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Unit 1 一个多元文化的国土一个多元文化的国土Unit 1 A land of the diversitCanadaMexicoNew YorkWashington D.C.Do you know the following places?ChicagoLos AngelesSan FranciscoAtlantaMiamiLas VegasThe Great LakesHoustonCanadaMexicoNew York WaOcean on the east coast _Ocean on the west cost _Country to the north of USA _Country to the south of USA _Mountains range in the west _Atlantic OceanPacific OceanCanadaMexico Rocky MountainsOcean on the east coast _Great Lakes:Longest river in the USA:Some important cities:Superior,Michigan,Huron,Erie and OntarioMississippi RiverNew York,Washington D C,Los Angeles,San Francisco,Chicago,New OrleansGreat Lakes:Longest river inWorld Trade CentreEmpire State buildingManhattanWorld Trade CentreEmpire StateStatue of LibertyStatue of LibertyStatue of LibertyWhite HouseWhite HouseWhite House The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America.Rising in Minnesota,it flows south,across the continental interior and finally into the Mexico Gulf.The Mississippi RivereadingCaliforniaTask 1:Fast reading1.Whats the topic of this text?A.the culture of California B.the history of California C.the weather of California D.the history of USATask 1:Fast reading1.Whats tRussiansLater Arrivals peopleThe SpanishMost Recent ArrivalsNative Americans2.How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text?Gold MinersRussiansLater Arrivals peoplTask2 Skimming&Scanning(True or False questions)1.California is the largest state in the USA and has the largest population.2.The native Americans are treated well after the arrival of Europeans.3.Of the first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men.4.Duing Gold Rush Period,many achieved their dream of being rich.5.In the late 19th century,Chinese immigrants arrived in California.6.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or culture groups.FFTFFTTask2 Skimming&Scanning(TruNative AmericansNative Americans1.Time:15000 years ago2.Where did they come from:from Asian to Alaska3.What happened to them?were killed by European were forced into slavery died from the disease survived the terrible timesNative AmericansNative Americans1.Time:1500The SpanishThe SpanishFill in the form:(note down an important event)16th century 18th century in 1821 in 1846Spanish soldiers arrived and took their landCalifornia was ruled by SpainCalifornia became part of MexicoMexico gave California to the United StatesInfluence:today over 40%of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second languageThe SpanishFill in the form:(Russians&Gold MinersRussians&Gold MinersDo some T or F questions:1.In the early 1800s,Russian hunters began settling in California.2.In 1848,before the American-Mexican war,gold was discovered in California.3.A lot of adventures achieved their dream of becoming rich.4.California became the thirty-first state of the United states of Amerian in 1850.afterafter fewRussians&Gold MinersDo some StagePeopleTimeEventLater arrivalsAfricans 1800sChinese 1860sJapaneseEarly 20th CDenmark 1911JewishBy 1920sItaliansLate 1900sAfricans 1942 1945Moved from MexicoBuilt the railwayFarmed Established a townDeveloped industryFished and made wineWorked in ship&aircraft industryStagePeopleTimeEventLater AfriStagePeopleTimeEventRecent arrivalsIndians,PakistanisWorked in Computer industryCambodiansKoreansVietnameseLaotiansImmigrateFutureDifferent parts of the worldFutureImmigratedRecent decades1970sStagePeopleTimeEventRecent arr What attracted people from different parts of the world to immigrate to California?the temperate climate,the modern lifestyle and its diverse cultures What attracted people fro


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