地面积仅次于英国。但法国的工业革命远远落后于英国。但法国的工业革命远远落后于英国。为什么会这样呢?为什么会这样呢?2020/10/1837At that time the French was busy with the Napoleonic Wars and revolution.Lacking the money that needed,The rich men were reluctant to invest in the industry.They prefer to Lend money for high interest.The existing of petty agriculture led to the lacking of manpower and the small domestic market.忙于那破轮战争而无暇顾及忙于那破轮战争而无暇顾及缺少资金。法国的高利贷资本发达。缺少资金。法国的高利贷资本发达。小农经济大量存在导致劳动力的缺少和时常的狭小。小农经济大量存在导致劳动力的缺少和时常的狭小。2020/10/1838Discussion(讨论)(讨论)Say something about The Industry Revolution in America.说一说关于美国工业革命的情况。说一说关于美国工业革命的情况。2020/10/1839Emigrants from AsiaEmigrants from Europethe Pacific Oceanthe Atlantic OceanEmigrants from Latin America2020/10/1840America had almost everything needed to start an economic revolution.She had coal from her coal mines which could drive the steam engines.She had the vast domestic marketEmigrants came from all over the world could work for the factories.Wars rarely happened in America.At the middle of 19th century,the industry revolution finished in the north part of America.2020/10/1841Effects of industry revolutionProductivity was greatly improved.Mass production began.Cities came into being.生产力大大提高生产力大大提高城市出现了城市出现了2020/10/1842 The whole society divided into two economic groups:labor and management.整个社会形成了两大直接对立的阶级:劳方和资方。整个社会形成了两大直接对立的阶级:劳方和资方。2020/10/1843 The capitalists madea great amount of money.资本家大发横财资本家大发横财2020/10/1844This is Arkwright,when he died in 1792 he was worth over 500,000 Pounds.这是发明这是发明水力织布机的水力织布机的阿克莱特当他阿克莱特当他在在17921792年去世年去世的时候他的个的时候他的个人财产已达人财产已达5050万镑。万镑。2020/10/1845 At the same time the workers were living in filth,working unthinkable hours and being paid very little.与此同时工人的生活条件极差,与此同时工人的生活条件极差,他们的工作时间长所得工资极少。他们的工作时间长所得工资极少。2020/10/1846Women workers 女女 工工2020/10/1847Children labor童童 工工2020/10/1848Nations that manufacture large amounts of goods need raw materials and market.In the 19th century England,French,Germany,and other countries began to search for colonies.为了获得原材料和市场西方国家开始在世界各地建立殖民地为了获得原材料和市场西方国家开始在世界各地建立殖民地2020/10/1849谢谢您的聆听与观看THANK YOU FOR YOUR GUIDANCE.感谢阅读!为了方便学习和使用,本文档的内容可以在下载后随意修改,调整和打印。欢迎下载!汇报人:XXX日期:20XX年XX月XX日


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