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Study of Intercultural Communication Li Shuang Liaoning Technical UniversityLiaoning Technical UniversityThe Syllabusn nThe Course:The Study of Intercultural Communication n nThe Text Book:1.Communication Between Cultures 2.Intercultural Communication in English The Course PurposeIt is n nto find out the cultural responses when multicultural people meet each other.n nto understand how cultures influence languages n nto help students understand the relationship between language and cultureThe Course Purposen nto help students grasp to help students grasp the perspectives,the perspectives,theoretical issues,theoretical issues,principles and principles and methodologies of the methodologies of the study on the course.study on the course.n nto solve and avoid to solve and avoid culture shock during culture shock during the process of the process of municating.Course Descriptionn nThis is a one-semester course(32 periods altogether)for under-graduate students.n nThis course is intended to discuss about the unique relationship between language and culture in communication.n nIt is about what happens when people from different cultures come together to share ideas,feelings,and information.Course Descriptionn nIntroduce some theoretical issues of intercultural communication to explain differences and similarities in intercultural communication.n nAnd use some cases to get further understanding about the dimensions of intercultural communication in the world.n nOffer you opportunities to do critical thinking,practicing and also doing presentations in class.Course Descriptionn nIf one is good at a foreign If one is good at a foreign language,it means this language,it means this person has access to better person has access to better cross-cultural communication,cross-cultural communication,but knowing a foreign but knowing a foreign language doesnt mean that language doesnt mean that one can communicate with one can communicate with people of the language people of the language without problem.without problem.Course Descriptionn nIt is imperative that It is imperative that people,both present people,both present and future,be sensitive and future,be sensitive to differences in to differences in intercultural intercultural munication.n nBusiness today cannot Business today cannot go further without go further without cross-cultural cross-cultural munication.Course Evaluation and Grading SystemA grade for this course will be devised from the number of points earned by each student,based on the system described below.1.Oral presentation:10%2.Papers:10%4.Creative activities,Class attendance:10%5.Final exam:70%Recommended ReadingThe following is a concise list of recommended reading in the area of this subject.n nBarnlund,D.,Communication in a Global Village.In L.Samovar and R.Porter,Intercultural Communication,A Reader.Belmont,Calif.:Wadsworth,1989,1994.n nBrisling,R.Cross-Cultural Encounters.Elmsford,N.Y.:Pergamon,1981.n nGudykunst,W.Communicating with Strangers.New York:Random House,1984.n nLarry A.Samovar 跨文化交际.外语教学与研究出版社n nLillian H.Chan 国际商务沟通.高等教育出版社n n徐宪光 商务沟通.外语教学与研究出版社n n国际商务沟通高等教育出版社2002.10 Lillian H.Chaney;Jeanette S.Martin著n n跨文化沟通指南清华大学出版社 2004.10 Sana Reynolds;Deborah Valentine著n n国际商务及管理沟通机械工业出版社 2004.8 Kitty O.Locker著n n跨文化交际学上海教学出版社 2003.1贾玉新著n n文化与翻译中国对外翻译出版公司 2000.1郭建中著n n语言与文化上海外语教育出版社,顾嘉祖 2002.12 Introductionn nI.The purpose of studying ICn nII.The study of IC n nIII.Multi theoretical issues and frameworks in ICn nIV.The trend of IC studiesI.The purpose of intercultural communication studies1.1 If you touch one part of the world,you touch all parts 1.2 Language is the vehicle of culture.It reflects culture.(语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的土壤)1.1 If you touch one part of the world,you touch all parts Marshal McLuhan:Marshal McLuhan:the worldwide famous Canadian communicative the worldwide famous Canadian communicative scholar and writer scholar and writer His work His work:Understanding Media:The Extensions of ManUnderstanding Media:The Extensions of Man (1962 (1962,p.23-36).p.23-36).Global VillageThirty years ago,the Canadian writer Marshal McLuhan introduced the term global village to express the idea that the world seems to be getting smaller.n nIn the global village,nations are like families and continents are like neighborhoods.n nIn a globalizing society,your neighbor may be an American,an English,or a French which seemed incredible before.But now it is possible.n nGlobalization is a process of spreading the modernization and civilization among the whole world.nThe planet Earth is not shrinking,but time and space are.Modern transportation and communication reduce time and distance.A closed relationship ties all people together.No nation,group,or culture can remain isolated.If you touch one part of the world,you touch all parts.1.2 Language is the vehicle of culture,it reflects culture.n n语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的土壤语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的土壤n nThe cultural connotation carried by language and customs is the most difficult point in language learning.Language is not only a kind of social phenomenon,but also a kind