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第五版第五版(专业篇II)总主编刘杰英总主编刘杰英主编刘杰英陈习东熊莺主编刘杰英陈习东熊莺审校审校Chuck ThodeUnit 2Consumer PsychologyThe term consumer psychology refers to the study of how people relate to the goods and services they use in their daily lives.Also known as the study of consumer behavior,consumer psychology provides opportunities to examine issues such as what factors are the most important when people decide to purchase a particular item,how customers determine the value of a service,and whether or not television and magazine advertisements can convince a reluctant or potential consumer to try a new product for the first time.This field seeks to describe and explain consumer behavior,although some consumer psychologists will attempt to predict or influence a customers decisions.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyC O N T E N T SText BReal Life PracticeTranslation SkillsPractical WritingLead-inText AKnowledge LinksTime for FunUnit 2Consumer PsychologyLead-inListen to the conversation and choose the best answer for each question.1.Listening1.What are they talking about?A.The fashion in season.B.The purchasing of fashionable clothes.C.The purchasing of suitable clothes.2.What is the selling point of the salesgirl?A.The good quality.B.The price.C.The fashion.3.What is the purchasing point of the mother?A.The good quality.B.The price.C.The fashion.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyLead-inListen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information.2.Spot Dictation(1)I knew exactly what she meant.I used to be a _,too.For years,I was _ shopping.I _ out of buying new stuff.I especially liked buying new _,but really I didnt care what I bought it was the act of buying itself that made me feel good.Sometimes on the drive home from work,Id stop at a department store just so I could buy something:_,small pieces of furniture,whatever.(2)One negative aspect of using _ instead of cash is that you dont feel like youre spending real money.The _ you experience when you purchase the item are _ from the unpleasant or painful feelings of making the payment when you get the credit card pulsive spenderaddicted togot a rushbooks and moviescandles,magazinescredit cardspleasant feelingsdisconnectedUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText A1.What is consumer psychology about?2.Why do people study consumers mind?3.What can influence consumers decision?4.What influence does brand have on consumers?5.What is the general purchasing process of a consumer?Read the passage about the marketing concept and answer the following questions.1.ReadingUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText AWhat Influences the Consumers?For any enterprise,factory,store,or company,its top goal is profit.Thats why consumers concern,motivation,behavior has become a subject.Consumer behavior is a subject studying individuals,groups,or organizations and the processes they use to select,secure,and dispose of products,services,experiences,or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.It blends elements from psychology,sociology,social anthropology and economics.It attempts to understand the decision making processes of buyers,both individually and in groups.Consumer behavior is influenced by internal conditions such as demographics,psychographics(lifestyle),personality,motivation,knowledge,attitudes,beliefs,and feelings.Psychological factors include an individuals motivation,perception,attitude and belief,while personal factors include income level,personality,age,occupation and lifestyle.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText ABehaviors can also be affected by external influences,such as culture,sub-culture,locality,royalty,ethnicity,family,social class,past experience reference groups,lifestyle,market mix factors.For example:In India,most online consumers shop during their lunch hours,and when they are at work.This could be because of not adequate Internet Connectivity at homes.Black box model shows the interaction of stimuli,consumer characteristics,decision processes and consumer responses.It can be distinguished between interpersonal stimuli(between people)or intrapersonal stimuli(within people).The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the companies,whereas the environmental stimulus are given by social factors,based on the economical,political and cultural circumstances of a society.The buyers black box contains the buyers characteristics and the decision process,which determines the buyers response.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText AUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText AThe black box model considers the buyers response as a result of a conscious,rational decision process,in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized the problem.However,in reality many decisions are not made in awareness of a determined problem by the consumer.Eye tracking research suggests that consumers specifically direct their attention to products with eye-catching properties such as shape,color or brand name.This is due to a pressured visual search where eye movements accelerate and saccade minimize,thus resulting in the consumer quickly choosing a product with a“pop out”effect.This suggests that efficient search is primarily used concluding that consumers do not focus on items that share very similar features.Thus the more distinct or maximally visually different a product is from surrounding products,the more likely it is to be purchased by the consumer.In the past decade,there has been extensive research into how companies can maximize sales using psychological techniques,derived from visual search,to determine how products should be positioned on shelves.