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Where Principles Come First Where Principles Come FirstI.Related Information 1.Brief introduction of Hyde In 1966 Joe Gauld,founded Hyde School in Bath,Maine.A second boarding campus was established in 1996 in Woodstock,Connecticut.Hyde School is an independent,college preparatory school with a focus on family-based character education.I.Related Information 1.BThe core philosophy of Hyde Leadership is that each individual is gifted with unique potential that defines a destiny.The unique potential is developed through a character-based curriculum that stresses a student-parent-teacher partnership and creates a family-school bond.The core philosophy of Hyde Le?Character-Based?Five Words?Five Principles 2.Key Words About Hyde School?Character-Based?Five WordOne of Hydes basic purposes is to develop students character.This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students self-discovery.The school helps students answer the following three questions:-Who am I?-Where am I going?-What do I need to do to get there?Character-based One of Hydes basic purposes i Our Five Words are what we believe define character:Leadership -I am a leader through asking the best of myself and the best of others.Integrity -I am gifted with a unique potential and conscience as my guide to discovering it.Curiosity -I am responsible for my own learning.Courage -I learn the most by facing challenges and taking risks.Concern -I need a challenging and supportive community in which to develop my character.Five Words Our Five Words are what we Five Principles Our Five Principles guide the conduct of all the schools activity:Destiny-Each of us is gifted with a unique potential that defines a destiny.Humility-We trust in a power and purpose beyond ourselves.Conscience -We achieve our best through character and conscience.Truth -Truth is our primary guide.Brothers Keeper -We help others achieve their best.Five Principles Our Five Princ?Attitude more than aptitude?Effort more than ability?Character more than talent 3.Focus of Hyde?Attitude more than aptitudeHYDE SCHOOLS(海德中学海德中学)HYDE SCHOOLS(海德中学)学校简介学校简介 成立时间:1966年 学校类型:住宿制和走读制混合(男女混合校)校 区:缅因州的贝斯(Maine,Bath)康涅尼克的伍德斯托克(Connecticut,Woodstock)学生人数:约180名(国际学生30名)师生比例:1:6 费 用:约4000美元/年 开学日期:全年滚动入学 学校简介 成立时间:1966年 学校类型:住宿制和走读制混学校特色学校特色 该校特别强调教师和学生的鉴定。学校于1977年成立家庭学习中心(The Family Learning Center),通过组织地区性家长来帮助他们理解学校的各项计划。组织地区性家长来帮助他们理解学校的各项计划。海德中学的招生是全年性的,学生能否被录取要视校内面试而定。学校特色 该校特别强调教师和学生的鉴定。学校于1977年学校设施学校设施 惠勒图书馆和教室 海德大楼 卡瑞芝小屋 艺术馆 篮球场 体育馆 田径场 体育场供足球、棒球和橄榄球运动使用 学校设施 惠勒图书馆和教室 海德大楼 卡瑞芝小屋 艺术馆 篮课程设置课程设置 英语课程:英语9-12、英语语言和写作、高级英语文学、高级英语 数学课程:代数(1-2)、几何、高级几何、基础代数、大学代数和三角学、微积分、初级微积分、微积分AB、微积分BC 科学课程:地球科学、生物、高级生物、化学、高级化学、物理、高级生物、环境科学 历史课程:古代历史、现代欧洲史、美国历史、二十世纪历史、政府语言课程:西班牙(1-3)、西班牙语西班牙文学 选修课程:陶瓷、美术、2D技术、公共演讲、戏剧表演 课程设置 英语课程:英语9-12、英语语言和写作、高级英语文住宿条件住宿条件 学生住在单独的男生或者女生宿舍学生住在单独的男生或者女生宿舍 在每个宿舍楼里面都有可供学生使用的付费电话 房间住2-3人 另有学生生活和活动中心,学生可以玩游戏,看电视/电影 住宿条件 学生住在单独的男生或者女生宿舍 在每个宿舍楼里面体育活动体育活动 Bath校区:全年运动:足球、英式足球 冬季运动:篮球、摔跤、游泳、室内田径 春季运动:网球、田径、长棍曲球 