Unit6 At a farm 第一课时——东莞市塘厦第一小学欧阳梦倩

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Unit6 At a farm 第一课时——东莞市塘厦第一小学欧阳梦倩_第1页
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Unit6 At a farm 第一课时——东莞市塘厦第一小学欧阳梦倩_第2页
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Unit6 At a farm 第一课时——东莞市塘厦第一小学欧阳梦倩_第3页
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This is old Macdonald.He owns a big farm.There are many animals on the farm.农场里的动物越来越多,我越要忙不过来了!The summer holiday(暑假)is coming,can you help me?I need some part-time workers(暑假工).待遇:包吃包住 假期结束后将评选出 “最佳农场小帮手”期待你的加入!Macdonald 2011.5.26Job Notice招聘广告面试第一关 Task 1 Meeting the animals(认识动物)Listen and GuessWhats this?Its a.What are they?They are pigs.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a.What are they?They are ducks.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a.henhen-Read more words with enfriendpenendhenbenWhat are they?They are hens.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a.horsehor-seRead more words with orforororangehorsebornWhat are they?They are horses.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a.cow cow-auRead more words with owdownhowpowercowbrownWhat are they?They are cows.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a.sheepshee-pi:Read more words with eefeetbeesweetsheepmeetWhat are they?They are sheep.sheepWhat are they?Are they sheep?No!No!No!We are goats.slamb sGroup work小组内有特色的朗读单词:齐读、接龙读、配动作读(1min)Show Time Meeting the animalsListen and number the animals on P70.面试官提问环节面试第二关 Task 2 Manage the farm (管理农场)Group work小组内齐读或者接龙读P70 Lets do.别忘记加上动作哦!(2mins)GameMacdonald says.试用期Task 3 Go to help Macdonald!(实战演练)一名同学扮演一名同学扮演一名同学扮演一名同学扮演MacdonaldMacdonald,一名同学扮演来农场来农,一名同学扮演来农场来农,一名同学扮演来农场来农,一名同学扮演来农场来农场帮忙的场帮忙的场帮忙的场帮忙的“暑假工暑假工暑假工暑假工”,试着改编对话。试着改编对话。试着改编对话。试着改编对话。Old MacdonaldPart-time workersWelcome to my farm.Thank you.Can I help you?Yes,what are they?They are hens.Can you feed the hens.Yes,I can feed the hens.OK!Go to feed the hens.Yes,boss.?.假如你有一个农场,在你的农假如你有一个农场,在你的农场里你会饲养什么动物呢?场里你会饲养什么动物呢?Task 4 Introduce your farm(介绍你的农场)Welcome to my farm.They are horses.They are lambs.They are ducks.They are hens.How about your farm?介绍你的农场介绍你的农场 介绍三种以上动物 1分 自信、声音响亮、发音标准 2分Exercise1.Listening exercises.2.同步同步P37 一一2.Writing exercises.达标测评达标测评小小结结句 型:hen,horse,cow,sheep,hen,horse,cow,sheep,lamb,goatlamb,goatWhat are they?What are they?They are They are 单 词Lets do第 小组的组员们:在这个暑假,你们用辛勤的汗水换来了动物们的喜欢以及农场主Macdonald的肯定,被评为最佳农场小帮手特发此状,以资鼓励。Macdonald2011.5.25


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