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addicted(adj)Addictiveeg.drugssb to stheg.The childen are addicted to computer games.addictaddiction eg.Her drug addiction has completely enslaved her.1.unable to stop taking drugs,alcohol,etc.eg.a drug2.person who is strongly interested in sth eg.a TV to become depent on sth eg.to sbDont encourage him in his laziness,otherwise he will addict to you.adj.eg.n.v.v.n.addicted(a1 ailing(adj)ailing economysailing(travelling in a yacht)ailpain eg.Seek your sauce where get your ail.trouble eg.What ails you?ill or sick eg.similar wordsynonymn.v.ailing(adj)ailing economys2 deforest(v.)opposite or negativeeg.decoderemoval of stheg.desaltdisafforest(remove forests from)afforest(plant with trees to form a forest)deforestation eg.Humans deforestation brings on sand storm.synonymantonymn.deforest(v.)opposite or 3ecological(adj)related to living organismeg.ecosystemecological balanceecology ecologistbiological(related to the study of life and structure of plants and animals)environmental(of the environment)eg.n.Similar wordsynonymecological(adj)related to li4evaporate(v.)evaporation eg.Water enters air via evaporation.evaporative eg.evaporative powerchange into vapour and disappear eg.The water soon evaporate in the sunshine.be lost eg.His hope evaporated.vanish(complete disappear)disappear(not visible in sight or mind)fade(gradually disappear)n.adj.eg.eg.synonymevaporate(v.)evaporation eva5exploitation(n.)explorationeg.the of spaceexplore(travel into a place in order to learn about it)eg.the Arctic regionsfull exploitation of oil ellsexploitexploitable eg.few coal-minesbrave deed eg.the daring exploitsFully develop(natural resources)eg.exploit solar energyuse sb/sth for ones own profit eg.exploit child labourv.similar wordv.eg.adj.n.v.v.exploitation(n.)explorationex6greed(n.)greedy(filled with greed)eg.a little boy greediness eg.is the biggest devil hiding in men.excessive desire for food eg.for sthexcessive desire for power,wealth,etc.eg.Greed led to his down fall.adj.n.eg.eg.greed(n.)greedy(filled with g7inexhaustible(adj)noteg.infiniteineg.intakecan not be used up eg.My patience is not inexhaustible.exhaustwast gases eg.the smell of exhaust1.make sb very tired eg.sb2.use sth up eg.ones patience3.make sth empty eg.a well4.say all there is to say about sthexhaustive(very thorough,complete)eg.an exhaustive searchexhausted(very tired)extreme tirednesseg.They were in a stage of exhaustion.exhaustionaction of using up completelyeg.the rapid exhaustion of natural resourceseg.n.v.adj.adj.v.n.eg.eg.inexhaustible(adj)notincan no8nurturenatureeg.nature and nurturecare,encouragement,supporteg.the nurture of a delicate child the nurture of new talentencourage the growth of sth;nourisheg.nurture delicate plants nurture the new projectsimilar wordn.v.nurturenaturecare,encourageme9purifyto clean 1.make sth pureeg.Water is purified by passing through rock.purify your thought2.make sb pure by removing his sinspurify sb of sth purification(action of purifying)eg.purification of water/purification of soulspure(not mixed with any other substance)eg.pure cotton pure happinessadj.v.n.purifyto clean 1.make sth pur10tread1.manner or sound of walkingeg.walk with a heavy tread2.upper surface of a tyre eg.Driving with worn treads can be dangerous.1.walk or stepeg.She trod slightly so as not to wake the baby.2.press or crush sth with the feet eg.tread the earth down around the roots3.make(a path)by walking eg.The cattle had trodden a path.1.tread the boards(be an actor)2.tread on air (feel very happy)3.tread on sbs corns/toes (offend or annoy sb)4.tread on sbs heels (follow sb closely)idomsn.v.tread1.manner or sound of wal11sensitivitysense1.powers of the bodyeg.having a keen sense of hearing2.understanding of the value of stheg.sense of humor3.practical wisdomeg.Theres a lot of sense in what she says.1.feeleg.sense sbs sorrow2.detecteg.sense the presence of toxic gasessensiblequality or degree of being sensitiveeg.sensitivity to pain,lightsensitive1.easily hurt 2.eg.the sensitive skin of a baby2.easily affected by sth eg.The paper is highly sensitive to light.3.easily offended eg.a sensitive child4.able to measure small changes eg.a sensitive balance1.reasonable eg.a sensible person2.aware of stheg.Are you sensible of the danger?3.perceptibleeg.a sensible rise in temperaturen.v.v.eg.adj.adj.sensitivitysense1.powers of t12subtlesubtlety(quality of being subtle)eg.The subtlety of his remarks was unnoticed.simpleeg.a simple style of architecture1.not easy to describeeg.a subtle charm2.organized in a clever and complex wayeg.a subtle design3.sensitiveeg.She has a very subtle mind.delicateeg.delicate handling of the situationn.adj.antonymsynonymsubtlesubtlety(quality of bei13


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