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Sophia读后续写微技能指导读后续写微技能指导之一之一Sophia如何描写人物的内心世界读后续写微技能指导之一1B1 calm,concern,freighten,be tired of,grateful,loneliness,shock,upset B4 confuse,regret,depressed,content,astonish,bored,curious,frown,anger,yawn B5 delight,thrill,uncertain,exhausted,delighted,guilty,dilemmaB3 sadness,weep,curiosity,glare,sign,stare,rude,scream,cheer up,terrify,terrified,pleasedB6 melt,bad-tempered,tough,breathless,desperate,disappointed,ashamed,embarrassed,awkward,unconscious,tremble,anxious,anxiety,panic,B1 calm,concern,freighten,2Using actions to describe the feelingsHe covered his mouth to hide his yawn.Our mouths dropped open in surprise.She folded her arms and stared at him.She jumped to her feet at the news.She picked her way carefully along the stream.He paced back and forth.She screamed that there was a snake.tiredsurprisedangryexcitedcautiousupset/uneasyfrightenedUsing actions to describe the 31 1、当她知道考试结果时,她兴奋极了。2、没有什么能使我更开心了。Nothing would please me_.3.她的心中洋溢着幸福之情。Her heart was brimming(v.盛满;)over_.4.他激动起来,神采奕奕,兴高采烈。He was well stirred up now,_,even gleeful.如何如何表示表示喜悦喜悦的心的心理?理?When she knew the result of the test,she felt extremely_.her eyes twinkled with _.excited/joyfulexcitement/joymorehappinessstir up v.激起,煽动cheerful1、当她知道考试结果时,她兴奋极了。如何表示喜悦的心理?Wh45 5、她发现自己获得了教学奖之后,有些得意忘形。6、当主持人宣布她获奖时,她的激动之情溢于言表。When the host announced that she won the prize,a wide _took hold of her.7、如痴如狂的自豪和喜悦已经渐渐化作轻柔、甜蜜和无言的欣慰-是那种深沉隽永,说不清、道不明的心满意足。人人脸上都流露着平和而圣洁的幸福表情。如何如何表示表示喜悦喜悦的心的心理?理?She was walking on _after she found out shed won the teaching award.airexcitementjoyThe wild intoxication of pride and _had sobered to a soft,sweet,silent _-a sort of deep,nameless,unutterable_.All faces bore a look of peaceful,holy happiness.delightcontent5、她发现自己获得了教学奖之后,有些得意忘形。如何表示喜悦的58 8、当她默默祈祷时,喜悦的泪水涌上眼眶9、因高兴她的脸明亮起来 Her face_ with pleasure.10、我高兴得无法形容。I was pleased_description11、她脸上的微笑像钻石一样闪闪发光 The smile on her face _like a diamond.She _a shining smile on her face.12、我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。I was _and ran three steps at once.如何如何表示表示喜悦喜悦的心的心理?理?Tears of joy _her eyes as she prayed silentlyfloodedbrightened up/lit up beyond shoneworeoverjoyed8、当她默默祈祷时,喜悦的泪水涌上眼眶如何表示喜悦的心理?T61 1、她分手了,她伤心不已。2、我的心似乎被撕裂了。My heart seemed to be_.3.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头 The _and grief comes in waves4.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来 He stood silently,tears _down his cheeks.如何如何表示表示悲悲伤绝望望的心的心理?理?She broke up with her husband,and she felt extremely _.and she was overcome with _.sadsadness/sorrows/grieftornlonelinessrolling/streaming 1、她分手了,她伤心不已。如何表示悲伤绝望的心理?She b75、I feel like I am _in an ocean of sadness.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。6、She_,hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。7、They were immersed in_.他们沉浸在悲痛之中。8、She began to cry as if to _all her sorrow.她开始哭起来,好像要把所有的悲伤都倾诉出来。9、I was flabbergasted and totally_,only to feel the _all around,the cold wind like an unrelenting arrow into my heart.我目瞪口呆,完全没有了反应,只觉得四周空荡荡的,寒风像无情的箭,扎进我的心窝里。如何如何表示表示悲悲伤绝望望的心的心理?