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText ABrands serve to connect consumers to the products they are purchasing either by establishing an emotional connection or by creating a particular image.It has been shown that when consumers are forced to choose an item from a group in which a familiar brand is present the choice is much easier than when consumers are forced to choose from a group of entirely unfamiliar brands.A study by McClure et al.investigated the difference in branding between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.The study found that when the two drinks were tasted blind there was no difference in consumer preference between the brands.When the subjects were informed of the brand names,the consumers preferred Coke,suggesting that drinking the Coke brand is rewarding beyond simply the taste itself.More subjects preferred Coke when they knew it was Coke than when the taste testing was anonymous,which demonstrates the power of branding to influence consumers behavior.According to the results of this study,the Coke brand has much more firmly established itself as a rewarding experience.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText ASeveral MEG studies suggest that decisions involved with purchasing can be seen as occurring in two halves.The first half is concerned with memory recall and problem identification and recognition.The second half is associated with the purchasing decision itself;familiar brands produce different brain patterns than non-familiar brands.The right parietal cortex is activated when consumers choose a familiar brand,which indicates the choice is at least partially intentional and behavior is influenced by prior experiences.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText AUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText AUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText ADecide whether the following statements are True or False.2.Comprehension1.Study shows that people are easily influenced by brand in their purchasing.2.Peoples past experiences have influence on their future decisions.3.All manufacturers have studied consumers psychology in order to make profit.4.The commodity display in supermarkets is an example of consumer psychology application.5.The black box model shows that intrapersonal stimuli is the key point that influences peoples purchasing behavior.()()()()()FFFFFUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText A1.blendA.a mutual or reciprocal action or influence2.psychographicsB.without any name acknowledged,as that of author,contributor,or the like3.interactionC.to mix smoothly and inseparably together4.anonymousD.being in or characterized by full possession of ones reason5.distinctE.the study and grouping of people according to their attitudes and tastes,esp.for market research6.consciousF.to put in a particular or the proper order or arrangement7.rationalG.the state or condition of being motivated8.motivationH.the act or the effect of perceiving9.PerceptionI.aware of ones own existence,sensations,thoughts,surroundings,etc.10.disposeJ.different in nature or qualityCEABJIDGHFPart 1 Match the words or phrases on the left with the definitions on the right.3.VocabularyUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText Atop goal element from decision-making process influenced byinternal condition be distinguished between derive from memory recall1.Perceptions of the current economy are strongly _ the publics sense of the larger pattern.2.Mister Obama had made health care his _ after his election in two thousand eight.3.The exhibition will _ functional and areas.And it will be divided into North America Area,Europe Area,Australia and New Zealand Area,Asia Area and the Special Area.4.Analyze the _ and external environment of China textile enterprises investing abroad by SWOT method.Put forward some countermeasures to explain this entirely new strategical topic.influenced by Part 2 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases.Change the form where necessary.3.Vocabularytop goalbe distinguished betweeninternal conditions Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText Atop goal element from decision-making process influenced byinternal condition be distinguished between derive from memory recall5.To give each year a perspective in time,I took three _ each one:music,films,and news items.6.Your boss will definitely have a better understanding of your proposals,your companys _ will substantially improve,and you will feel more supported and less frustrated.7.The processes of _ and communication are automatic,precisely so you dont