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人教版七年人教版七年级下英下英语Unit11-Section-A课件件 What do you usually do on Monday/Saturday/weekends/?go to schoolplay sportsdo ones homeworkhave classesplay computer gameswatch TVA:What do you/does your friend/usually do on weekends/Saturday/?B:I/He/She usually playplayedWhat did do last weekend/?What did do last weekend/?cleancleanedShe cleaned the room.What did do last weekend/?What did do on Sunday afternoon?paintpaintedWhat did do last weekend?walkwalkeddancedancedHe studied for a test on Sunday evening.What did do on Sunday evening?studystudiedWhat did do on Sunday?They shopped on Sunday.They bought many things on Sunday.shopshoppedbuyboughtWhat did do on Sunday evening?dodidWhat did do last weekend?gowentsaw the movies.seesawWhat did do last weekend?havehadThey ate pizza.eatateA:What did you do last weekend?B:I How about you?Did you(动原)动原)?A:Yes,I did.I No,I didnt.I What did he do yesterday?Did he play?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.What did he do yesterday evening?Did he?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.What did he do this morning?Did he?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.What did they do yesterday?Did they have?Yes,they did./No,they didnt.What did they do yesterday evening?Did they?Yes,they did./No,they didnt.saw a movie/went to the movie yesterday evening.What did they do on Saturday afternoon?Did they?Yes,they did./No,they didnt.What did they do last month?Did they?Yes,they did./No,they didnt.What did they do on May Day?May DayDid they?Yes,they did./No,they didnt.They went to the beach on May Day.My May Day Vacation Activitieson the first day -April 29thstayed at home and cleaned the roomshopped in the supermarketIt was relaxing!May DayIt was boring and tiring!My May Day Vacation Activitieson the last two days -April 30th&May 1sttook a tripwent to the countryside4-year-old daughterMy May Day vacation activitiesExcellent!picked cherriessaw quite a lot of animalshorserode a scowsmilked a chickens and ducksfed h:skaeekslntgrew cherriesu:took some photos Wednesday,May 1st Sunny My May Day vacation was relaxing and excellent!On the first day,I _(stay)at home and _(clean)my room.It _(is)very boring and tiring.On the last two days,I _(take)a trip.I _(go)to the countryside with my daughter.We _(pick)cherries there.My daughter _(like)cherries so much,so she _(grow)cherries.We _(see)quite a lot of animals,like _,_,chickens and ducks.And I _(ride)a horse and _(milk)a cow.But I _(do not)feed chickens or ducks,because I _(worry)about the flu H7N9.I just _(take)some photos of them.We _(are)very happy!My May Day vacation stayedcleanedwastookwentpickedlikedgrewsawhorsescowsrodemilkeddidnttookwereworriedCarols May Day -had a school tripA:What did Carol do in Photo a?B:She.Match the phrases with the pictures.1.went for a walk_2.milked a cow _3.rode a horse _4.fed chicken _5.talked with a farmer _6.took some photos _ebacfd1.went for a walk_2.milked a cow _3.rode a horse _4.fed chicken _5.talked with a farmer _6.took some photos _A:Did Carol take any photos/?B:Yes,she did.She No,she didnt.She 动词过去式知多少?动词过去式知多少?(小组合作探究学习:请观小组合作探究学习:请观察给出的动词,你能写出其它动词的过去式吗?)察给出的动词,你能写出其它动词的过去式吗?)1)help-helped 2)live-lived 3)study studied clean cleaned dance danced play playedturn _ taste _ stay _ milk _ use _ cry _talk _ hope _ carry _4)stopstopped plan_ shop _ 你知道下列动词的过去式吗你知道下列动词的过去式吗?do _ go _ have _ is_ see_ ride_ feed_ take _ turnedmilkedtalkedtastedusedhopedstayedcriedcarriedplanneddidwenthadwassawrodefedshoppedtook1.1.规则动词的过去式:规则动词的过去式:1)1)一般情况在动词原形后一般情况在动词原形后加加-ed-edwatch-watched2)2)以不发音以不发音e e结尾的加结尾的加-d-dpractice-practiced3)3)以辅音加以辅音加y y结尾的,去结尾的,去y y变变i i加加-ed-edstudy-studied4)4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed-edstop-stopped2.2.