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PEP小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册Unit Five Whose dog is it?B R Lets sing Lets singWhat should we pay attention to?(去动物园我们需要注意什么去动物园我们需要注意什么?)What should we pay attention tThe cat is walking.The cat is walking.The dog is drinking.The dog is drinking.The panda is playing.The panda is playing.The rabbit is eating.The rabbit is eating.The tiger is running.The tiger is running.The bird is flying.The bird is flying.The dogs are running.The dogs are running.The fish are swimming.The fish are swimming.What do you see?What are the animals doing?动物们正在做什么呢?动物们正在做什么呢?Look and say(读图回答问题)(读图回答问题)What do you see?What are the aRobin is excited!兴奋的;激动的兴奋的;激动的Sarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!兴奋的;激动的兴奋的;激动的Sarah What do you see?What are the animals doing?动物们正在做什么呢?动物们正在做什么呢?What are the animals doing?(动物们在做什么?)(动物们在做什么?)The_is/are_.Look and guess(读图预测)(读图预测)What do you see?What are the a Read in detail and answer:(Tips:细读,注意圈出关键词)细读,注意圈出关键词)What is Robin doing?(Robin在干什么?)在干什么?)Read in detail and answer:He isHe isWhat are you doing here,Robin?Im looking at a bear.Im dancing like a bear.What are you doing here,RobinHe is想成为想成为He is想成为想成为Robin likes flying.He is flying like a bird.(小组讨论两个(小组讨论两个like的区别的区别)像像一样一样喜欢喜欢Do you know?Robin likes flyingAct and say(演一演,说一说演一演,说一说)I like .I am like a .dancingdancingcatAct and say(演一演,说一说演一演,说一说)I like Does Robin want to be a fish?(Robin想成为一条鱼吗)想成为一条鱼吗)图七图七 Does Robin want to be a fisRobin,do you want to swim like a fish?No!No!I dont want to be a fish.Read and answer(读对话回答问题)(读对话回答问题)Robin,do you want to swim likWhy doesnt Robin want to be a fish?(Robin为什么不想成为一条鱼)为什么不想成为一条鱼)Think and say (想一想,说一说想一想,说一说)Why doesnt Robin want to be aAnswer the questions(阅读并完成课本练习。)阅读并完成课本练习。)1.Where are Sarah and Robin?They are at _ .2.What are the animals doing in the story?The bear is _.The rabbits are_.The tiger is_.The elephant is_.the zoodancing eating running walkingAnswer the questions(阅读并完成课本练阅读并完成课本练What do you think of Robin?(你认为你认为Robin在公园里的举止合适吗?)在公园里的举止合适吗?)What do you think of Robin?人教版人教版PEP小学五年级英语下册小学五年级英语下册Unit-5-Whose-dog-is-it-B-read-and-write课件课件Im looking at a bear.Im dancing like a bear.Im looking at the rabbits.Im eating like a rabbit.Im looking at a tiger.Im running like a tiger.Im looking at an elephant.Im walking like an elephant.Im looking at a monkey.Im climbing like him.Im looking at a bird.I like flying.I want to be a bird.Robin,do you want to swim like a fish?No!No!I dont want to be a fish!What are you doing here,Robin?Robin at the zooSarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!Listen and imitate.听音模仿,注意语音语调和情感。听音模仿,注意语音语调和情感。Im looking at a bear.Im dan Reading tips:1.有困难咨询同伴或老师有困难咨询同伴或老师.2.尝试一边读一边表演尝试一边读一边表演.3.注意语音、语调,有感情朗读。注意语音、语调,有感情朗读。work in groups Reading tips:开始你的表演!开始你的表演!开始你的表演!开始你的表演!show time开始你的表演!开始你的表演!Take out of the cards.Design your zoo!用用动物卡片来装饰你们的动物园动物卡片来装饰你们的动物园,并在小组内描述,一人描述一幅画。并在小组内描述,一人描述一幅画。This is our zoo.The.is eating/dancing.The.are jumping/swimming.Group work 小组活动小组活动(你想设计自己的动物园吗?)(你想设计自己的动物园吗?)Take out of the cards.Design What have you learned today?你今天学到了什么?你今天学到了什么?人教版人教版PEP小学五年级英语下册小学五年级英语下册Unit-5-Whose-dog-is-it-B-read-and-write课件课件Animals are our good friends.动物是人类的朋友。动物是人类的朋友。We should protect animals.我们应该爱护动物。我们应该爱护动物。And we should also protect ourselves.当然,在和动物相处时也要保护好自己。当然,在和动物相处时也要保护好自己。Animals are our good friends.You must:(必做)必做)Listen to the story and read it fluently.If you can(选做)选做)1.Retell the story.(运用关键词复述故事运用关键词复述故事)2.Design and write your own zoo.(设计你的动物园,描述并写出动物们在干什么。设计你的动物园,描述并写出动物们在干什么。Theis/are running/swimming/flying)HomeworkYou must:(必做)必做)If you caGoodbye!


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