Woodstock校区:秋季运动:足球、英式足球 冬季运动:篮球、摔跤 春季运动:网球、田径、长曲棍球、长跑 体育活动 Bath校区:全年运动:足球、英式足球 冬季运动II.School Mottos(校训)Identify school mottos of some famous universities home and abroad.Then introduce your school motto.II.School Mottos(校训)IdeThe truth shall make you free The truth shall make you free Harvard University Veritas Truth Dominus illuminatio mea The Lord is My Light University of Oxford Warming-up Harvard University Veritas TruDie Luft der Freiheit weht The wind of freedom blows Die Luft der Freiheit weht TUniversity of Cambridge Hinc lucem et pocula sacra.Here light and sacred draughts.University of Cambridge Hinc lMens et Manus Mind and Hand Mens et Manus Mind and Hand Princeton University Dei sub numine viget Under Gods power she flourishes Princeton University Dei sub nFiat Lux Let There Be Light Fiat Lux Let There Be Light Imperial College London Scientia imperii decus et tutamen(科学是帝国的光彩和守护者)Imperial College London ScientYale University Light and Truth Warming-up School Motto of Your University?Yale University Light and Tru1、北京大学:思想自由,兼容并包 2、清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物 3、上海交通大学:饮水思源,爱国荣校 4、复旦大学:博学而笃志 切问而近思 5、武汉大学:自强、弘毅、求是、拓新 6、浙江大学:求是,创新 7、中国人民大学:实事求是 8、南京大学:励学敦行,诚朴雄伟 1、北京大学:思想自由,兼容并包 2、清华大学:自强不息,9、吉林大学:励志图强,求实创新 10、中山大学:博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行 11、北京师范大学:学为人师,行为世范 12、华中科技大学:明德厚学、求是创新 13、四川大学:海纳百川,有容乃大 14、中国科技大学:勤奋学习,红专并进,理实交融 15、南开大学:允公允能,日新月异 9、吉林大学:励志图强,求实创新 10、中山大学:博学1.Publicity n.1)宣传;报道 2)(媒体或公众的)关注 2.Cultivate v.1)耕作;种植;栽培 Eg:The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.2)培养(某种态度、形象或技能);陶冶思想(感情)Eg:We should cultivate a positive mental attitude.3)结交(朋友);建立(友谊)Eg:China has done much to cultivate the friendship of African countries.3.Comprehensive adj.1)综合性的;全面的;广泛的 Eg:comprehensive school 2)有理解力的;能充分理解的;悟性好的;1.Publicity n.1)宣传;报道 4.Controversial adj.有争议的;引发争论的 Controvert v.争论,反驳,否定 controversy n.争论;争议;辩论 5.Character n.1)(人的)性格,个性 Eg:Perhaps you didnt see the negative side in his character.2)人物;人 Eg:What a sad character she is!3)人品;品行 Eg:Mr Smith is a man of good character.4)(电影、书、戏剧里的)人物,角色 Eg:The central character is played by a famous star 5)特点;特征;特色(人或地方的)Eg:Individuality is an important part of the British character.There are some buildings with character in this small town.6)字母;数字;文字;字符 6.inner-city n.1)内城区;2)城内贫民区 adj.市中心的 4.Controversial adj.有争议的;引发7.Suspend v.1)暂缓;推迟;暂停 Eg:The union suspended strike action this week.2)使暂时停职 Eg:Julie was suspended from her job.3)悬挂;吊 Eg:A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.8.Strain v.1)使不堪承受;使紧张 2)扭伤,拉伤,损伤(肌肉)3)努力做;竭力做;费力做事 eg:strain to do sth.4)过滤;滤掉(食物中)的液体 n.1)压力;负担;重负 2)气质;特性;风格;作风 3)血统;家族;品系;品种 7.Suspend v.1)暂缓;推迟;暂停 Eg:9.Schedule n.1)工作计划;日程安排 2)(价格、细节或条件等的)一览表,明细表,清单 3)(火车、客轮、公共汽车或航班的)时刻表,时间表 4)(学校的)课程表 v.安排,计划 be scheduled to Eg:The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 4oclock.10.Preliminary adj.初步的;初级的;预备的;Eg:preliminary results/talks n.1)准备工作;初步行动 2)预赛;初赛;初试 Eg:The winner of each preliminary goes through to the final 9.Schedule n.1)工作计划;日程安排 11.Eye v.