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ThehistoryofChinese Materia Medica andthe use of common Chinese medical materialsThe history of Chinese Materia1Content summary vPart1ThehistoryofChineseMateriaMedicavPart2TheuseofcommonChineseMedicalMaterialsContent summary Part 1 The hi2Part 1 The history of CMM vThe Chinese Materia Medica(CMM)is used,under the guidance of Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theories,for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the human body and mind,and for health protection and keeping in good health.vTraditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theory developed and expanded mainly from practice and experience.vAs early as 4000 years ago,the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.Part 1 The history of CMM The 3Part 1 The history of CMMvIn finding food,the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases.vThus,this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.vSo most of the CMM has originated from natural products;however,some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.Part 1 The history of CMMIn fi4Part 1 The history of CMMvToday,there are still some food to be used as drugs.vFor example:Chinese Yam RhizomevIt is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine.Blueberry-yam(A delicious Chinese food)Part 1 The history of CMMToday5Part 1 The history of CMMvFor several thousand years,the Chinese nation has utilized Chinese Materia Medica as the main method of preventing and treating disease.vThroughout the formation and development of the China nation,there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.Part 1 The history of CMMFor s6Part 1 The history of CMMFrom the Tang dynasty,the Chinese Materia Medica has spread beyond Chinas boundaries into Japan,Korea,Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it;so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation,but also is shared by other nations.Part 1 The history of CMMFrom 7Part 1 The history of CMMvMost of the CMM being comprised of plants,historically there has been such a saying that“plants are the root of the CMM.”vAs a result,the CMM has often been called“Bencao”(herbal medicine),from ancient times.Part 1 The history of CMMMost 8Part 1 The history of CMMvAfter thousand of years of development,The Traditional Chinese medicine is a very important part of medicine system in China.vThe Chinese Materia Medica as an important tool for disease prevention and control of the Chinese people.Part 1 The history of CMMAfter9Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materialsv1.Sources and collection of Chinese materia medicav1.1 Place of originv1.2 CollectionPart 2 The use of common Chine10Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materialsv2.Processing of Chinese materia medicav2.1 Purposes of processing Chinese materia medicav2.2 Methods of processing Chinese materia medicaPart 2 The use of common Chine11Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materialsv Radix Ginseng vActionsv1.It is an effective medicinal herb for invigorating qi(Qi is one of the basic substances constituting the body)and saving collapse.2.It can be strengthen constitution to improve the body resistance to diseases.3.It can be calm the mind to promote intelligence.Part 2 The use of common Chine12Ginseng RootvUsage and Dosage:510g is used in decoctionvNow its injection is used in clinic for emergency treatment.vNote:Turnip and tea should be avoided in the course of treatment in case they affect its tonic effect.Ginseng RootUsage and Dosage:513Chrysanthemum Flower vActions1.Expel wind(Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons that cause the disease)and clear away heat Indicated for:Exterior syndrome due to wind-heat or seasonal febrile diseases at early stage.(fever,slightly aversion to cold,headache,cough)Chrysanthemum Flower Actions14Chrysanthemum FlowervActions 2.Clear away liver-fire(Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons that cause the disease)to improve vision Indicated for (1)Dizziness and headache due to liver-fire.(2)Reddish,swollen and painful eyes due to wind and heat attacking or hyperactivity of liver-fire.3.Clear away heat and eliminate toxin Indicated for carbuncle-abscessChrysanthemum FlowerActions15Chrysanthemum FlowervUsage and Dosage:510g soaked in water to drink.Chrysanthemum Tea Chrysanthemum FlowerUsage and 16 Licorice RootvActionsv1.Resolve phlegm to relive coughv2.Relieve spasm and alleviate painv3.Clear away heat and toxinv4.Regulate medicinal nature Licorice RootActions17Licorice RootvUsage:Licorice is often used together with other Chinese medical materials.vLicorice is a Chinese medicine practitioners use one of the highest frequency of a drug Licorice RootUsage:Licorice i18Honeysuckle flowervActionsv1.Clear away heat and remove toxinv2.Cool the blood to stop dysentery for blood dysentery of heat-toxin typev3.Eliminating summer-heat by coolingHoneysuckle flowerActions19Honeysuckle flowervUsage:Honeysuckle flower is often used together with other drugs.Honeysuckle flowerUsage:Honey20Fructus JujubaevActionsv1.Replenish qi Indicated for Spleen deficiency syndromev2.Nourish blood Indicated for Sallowness due to blood deficiency,hysteriav3.Induce tranquilizationFructus JujubaeActions21Fructus JujubaevUsage and Dosage:615g Cleave first and then place into the decoctionFructus JujubaeUsage and Dosag22


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