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Unit 3 A Taste of English humor品味英语的幽默品味英语的幽默Warming up&Writing1优秀课件,精彩无限!Unit 3 A Taste of English humoLaughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.-Victor Hugo A smile always makes a young man.笑容如阳光,驱笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬走人们脸上的冬天。天。Step 1 Lead-inEnjoy some well-known sayings.2优秀课件,精彩无限!Laughter is the sun that driveLook at the following pictures.Which picture can make you laugh?Im driving at a high speed.王牌间谍王牌间谍 有房有车有房有车 让男人刷牙的牙膏让男人刷牙的牙膏 I want to lose weight.我要减肥。我要减肥。这么骑车这么骑车 3优秀课件,精彩无限!Look at the following picturesways to make people laugh Step 2 Warming up4优秀课件,精彩无限!Humorways to make people lafacial expressions(面部表情面部表情)cross-dressing 穿着异性服装穿着异性服装5优秀课件,精彩无限!facial expressions(面部表情)croExamples of humour Sketch(小品小品)a series of short comedic edy 喜剧喜剧cross talk(相声相声)Two or more speakers make make jokes and funny conversation.jokes 笑话笑话tongue twister绕口令绕口令 I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish to wish the witch wishes,I wont wish the wish you wish to wish.我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想,但是如果你我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想,但是如果你 梦想着女巫的梦想,我就不想梦想着你梦想梦想着女巫的梦想,我就不想梦想着你梦想 中的梦想。中的梦想。6优秀课件,精彩无限!Examples of humour Sketch(小品)mimeMr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour.哑哑剧剧7优秀课件,精彩无限!mimeMr Bean is funny because hCharlie Chaplinmime 哑哑剧剧8优秀课件,精彩无限!Charlie Chaplinmime 哑剧8优秀课件,精彩ways to make people laugh9优秀课件,精彩无限!facial expressionbody languageDoes humor play an important part in our daily life?Why?Make people happy Let people think about life Give people determination to get through difficulties A kind of wisdom in life Step 3 Discussion10优秀课件,精彩无限!Does humor play an important p一部分人认为:幽默感一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要在日常生活中很重要另一部分人认为:另一部分人认为:幽默感不重要幽默感不重要你你的的观观点点理理由由1.1.幽默使人发笑,有幽默使人发笑,有益健康;益健康;2.2.消除我们消除我们的紧张与忧伤;的紧张与忧伤;3.3.幽幽默有利于与他人和睦默有利于与他人和睦相处;相处;4.4.自我放松。自我放松。理理由由1.1.工作、学习中工作、学习中过多使用会对人过多使用会对人际关系有坏的影际关系有坏的影响;会给人造成响;会给人造成误解误解.写作要求写作要求请根据下面的表格,用请根据下面的表格,用5 5句话写一篇短文,阐明关于幽句话写一篇短文,阐明关于幽默感在日常生活中的重要性的两种观点,并简要表述你默感在日常生活中的重要性的两种观点,并简要表述你的观点。首句已给出。的观点。首句已给出。Whether a sense of humor is important arouses different opinions among people.Step 4 Writing11优秀课件,精彩无限!一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要另一部分人认为:你1.1.一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。2.2.幽默可以幽默可以消除我们的紧张与忧伤,消除我们的紧张与忧伤,使人发笑,使人发笑,有益健康。有益健康。3.3.幽默有利于自我放松,从而有助于我们与幽默有利于自我放松,从而有助于我们与他人和睦相处他人和睦相处.4.4.另一些人认为幽默不重要。他们认为幽默另一些人认为幽默不重要。他们认为幽默会给人造成误解,从而在工作、学习中会对会给人造成误解,从而在工作、学习中会对人际关系有坏的影响。人际关系有坏的影响。5.5.你的观点你的观点Arrange the 5 sentences12优秀课件,精彩无限!1.一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。Arrange a sense of humorbe of great importancelaugh overremovebe good forhave a bad effect on sth.misunderstandingKey words13优秀课件,精彩无限!a sense of humorKey words13优秀课1.一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。Some people think a sense of humor is ofgreat importance in our life.2.幽默可以幽默可以消除我们的紧张与忧伤,消除我们的紧张与忧伤,使人发笑,使人发笑,有益健康。有益健康。(使用定语从句使用定语从句)Humor allows us to laugh over our worriesand sadness,which is good for our health.Translate the sentences14优秀课件,精彩无限!1.一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要。Tra3.幽默有利于自我放松,从而有助于我们与幽默有利于自我放松,从而有助于我们与他人和睦相处。(使用状语从句合并句子)他人和睦相处。(使用状语从句合并句子)A sense of humor will help us relax ourselves so that we will find it easy to get along well with others.Translate the sentences15优秀课件,精彩无限!3.幽默有利于自我放松,从而有助于我们与他人和睦相处。(使4.另一些人认为幽默不重要。他们认为幽默另一些人认为幽默不重要。他们认为幽默会给人造成误解,从而在工作、学习中会对会给人造成误解,从而在工作、学习中会对人际关系有坏的影响。(使用原因状语从句、人际关系有坏的影响。(使用原因状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句合并句子)宾语从句、定语从句合并句子)Others think a sense of humor is not important because they believe that it may cause misunderstanding with others,which will have a bad effect on the relationship between work and study.Translate the sentences16优秀课件,精彩无限!4.另一些人认为幽默不重要。他们认为幽默会给人造成误解,从5.你的观点你的观点In my opinion,humor is really one of the keys to happiness,adding fun to life,making life vivid and energetic.Translate the sentences17优秀课件,精彩无限!5.你的观点 Translate the sent Combine the sentences Whether a sense of humor is important arouses different opinions among people.Some people think a sense of humor is of great importance in our life.Firstly,humor allows us to laugh over our worries and sadness,which is good for our health.Secondly,a sense of humor will help us relax ourselves so that we will find it easy to get along well with others.18优秀课件,精彩无限!Combine the sentences Combine the sentencesHowever,others think a sense of humor is not important because they believe that it may cause misunderstanding with others,which will have a bad effect on the relationship between work and study.In my opinion,it is really one of the keys to happiness,adding fun to life,making life vivid and energetic.19优秀课件,精彩无限!Combine the sentencesHow LifeLife is challenging,meet it.Life is various,make it.Life is beautiful,discover it.Life is humorous,enjoy it.To be happy or not to be,it is up to us!Step 5 Conclusion20优秀课件,精彩无限!LifeTo be happy or not to be,Step 6 HomeworkuFinish the composition after class.uPreview Reading.21优秀课件,精彩无限!Step 6 HomeworkFinish the c


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