打量;端详 Eg:We eyed each other thoughtfully.12.Magnet n.1)磁铁;磁体 2)有吸引力的事物或人 13.Quest n.1)(长期艰难的)追求,探索,寻找 v.寻找;探索 14.Challenge v.1)怀疑,质疑(真实性、价值、权威等)Eg:The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics.2)挑战;向下战书(challenge sb.to do sth.)3)(警卫)盘问,查问 11.Eye v.打量;端详 Eg:We eyed 16.put forth 1)提出(计划或建议)Eg:put forth a five-point plan 2)发表 3)出版 4)颁布 5)放出 Eg:put forth buds and leaves 17.conventional adj.传统的;依照惯例的;约定的 convention n.1)习俗;惯例;常规 2)(国家或组织间的)公约,协定,协约 3)(组织、政治团体的)大会,大型会议 18.conscience n.良心;良知;conscious adj.有意识的,神志清醒的;刻意的;有意的;consciousness n.意识,观念;知觉;觉悟;感觉 19.particular adj.1)特殊的;特别的;独特的 2)特定的;特指的 3)挑剔的;讲究的 16.put forth 1)提出(计划或建议)E20.curriculum n.curricula plete with 包括 =includ 22.ingredient n.1)成分;(烹调的)原料 2)要素;因素 eg:I think that is one of the major ingredients in his success 23.admission n.1)准许(进入);准许(加入);eg:apply for admission to a college 2)入场费;门票费 3)(对过错等的)承认,供认 24.demonstrate v.1)证明;论证;证实 2)显示;显露;表明 3)示威;进行示威游行(或集会)4)示范;演示 20.curriculum n.curricu25.outlook n.1)观点;看法 eg:outlook on life 2)展望;前景 eg:the economic outlook 3)风景;景色 eg:a pleasant outlook 26.agree in 在方面一致 agree in writing 签约 27.retreat v.1)退避;后退;离开 2)(军队)撤退,退却 3)放弃,远离(计划、生活方式等);从 中隐退 eg:I want to live in suburbs so that I can retreat from the realities of life.n.1)撤回;撤退;后退 2)隐退;退休 3)隐居地;静养所 28.workshop n.1)车间,工场,作坊 2)研习班;研修班;实习班 25.outlook n.1)观点;看法 eg:o29.session n.1)会议 2)学期 30.do ones utmost 竭力,竭尽所能;尽心竭力;竭尽绵力 do ones best 32.fruitful adj.1)(土地)丰产的,富饶的;(树木)硕果累累的 2)富有成效的;有收获的;富有成果的 33.setting n.1)环境;背景;地点 2)一套 a setting of 34.insult vt.侮辱,凌辱;辱骂;损害 35.curse v.1)诅咒;咒骂;辱骂 2)抱怨,发牢骚;n.诅咒;咒语;祸根;祸端;祸水 eg:Maybe there is a curse on my family.29.session n.1)会议 Thank you!Thank you!1.pursue/continue/further ones studies/education 2.make up ones mind to do sth.3.regard v.1)认为;把看作 regardas 2)对怀有(某种感情);以(某种感情)看待 eg:regard sb./sth.with(a feeling)3)(以某种方式)看,注视 eg:She regarded him curiously for a moment.4.preparatory adj.预备的;准备的;筹备的 5.embrace v.1)抱;拥抱 embrace sb.2)欣然接受,支持(变革、政治体制、观点等)eg:He embraces the new information age.3)信奉 eg:embrace the Catholic faith 1.pursue/continue/further 6.adapt v.1)适应 adopt to adopt v.1)采取;采纳;采用 adopt sth.2)收养;领养 adopt sb.7.place on 把放在上;把强加于;make into 把做成;把转变为,使成为 eg:They made the story into a play.head for 朝进发;奔向;走向;引向 结果;eg:He put on his coat and headed for the door.8.show show sth.to sb./show sb.sth.展示;演示 reveal reveal sth.to sb.揭示;显示;透露 display display sth.to sb.陈列;展出;显示;显露(特性或感情等)expose 1)expose sth.to sb.暴露;揭露 2)expose sb./sth./yourself(to sth.)使面临;使遭受 3)expose sb.to sth.使接触;使体验 9.year round adj./adv.整年的(地);全年的(地)6.adapt v.1)适应 adopt to 10.lay in 贮存,储备 eg:They began to lay in extensive stores of food supplies.settle down 1)定居,安顿下来 eg:I want to settle down and have a family.2)(历经磨难或变化后)安静下来,平静下来 3)集中精力做;开始认真做 11.extend 1)延伸;伸展(延伸了多少距离,或者从一个地方延伸到另一个地方)2)持续;延续(持续多长时间)3)扩及;波及;包括 eg:extends to sb./sth.4)扩大的影响;扩展 12.involve 使陷入;使卷入;使参与;使介入 involve sb.in/into (doing)sth.13.emphsize A over B 在A和B当中,更重视A 10.lay in 贮存,储备 eg:They


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