of cultural phenomenon.n nThey are closely related to each other.Being the most active part of a language,a vocabulary shows a lot of cultural differences.n nWe have ignored intercultural communication in our language teaching for a long time.That is because we have been influenced by Stalins notion:language is a tool.The notion of“a tool”The notion of“a tool”guided us to pay more attention to the study of interrelationship of languages,but ignored the study of the important elements which influence and control languages.Examples about cultural connotation carried by languages and customs Languages always carry the cultural connotations.Languages always carry the cultural connotations.Words Words or expressions may involve different perceptions,or expressions may involve different perceptions,attitudes attitudes and interpretations.and interpretations.Eg.1.Cultural Connotation of“West Wind”in English Eg.1.Cultural Connotation of“West Wind”in English and Chinese and Chinese Eg.2.Chinese“Eg.2.Chinese“龙龙”and English“dragon”and English“dragon”Eg.3.Li hongzhangs banquet in the U.S.many Eg.3.Li hongzhangs banquet in the U.S.many years ago.years ago.Eg.1.Cultural Connotation of“West Wind”in English and Chinesen n东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖。莫道不消魂?帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。(李清照)n n昨夜西风凋碧树 蝶恋花(宋)n n古道西风瘦马 天静沙秋思(元)ChineseEg.1.Cultural Connotation of“West Wind”in English and Chinese Ode to the West Wind Ode to the West WindO Wild West Wind,thou breath of Autumns being,O Wild West Wind,thou breath of Autumns being,Thou,from whose unseen presence the leaves Thou,from whose unseen presence the leaves deaddead啊,狂野的西风啊,狂野的西风你把秋气猛吹,不露脸便将落叶一扫而空,你把秋气猛吹,不露脸便将落叶一扫而空,犹如法师赶走了群鬼。犹如法师赶走了群鬼。EnglishnThe connotation of“west wind”in English and Chinese is different,it gives us different sense when talking about the west wind,the main reasons cause the difference is that different culture could affect people on their perception and interpretation to the real world.n nFrom this example,we can see that the external object was the same,but the responses were different.The reason is peoples perception,attitudes and interpretation.The difference of “West Wind”between English and Chinese is the difference of regional culture.n n在西方文化中,西风是和春天、生命紧紧联系在一起的。在文学作品中也有所反映。英国大诗人雪莱在西风颂中就对west wind进行了高度的赞颂,把它作为希望和力量的象征。n n特定的语言并非总是和特定文化相对应。语言学家认为,基于“地理隔离”标准,应把那些不居住在一起,但说同一种语言的民族描述为不同文化。例如,世界上有许多说英语的民族,他们彼此具有地理上的隔阂,因而组成了不同的文化。所以,尽管英美两国民族有着盎格鲁、萨克逊文化这种共同的文化遗产,但地理隔阂使英美两国文化产生了差异。Eg.2 Chinese“龙”and English“dragon”n nChinese imagination:Chinese imagination:n nDragon is the Dragon is the representative of our representative of our nationality.nationality.n nDragon means power Dragon means power in the old days.in the old days.n nDragon also means Dragon also means energetic,healthy and energetic,healthy and strong.So we say:strong.So we say:生龙生龙活虎,龙腾虎跃活虎,龙腾虎跃.Eg.2 Chinese“龙”and English“dragon”n nWesterners imagination:n nA dragon is a sign of evil.If someone calls a woman a dragon,they mean that she is fierce and unpleasant.In English,dragon means a fierce bad tempered old woman.Eg.2 Chinese“龙”and English“dragon”n ne.g.n n1.That old womans a real dragon!那个老太太简直是个母夜叉。n n2.When shes angry,she is a dragon.她生起气来像个母夜叉。n n3.She is a bit of a dragon around this place.(she is tyrannical.)她在这里是一个专横跋扈的人。Eg.3.Li hongzhangs banquet in the U.S.many years ago.n nThe dinner is humble,please endure that.n nThe manager of the restaurant accused him of spoiling his reputation.n nIntercultural communication is a very complex process.It involves different perceptions,attitudes and interpretations.When people interact cross-culturally,misunderstandings create negative feelings and confusion,even make it a failure.n nCultural connotation not only carried by languages,but also in nonverbal communication,business communication and so on,for instance:n nPeople have different perceptions about sex and homosexual.A piece of photo in the newspaper which was about two Chinese soldiers,hand in hand walking through a free market in China.There was a comment under the photo:Who said that there is no homosexual in China?Whats this?!II.The study of IC in the world2.1 The definition of IC Intercultural communication is a communication between people whose cultures are different.A few equivalent expressionsn ncross-cultural communication;n ncommunication between cultures,n nand transculturation.(R.Daniel Shaw)n n2.2 A new science.n n2.3 Researchers in America,China and other countries:In America,China and other countries,many anthropologists,linguists and cultural scholars devoted themselves to the study of this subject.In Western Countries:n n E.T.Hall(New York),n n Hymes,D.,(New York),n n P.Peters,(San Diego),n n M.Miller,(San Diego),n n J.Bates,(Los Angeles),n n M.A.K.Halliday,(London),and many others.2.4 Researchers in China n nLiang Shuming(a noted philosopher and thinker)n nPang Pu(a well-known contemporary culture researcher);n nHu Wenzhong(a professor of Beijing foreign languages university);n nZhang Dainian(a noted contemporary scholar of Chinese philosophy)n nJia Yuxin(a professor of Harbin Institute of o Technology)and many thers 2.5 IC has become a typical characteristic of