have to exert a lot of effort.8.These roles could be _ the business process by examining the tasks assigned to the roles in the business process swim lanes.elements fromPart 2 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases.Change the form where necessary.3.Vocabularydecision-making processesmemory recallderived fromUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText Aparietal partial investigate rewarddemonstrate visual accelerate maximal1.Every consulting _ is wrong,even this one.2.This is _ true,and I will soon show you why.3.On a recent project,we read production data from a holding table about once a week,and we were _ with 300 to 500 scenarios with little to no effort.4.Most researchers working in this area stimulate subjects brains over the prefrontal cortex or _ cortex while they perform a task.maximPart 3 Complete the sentences with the following words.Change the form where necessary.3.VocabularypartiallyrewardedparietalUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText Aparietal partial investigate rewarddemonstrate visual accelerate maximal5.Take steps to ensure that the _ product(s)are stable over the period of use.6.Sufficient knowledge and background information must _ to convince interviewers that you understand the business and will have a very short learning curve to become productive.7.By inheriting the data from existing reservations,we have further _ the reservation request process for users.8.Users do not mind filling in a rather long form with easy to understand and neat design than a short,_ cluttered and complicated form.investigationalPart 3 Complete the sentences with the following words.Change the form where necessary.3.Vocabularybe demonstrated acceleratedvisuallyUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText BAlibaba Singles Day Success The 11.11 Shopping Festival,as the event is now called,coincides with what is known in China as Singles Day,a vaguely defined holiday on which young people lament or celebrate being single.Every Nov.11,millions of Chinese shoppers flock to the e-commerce websites operated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.They spend more on those sites during that one day of discounts.The emerging time-points of online consumption attract millions of people to spend money and enjoy life.Alibaba says it chose the date because it was easy to remember.The 11.11 Shopping Festival has became the Biggest Online Shopping Day in the World.The Nov.11 sale is a tradition started in 2009 in the otherwise quiet period between Chinas autumn holidays and Christmas.Since then,Singles Day sales at Tmall snowballed from 50 million yuan in 2009 to 19.1 billion in 2012,and are expected to top 30 billion this year.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText BNowadays,Alibaba is recognized as the dominant player in Chinas surging e-commerceindustry.Two main units are Taobao and Tmall.Taobao,a gigantic marketplace with seven million merchants and 800 million item listings,is like a Chinese bazaar,with small vendors selling everything from tiger-striped leather jackets to origami decorations.Tmall is more like a traditional shopping mall,with storefronts for brands such as Nike Inc.and Gap Inc.Shoppers go to Taobao for low prices and surprises and to Tmall for trusted brand names.Taobao has grown sharply since its 2003 launch to become Alibabas biggest unit.Like APP developers who rely on Apple Inc.or on Googles Android operating system,millions of Chinese merchants depend on Taobao.The site doesnt charge sellers commissions,but the vast crowd of consumers it draws forces sellers to spend heavily on advertising and other services offered by Taobao so they can stand out.Tmall,a far less crowded version of Taobao,requires each seller to pay a deposit and annual service fee and charges a commission on each transaction.One key to Alibabas success is Alipay,which was launched in 2004 as a payment system for Taobao users.Alipay,which uses an escrow system to ensure payment security,helped attract merchants and consumers who would otherwise have shied away from doing business with strangers online.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText BStill,Alibaba isnt without its problems.As Tmall and Taobao get more crowded,sellers have to spend more on ads to draw attention to their storefronts;while this boosts Alibabas revenue,some sellers say they are getting weary of the rising costs.The company also has a range of competitors including Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co.s JD.com.Another challenge comes from smart phone-based services,such as Tencent Holdings Ltd.s WeChat messaging application,with its 300 million users in China,which could lure mobile Web traffic from Taobao.Alibaba acknowledges the challenges.To stay competitive as a mobile e-commerce platform,the company this year invested in an array of services popular with Chinese smart phone users,such as Sina Corp Twitter-like Weibo microblog business and mobile mapping-software firm AutoNavi Holdings Ltd.Unit 2Consumer PsychologyText BUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText B1.Alibaba 阿里巴巴,中国最大的网络公司和世界第二大网络公司,是由马云在1999 年一手创立的企业对企业的网上贸易平台。