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Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Unit 9 Do you want to 1Do you want to go to a movie?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Do you want toYes,I do.No,I do2Does he/she want to go to a movie?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt.Lets go.Does he/she want to go to a mo3a movieA comedy.A comedy is funny/.a movieA comedy.A comedy 4 movies comediesComedies are funny/.movies comediesCome5 Jason Goes To Hell星期五星期五 末日末日A thriller.A thriller is scary/JasonA thriller.A thriller is6Thrillers are scary/.Jason Goes To Hell 星期五末日星期五末日Outbreak 极度极度 惊慌惊慌Thrillers.Thrillers are scary/.Ja7An action movie.An action movie is exciting/.House ofFlyingDaggersAn action movie.An action movi8Action movies.Action movies are exciting/.Action movies.Action movies ar9A documentary.A documentary is instructive/.A documentary.A documentary is10Documentaries.Documentaries are Documentaries.Documentaries ar11A cartoon.A cartoon is interesting/Lion 狮狮 子子 王王 KingA cartoon.A cartoon is interes12Cartoons.Cartoons are interesting/.狮子王狮子王 Cartoons.Cartoons are interest13Listen and repeat 1b.Listen and repeat 1b.14romance爱情片爱情片science-fiction科幻片科幻片kindsofmoviesaction movie动作片动作片comedy喜剧片喜剧片documentary纪录片纪录片cartoon卡通片卡通片thriller恐怖片恐怖片What kind of movies do you want to see?romancescience-fictionkindsact15What kind of movies do you like?Home Alone 小鬼当家小鬼当家What kind of movies do you lik16 I like comedies.He/She likes I like 17What kind of movies do you want to see?Mr Bean 憨豆先生憨豆先生What kind of movies do you wan18 I want to see comedies.He/She wants I want 19 What kind of movies do you like?I like What kind of movies do you want to see?I want to seeGuessing Game What kind o20Titanic 泰坦尼克号Titanic 泰坦尼克号21romancesromances22action moviesaction movies23thrillersthrillers24documentariesdocumentaries25romancesromances26comediescomedies27cartoons花木兰花木兰cartoons花木兰28action moviesaction movies29science fictionsscience fictions30 Names thrillers comedies documentaries cartoonsaction movies romancesscience fictions Names thrillers comedi31Different people like different movies.不同的人喜欢不同的电影。不同的人喜欢不同的电影。Different people like differ32Homework1.Interview your familys favourite movies and write a report.(调查全家人喜爱的电影,写一则小报告。调查全家人喜爱的电影,写一则小报告。)2.Search some information about the movies acted by your favourite famous actors or actresses on the Internet.(上网查找你最喜欢的著名演员主演的电影(上网查找你最喜欢的著名演员主演的电影 信息。)信息。)Homework1.Interview your famil33Thank you.Goodbye.Thank you.Goodbye.34


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