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词汇学遣词法Translation Techniques-DictionBy diction we mean the proper choiceof words and phrases in the translationprocess to fit the context.I caught a boy stealing apples from the garden.误译:当一个男孩儿偷园里的苹果时,我抓住了他。改译:我撞见一个男孩儿偷园里的苹果。Sorry,I didnt quite catch what you said.对不起,我没有怎么抓住你说的话。对不起,我没有听清你说的话。Your back looks sore-youve really caughtthe sun.误译:你后背红了-你真的抓住太阳了。改译:你后背红了-今天真晒坏了。The house is very cheap.There must be acatch somewhere.误译:这所房子非常便宜,这里面一定有某地 方抓住了。改译:这所房子非常便宜,这里面一定有蹊跷。develop a habit 养成习惯develop a plan 制定计划develop ones competence 提高能力develop a new instrument 研制新仪器develop an interest 产生兴趣develop new varieties 培养新品种develop a method 研究一种方法develop heavy industry 发展重工业轧钢厂 rolling mill钢铁厂 iron and steel works机床厂 machine tool plant 发电厂 power station修理厂 repair shop造船厂 shipyard酒厂 distillery铸造厂 foundry制革厂 tannery1.词性体现词义Take the cart back to the backyard and back it into the shed at the back of the stable.把牛车拉回后回后院,再把它倒倒到牛棚后面的后面的小屋去。He had no stomach to follow us.他不想想跟我们走。I cant stomach this job any longer.这工作我再也受受不了啦。The shop assistant is ready to foot up the account.售货员准备结算结算这项账目。This quiet room became them perfectly.这个安静的小房间对他们挺合适合适。2.词的搭配体现词义You cant build a ship,a bridge or a house if you dont know how to make a design orhow to read it.不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造造船、架架桥或盖盖房子。The new publicity manager is really on the ball.新的宣传部主任确实很内行很内行。He has the ball at his feet when informed of aface-to-face interview by the multinationalcorporation.当那家跨国公司通知他面试时,他就有了被录用的好机会。3.词的使用场合体现词义It has no counterpart in the world.举世无双。The U.S.Congress is the counterpart of theBritish Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。Pushing or pulling,however,does not necessarily mean doing work.然而,推或拉为未必意味着作功作功。The works of these watches are all home-producedand wear well.这些表的机件机件均系国产,耐磨性好。4.名词的“数”体现词义The accident did a lot of damage to the car.这一事故把汽车损坏得很厉害。The court awarded$5,000 in damages to theinjured man.法院判给伤者5000美元赔偿费。She was carrying a book under her arm.她腋下挟着一本书。He rushed to her arms.他投入她的怀抱。Policemen on special duties may carry arms.执行特种任务的警察可以携带武器。Equivalence between English and Chinese at word levelWord-for-word correspondenceMarxism 马克思主义 Aspirin 阿司匹林Laser 激光 One word with multiple equivalents of the same meaningwife:妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人potato:马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋human being,man,people,person.人dog,hound,spaniel,mastiff,pointer,setter,retriever,terrier.犬One Word with Several Equivalents of Different MeaningsCousin堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、President总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长Carry搬、运、送、提、挑,担、抬、背,扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧walk,saunter,amble,stride,trudge,shamble,prance,tiptoe 走machine,engine,plane,aircraft.机sheep,goat,ram,ewe,lamb.羊Words without equivalentsteenager13至19的青年 prey被捕食的猎物 clock-watcher老是看钟点等下班的人 Techniques of Translating a Given English Word 英语词语翻译技巧英语词语翻译技巧Deduction演绎法vBoomera person born in the marked rise in birthrate(as in the US immediately following the end of World War II)生育高峰期出生的人vWin-win beneficial to all in some way 双赢Transplant 移植法vBandwidth带宽 vblue tooth 蓝牙 vmicrowave微波 vsupermarket超级市场vSplashdown溅落 vwhite-collar白领Extension 引申法vbottleneck 瓶颈-交通峡口-阻塞vbrain trust 脑托拉斯-智囊团vbrain drain 脑排干-人才外流-人才流失vecstasy(an illegal drug)入迷-摇头丸vIt is more than transient everydayness.这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。Substitution 代替法vto kill sb.as an example 杀一儆百儆百(杀鸡给猴看)vPlease withhold the handout 请不要发不要发这些材料。vHe was indeed a good riddance.他还是不在不在的好。Explanation释义法vtogetherness 不分彼此的集体感vswan song绝唱,辞世之作,归天之作va throwaway society 一个大手大脚、浪费成风的社会Combination(合并法)vso subtle and careful an observer 一位如此精细的观察者vhis mendacity and dishonesty 他的狡诈va grim and tragic Christmas 一个惨淡的圣诞节Transliteration(音译法)vWall Street 华尔街vThe Times泰晤士报 vhacker 黑客vPentium 奔腾(计算机微处理器)vCitroen雪铁龙(汽车商标)vclone 克隆vInternet因特网Pictographic translation 图形法vH-beam 工字梁 vO-ring 环形圈 Thank you for your attention!谢谢你的阅读v知识就是财富v丰富你的人生71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。康德72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。西塞罗73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。伏尔泰74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原75、内外相应,言行相称。韩非


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