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Unit 2 Wheres the post office?2020年10月2日1 Wheres the ball?Wheres=Where isIts on the box.Its under the box.Its in the box.Its behind the box.2020年10月2日2 He stands_Jim and Lucy.betweenJimLucy2020年10月2日3nearWhere is the girl?She is near the box.2020年10月2日4ABConunderbetweenDnearbehindEin front ofFOneTwoGnext toPlease find prepositions as many as possible and sign them in it.2020年10月2日5LucyLilyMarySunnyKittybetweennext toTommyin front ofbehind词汇大阅兵-让我们先来把耳朵和眼睛唤醒2020年10月2日61.The library is _ the restaurant and supermarket.2.The park is _ the bank.3.The supermarket is _Fifth Avenue.4.The pay phone is _ the post office.5.The restaurant is _ the post office.6.The hotel is _ the library.betweenacross fromonnext toin front ofbehind2b2020年10月2日7A:Wheres the alarm clock?Wheres=Where isB:Its on the chair.A:Where are the plants?B:Theyre under the table.Theyre=They areA:Is there an alarm under the chair?B:No,there isnt.A:Are there any plants under the table?B:Yes,there are.2020年10月2日8She must _ if she wants to go to the cinema.She must _ if she wants to go to the post office.turn leftturn right2020年10月2日9go straightturn rightturn left 2020年10月2日10能力升级大本营能力升级大本营.“交通标志知多少交通标志知多少”2020年10月2日11Center Streetacrossgo across the streetacross:表示从一定范围的一边到另一边表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,动作在物体表面进行动作在物体表面进行through:从中间穿过从中间穿过,动作在里面进行动作在里面进行2020年10月2日12Michaels neighborhood FifthAveCenter Street Supermarket House Hotel across fromWhere is the house?Its across from the supermarket.2020年10月2日13FifthAveCenter Street Bridge Street hotelpostofficePlease ask and answer questions about the picture in pairs,beginning with Is there?Where is.?examplelibraryrestaurantbank2020年10月2日14Michaels neighborhood FifthAvebridge Street Supermarket House Hotel go straightgo downgo straight “直走”down“沿着,顺着”go down“沿着走;顺着走”go straight2020年10月2日15Michaels neighborhood FifthAvePine Street Supermarket House Hotel turn leftturn right向左拐向左拐向右拐向右拐on ones left 在某人的左边在某人的左边on ones right 在某人的右边在某人的右边on the left 在左边在左边on the right 在右边在右边2020年10月2日16A:Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?B:Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn left.Its down Bridge street on the right.Its next to a supermarket.A:Thank you very much.B:Youre welcome.2020年10月2日173a123PaulNancy2020年10月2日181.Yes,there is.Go straight down New Street and turn right.There is a pay phone on the right.2.Go straight down New Street and turn right.Turn left at Bridge Street.The bank is across from the street.3.Yes,there is.Turn right and then go straight down Bridge Street.The post office is on the left.Its across from the restaurant,next to the supermarket.2020年10月2日19问路与指路问路与指路问路问路1.-Excuse me.Is there a near there/in the neighborhood?2.-Yes,there is.(指明具体位置)指明具体位置)2.-Excuse me.Where is the?Which is the way to the?Could/Can you tell me the way to?How can I get to?Could/Can you tell me how to get to?2020年10月2日20Unit2 Wheres the post officeUnit 2 Wheres the post officeSection B2020年10月2日21dirtyclean2020年10月2日22bignewcleanoldsmalldirtyquietbusy2020年10月2日23_ a clean park _ a new hotel _ a quiet street_ a big supermarket_a dirty park_an old hotel _ a busy street_a small supermarketedagfhcb2020年10月2日24Pair workAsk your partner about where he/she lives.A:Is there a big supermarket near your house?B:Yes,there is.No,there isnt.Pair work A:There is a big supermarket.B:No!There is a small supermarket.2020年10月2日25Super-marketListen and draw.Fifth AvenueBridge Street hotelSuper-marketMichaels2020年10月2日26Design(设计)设计)a good place for you to live around.What do you want to have in your neighborhood?Task2020年10月2日27Read the tour guide and circle the description words.Welcome to the Garden District Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue.Across from the park is an old hotel.Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.This is a beginning of the garden tour.2020年10月2日28walk through the parkthrough2020年10月2日29 Come to visit Bridge Street Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.It is very busy street.You can play the guitar in the _.Its there,between the _ and the _.And if youre hungry,you can buy some food in the _.Its _ the post office.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks for this tour guide.chairrestaurantpost officesupermarketacross from2020年10月2日30Writing Write a tour guide for your neighborhood.2020年10月2日31演讲完毕,谢谢观看!Thank you for reading!In order to facilitate learning and use,the content of this document can be modified,adjusted and printed at will after downloading.Welcome to download!汇报人:XXX汇报日期:20XX年10月10日32


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