理?floatingsobbedsorrowpour out unresponsiveemptiness5、I feel like I am _in81 1、听到这个消息,他非常生气 2、他用灼热的目光怒视着我。He _me with burning eyes.3、她独自站着,怒不可遏。She stands alone,in a steaming_.4.她的回答如火上浇油,于是他的愤怒就像火山一样爆发了。Her reply _his anger and he _like a volcano.如何如何表示表示愤怒怒的心的心理?理?Hearing the news,he got very _.he was filled with _.angryangerglared at ragefueled erupted1、听到这个消息,他非常生气 如何表示愤怒的心理?Heari95、I feel like I am _in an ocean of sadness.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。6、She_,hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。7、They were immersed in_.他们沉浸在悲痛之中。8、She began to cry as if to _all her sorrow.她开始哭起来,好像要把所有的悲伤都倾诉出来。9、I was flabbergasted and totally_,only to feel the _all around,the cold wind like an unrelenting arrow into my heart.我目瞪口呆,完全没有了反应,只觉得四周空荡荡的,寒风像无情的箭,扎进我的心窝里。如何如何表示表示愤怒怒的心的心理?理?floatingsobbedsorrowpour out unresponsiveemptiness5、I feel like I am _in101、He turned to me,with his eyes full of_.他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。2、Her face turned _and stood there tongue-tied.她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。3、She _all over,feeling like sitting on pins and needles.她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。4、My heart seems to be under the weight of an _rock,mouth does not listen to the trembling.My mind went_.我心里仿佛被个无形的大石压住,嘴巴不听的颤抖。脑子一片空白。5、My heart seemed to _out of my throat,my legs were too weak to stand,and I almost _down several times.我的心像是要从喉咙口蹦出米,腿软得儿乎站不住,好几次差点摔倒。如何如何表示表示害怕害怕的心的心理?理?horrorpale shookinvisibleblankjumpfell1、He turned to me,with his ey111、Eyebrows were slightly lifted up,which cant hide his_.眉毛微微抬起来,这掩盖不了他的惊讶。2、His sight was_ to what he had seen,and his eyeballs were likely to fall_.他目不转睛地盯着他所看到的东西,眼球很可能会掉下来。3、The _of the news quite took my breath away.这消息的震惊使我喘不过气来。4、He opened his mouth as if there were billions of words that would _out at once,but actually no voice was made.他张开嘴,仿佛有几十亿个字马上涌了出来,但实际上却没有说话。如何如何表示表示惊惊讶的心的心理?理?Astonishment/surpriseglueddownshockflood1、Eyebrows were slightly lifte121、My heart began to race and my mind _.我心跳开始加速,脑子里一片空白。2、The unexpected and sudden memory briefly_ her.突如其来的记忆使她惊慌失措。3、At the theater _overtook me as I realized how much I wanted to make my parents proud.当我意识到我是多么想让父母感到骄傲时,身处剧院的紧张感包围了我。如何如何表示表示焦焦虑紧张的心的心理?理?went blankpanickednervousness1、My heart began to race and m131、It begins when a feeling of _creeps into my consciousness.起初,有一种平静的感觉悄然袭上我的心头。2、_ began to gnaw away at her confidence.自我怀疑开始侵蚀她的信心。3.So_was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.她是如此的羞愧以至于脸如充血般发烫。4、He felt as if the whole world was watching him,and his insides shriveled with_.他觉得整个世界都在看着他,他的内心因为窘迫而拘谨起来。如何如何进行行其他其他情情绪表达表达stillnessSelf-doubtashamedembarrassment1、It begins when a feeling of 145、So many thoughts _her mind,all at once.那么多的想法立马涌入她的脑海中。6、Tears filling her eyes,she offered her heartfelt_.热泪盈眶。她表达由衷的感激。如何如何进行行其他其他情情绪表达表达crowded into gratitude5、So many thoughts _15Micro-writing 用今天所学的知识,编一个用今天所学的知识,编一个60词的小故事词的小故事 Last week,I bought a lottery(彩票)._.Micro-writing 用今天所学的知识,编一个60词的16谢 谢 聆 听!谢谢聆听!17


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