不规则动词的过去式不规则动词的过去式:amisarewaswerehavehashaddodidfeedfedgowentregular verbs:规则动词irregular verbs:不规则动词 watch watched dance danced practice practiced play played clean cleaned stay stayed study studied visit visited比一比比一比,看谁读的准看谁读的准/t/d/id/do didgo wenthave hadis waseat atesee sawride rode take took buy boughtExercise用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.We _(live)in Japan last year.2.The boy (visit)his uncle last Friday.3.Tom _(clean)his room and _(study)for the Chinese test last weekend.4.What _ you _(do)last night?5.On Sunday morning I _(play)tennis.livedcleanedstudieddodidplayedvisited6.What (do)your father do last Monday?7.Tom (study)English last night.8.They (go)to the park last Saturday afternoon.9.We (have)a class meeting last Tuesday afternoon.10.He (watch)TV over the weekend.didstudiedwenthadwatchedUnit 11 How was your school trip?Section A 2a-3b1.went for a walk_2.milked a cow _3.rode a horse _4.fed chicken _5.talked with a farmer _6.took some photos _A:What did Carol do on her school trip?B:She A:Did she?B:Yes,she did./No,she didnt._ What did the farmer say?_ Did you grow any apples?_What did you see?_Do they grow apples?_Did you learn anything?_Did you eat them?_Did you ask him any questions?_ Were they good?Listen and check()the questions you hear.Listen to the conversation between Carol and a farmer.Circle T for true or F for false.1.The farmer showed Carol around the farm.T F2.Carol learned a lot about farming.T F3.The farmers grow strawberries from December to June.T F4.The farmers dont grow apples.T F5.Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.T F The farmers grow apples.Listen to the conversation again.Get more information from their conversation and fill in the blanks.He was nice and friendly.She saw a lot of interesting things.She learned a lot about farming.They grow apples and strawberries.They were good and delicious.How was Carols school trip to the farm?Carols a school tripCarol had _ yesterday.It was _.She _ to a farm with her classmates.The farmers grow many _.Carol _ with one of the farmers.He was _ and _.He _ Carol and her classmates around the farm.On the farm,Carol saw a lot of _,like _,cows and chickens.She _ _of the animals and beautiful flowers.She also _ something about farming.She _ a cow,_some strawberries and _ them home.They _ good and _.Carol had a great time yesterday.She was so happy!a school tripgreatwentapples and strawberriestalkednicefriendlyshowedinteresting thingshorsestook somephotoslearnedmilkedpickedtookdeliciouswereRead and find out what Eric did on his trip last week.Circle the pictures.A.B.C.D.E.PeterEric -How was Erics trip last week?-Who did he visit?-How was the weather there?再读对话,回答问题再读对话,回答问题Erics tripPeter:Hi,Eric.How was your trip last week?Eric:It was excellent.I visited my grandparents in the countryside.Peter:Oh,nice.What did you do?Eric:I went fishing every day.And I fed the chickens with my grandpa.It was so much fun.Peter:Sounds good.How was the weather there?Eric:It was great,and the air was so clean.I watched the stars at night.They were so beautiful.Peter:Lucky you.Lets make up a similar(相似的相似的)conversation!Dear Bill,How _(is)your school trip yesterday?_(Do)you _(go)to the zoo?_(Do)you _(see)any interesting animals?I _(go)to the zoo last year and it _(is)a lot of fun.JimDear Jim,My school trip _(is)great!We _(have)so much fun!We _(go)to Green Park.We _(climb)the mountains there and _(see)a lot of flowers.We _(eat)our lunch under some trees and _(play)some games after that.But at about two oclock,it _(get)very cloudy and we _ (worry)it would rain.Luckily,it _(do not),and the sun _(come)out again!BillwasDidgoDidseewentwaswashadwentclimbedsawateplayedgotworrieddidntcame知识结构知识结构知识结构知识结构构成构成用法用法常用时间常用时间动词的过去式动词的过去式1、表示、表示过去过去某个时某个时 间发生的动作或间发生的动作或存在的状态。存在的状态。2、表示、表示过去过去经常或经常或 反复发生的动作。反复发生的动作。yesterdaylast night/week(end)in 1990last Sunday morning two days ago 前前The regular past tenses详见书本详见书本P114规则动词规则动词-ed的读音的读音1、清念、清念/t/,即,即 ed 在在清辅音清辅音后面念后面念/t/,例:例:finished helped passed cooked2、元浊、元浊/d/,即即 ed 在在元音元音,浊辅音浊辅音后面念后面念/d/,例:例:played enjoyed called cleaned 3、/t/d/之后念之后念/id/,即即 ed 在在/t/d/音后面念音后面念/id/例:例:wanted shouted needed counted说明:说明:人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。


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