阿里巴巴在香港成立公司总部,在中国杭州成立中国总部,并在海外设立美国硅谷、伦敦等分支机构及合资企业3 家。并在中国超过40 个城市设有销售中心。2.App 即application 的简写,被称为应用,一般指应用商店。3.Android 安卓,是基于Linux开放性内核的操作系统。4.Alipay 支付宝,最初是淘宝网公司为了解决网络交易安全所设的一个功能,该功能使用“第三方担保交易模式”,由买家将货款打到支付宝账户,由支付宝向卖家通知发货,买家收到商品确认后指令支付宝将货款放予卖家,至此完成一笔网络交易。5.AutoNavi 高德导航(Autonavi Navigation)是中国最大的导航电子地图及应用服务供应商,为奥迪、宝马、奔驰、宾利等顶级汽车品牌及新科、万利达等PND品牌提供导航产品配套,为三星、摩托罗拉、联想等手机厂商提供导航产品,为谷歌、微软、新浪、中国移动、阿里巴巴、腾讯等世界级公司提供在线电子地图及服务。NotesUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText BPart 1 Complete the following sentences with the key words(in no more than 3 words)in the passage.1.Retelling 1.A new Shopping Festival in China as Singles Day,_ with what is the 11.11.2.This Shopping Festival in China is a _ started in 2009 in the otherwise quiet period between Chinas autumn holidays and Christmas.3.Taobao is famous for its low prices and surprises and Tmall is famous for _ brand names.4.At present,sellers have to concentrate on how to draw more attention of the potential customers to their _.5.Taobao doesnt charge _ from shop owners,but from those who advertise and other services offered by Taobao.coincidestradition trustedstorefrontscommissionsUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText BPart 2 Retell the passage with the help of the above sentences in Part 1 in no less than 80 words.1.RetellingUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText BDecide whether the following statements are True or False.2.Comprehension1.The 11.11 Shopping Festival started in 2010.2.Alibabas two main units are Taobao and Tmall.3.Alibabas biggest unit is Tmall.4.Alibabas major competitors are Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co.,and Tencent Holdings Ltd.5.In order to stay competitive as a mobile e-commerce platform,Alibaba invested in an array of services popular with Chinese smart phone users.()()()()()FTFTTUnit 2Consumer PsychologyText BCollect information about a famous companys success.And give a presentation in the class.3.Group WorkUnit 2Consumer PsychologyReal Life PracticeRole-playWork in pairs,acting as to open an Online Store.Make a dialogue according to the contents of Text A called“What Influences the Consumers”Unit 2Consumer PsychologyTranslation Skills商务信函常见词句的翻译商务信函常见词句的翻译商务信函所涉及的内容与国际商务活动有关,结构和用词上都具有浓厚的商务特色。在商务信函的翻译过程中,其用语的特殊性决定了选词的专业性和准确性,句式章法的实用性和规范性。1.商务词汇的翻译商务信函作为一种正式的公函语体,常使用大量的专业词汇,用词正式规范,以达到表意准确、专业性强的目的,主要表现为专业术语、缩略语、行话使用。例如:coverage 险别FOB:Free on Board 船上交货B/L:Bill of Lading 提单We are pleased to advise you that your order No.104 had been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.很高兴通知贵方,第104 号订单货物已遵照贵方指示运出。Kindly send us 2 Bills of Lading by separate posts,together with your draft at 30 days foracceptance.请将两份提单由不同邮班寄来,同时开来30 天汇票以便承兑。Unit 2Consumer PsychologyTranslation Skills2.商务句子的翻译由于商务信函中存在条款、条件或因果关系事件的叙述,往往会使用结构严密、程式化的特定句型或套句,以达到准确表达、有效沟通、提高交流效率的目的。例如:This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within five days.如果此盘五天内不接受,就必须撤销。(被动句)If you can accept US$270,we will open a L/C for 1,000 sets.如贵方能接受270 美元的价格,我方即开立1000 套的信用证。(if 条件句)We would like to inform you that the goods have arrived at the port of destination in good condition.我方通知贵方货物已安全抵达目的港。(陈述句)Your compliance with our request will be highly appreciated.如能同意,不胜感激。(表示感谢)I regret to inform you that we couldnt bear your filing such a claim.我很遗憾地告知您,我方不能接受贵方的索赔。(表示歉意)Due to difficulties with our suppliers,we are unable to accept your order at this time.由于我方与供货商之间存在问题,现无法接受贵公司的订单。(表示确认或拒绝)Such a claim,without proof,cannot be accepted.无证据索赔不予接受。(表示索赔、接受或拒绝索赔)Unit 2Consumer PsychologyTranslation SkillsTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.Exercises1.The goods have been packed and marked exactly as directed so that they may be shipped by the first ship available towards the end of this month.2.We shall be glad if you will make the necessary arrangements for this on a Through B/L.货物已严格按照要求包装妥当,刷好唛头,以便交第一艘可装货的船只于本月底运出。(被动语态)请根据联运提单为此做出安排。(if条件句)Unit 2Consumer PsychologyTranslation SkillsTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.Exercises3.With a view to resuming our business cooperation,we sincerely hope that you will effect a full settlement of our claim at your earliest convenience.4.We are unfortunately unable to accept your order of July 2nd at the specified conditions.为了恢复我们的业务合作,我方衷心希望贵方能尽早全部解决我方的索赔。(陈述句)很遗憾,我方无法在制定的条件下接受贵方6月2日的订单。(表示拒绝)Unit 2Consumer PsychologyTranslation SkillsTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.Exercises5.In view of our friendly business relations,we are prepared to accept your claim for the 20kg short weight.为了我们友好的商业关系,我们准备接受你方20公斤短重的索赔。(表示接受索赔)Unit 2Consumer PsychologyFormatPractical WritingTitleAdvantages of your product or service;What the potential customer can benefit if they buy your product or service;Where&how they can get it.Unit 2Consumer PsychologySamplePractical WritingGILIIETTE SENSORThe only razor that senses and adjusts to the individual needs of your face.Gillette Sensor:the shave personalized to every man.It starts with twin blades,individually and independently mounted on highly responsive springs.So they continuously sense and automatically adjust to the individual c


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