this agen nWe live in an age when great changes have taken place in technology,travel,economic and political systems,immigration patterns,and population density.We increasingly interact with people from different cultures and whether we like it or not,those interactions will continue to grow in both frequency and intensity.n nNow people know that the influence of culture affects communication in every detailed and profound ways.Our cultural perceptions and experience help determine how the world looks and how we interact in that world.III Multi theoretical issues and frameworks in ICn n3.1 The setting up of ICn n3.2.Theoretical issuesn n3.3 Frameworks:(理论框架/模式)n n3.4 Theories on the structure of culture3.1 The setting up of ICn n3.1.1 IC is a cross science.The study of IC involves a wide range of theoretical issues from related subjects,such as issues from:such as issues from:n n1).Anthropology n n2).Psychologyn n3).Semiology(符号学符号学 a science studies symbols)n n4).Linguistics,n n5).Sociolinguistics,n n6).Interactive sociolinguistics(交互社会语言学交互社会语言学),n n7).Cognitive linguisticsn n8).Pragmatics,n n9).Interracial Communication(交际民族学交际民族学)The graph of related subjectsthe typical characteristic of ICn nbased on the advantages of these related subjects,n nabsorbed the theories and methodologies of these related subjects,n ndeveloped on the foundation of common communication theories.n跨文化交际学是在博采众长,吸收跨文化交际学是在博采众长,吸收众多相邻学科的理论和成果,在普众多相邻学科的理论和成果,在普通交际学的基础上发展起来的一门通交际学的基础上发展起来的一门交叉学科。即交际学是一门运用众交叉学科。即交际学是一门运用众多学科的相关理论和方法来研究不多学科的相关理论和方法来研究不同文化背景的人们进行交际时的交同文化背景的人们进行交际时的交际行为,交际过程和交际规律等。际行为,交际过程和交际规律等。3.1.2 IC is becoming an independent subject.n nIntercultural communication is a new-born science or subject,building up a new subject,not only social needs,but academic needs.n nThere are still different opinions about whether an independent subject of IC can be accepted.3.2.Theoretical issues:3.2.1 A theoretical issue from Interactive 3.2.1 A theoretical issue from Interactive sociolinguistics sociolinguistics:n nCultures are large,superordinate categories.They Cultures are large,superordinate categories.They are not individuals.Cultures are a different level of are not individuals.Cultures are a different level of logical analysis from the individual members of logical analysis from the individual members of cultures.Cultures do not talk to each other,but cultures.Cultures do not talk to each other,but individuals do.In that sense,all communication is individuals do.In that sense,all communication is interpersonal communication.(Communication is interpersonal communication.(Communication is between or among individuals.)between or among individuals.)文化属于宽泛和超乎个人的范畴,文化和个体不是一回事。文化是对文化个体成员所做的逻辑分析,属于不同的层次。n nCultures are wide and beyond individual categories.Cultures make logical analysis from the individual members of cultures.n nEach human being is unique,special,and each has been shaped by countless factors.3.2.1 A theoretical issue from Confucius:Culture is learned.The Three Character Classic(三字经)Ren zhi chu,xing ben shan Xing xiang jin,xi xiang yuanIt means:Man,by nature,is good;peoples inborn characters are similar,but learning makes them different.3.2.3 The typical theory of cultural pattern is like this:n nDifferences may exist in one culture;n nSimilarities may exist among different cultures.Similarities may exist in different cultures.Such as:n nKen turkey,McDonalds,coffee are American Ken turkey,McDonalds,coffee are American cultures,but we can find them in many cities in cultures,but we can find them in many cities in China and other countries.China and other countries.n n“Ladies first”is completely Western culture,but“Ladies first”is completely Western culture,but we can also find it in China.we can also find it in China.n nAcupuncture is typical traditional Chinese Acupuncture is typical traditional Chinese medical science,but we can find in other medical science,but we can find in other countries,like in America.countries,like in America.n nTraffic signs may be found in the whole world.Traffic signs may be found in the whole world.Differences may exist in the same culture.Such as:n nNot all Americans hate Chinese food.n nNot all Chinese like Ken turkey.n nSome people enjoy classic music,but some like rap and roll.n nYou may be a football fan,but she may be a shopping mania.CONCLUSIONn nSo the study of intercultural communication is about change.And nowadays,wherever you are,whatever you do,you cant avoid meeting intercultural communication:studying on campus,working in joint-venture companies,doing international business,visiting different countries,even shopping in the malls.We believe that many of you had first hand experience with people whose cultures are different from your own.nSo understanding the diversity in cultures is necessary for us.Since the world has become a global village,we have to communicate with people from different cultures.The purpose of discussing this topic is to figure out the similarities and differences in different cultures from the angle of linguistics,pragmatics and so on.写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits56谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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