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(1)J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello?M:Certainly Hold on,please.Oh,Im afraid.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes please.But who is that?J:.M:Hello,Jim.Can I take a message for you?Could I speak to Ann,PleaseShe isnt in nowThis is Jim speakingJ:Yes.Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure!.?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:.Good-bye!M:Bye.Whats your telephone numberThank you打电话的常用语:打电话的常用语:May I speak to?请请接电话好吗?接电话好吗?Whos that(speaking)?你是哪位?你是哪位?Is that(speaking)?你是你是吗?吗?Hold on,please.请稍等。请稍等。A:Good afternoon,Doctor Huang.B:.Whats wrong with you?A:I have a bad cold.B:Do you have a cough?A:.I cough now and then.B:How long have you been like this?A:.And Im feeling terrible now.B:Let me check you over.Oh,you have a fever,too.(2)GoodafternoonYes(,Ido)AbouttwodaysA:?B:Nothing serious.Take this medicine and drink more water.A:?B:Three times a day.Have a good rest and youll be all right soon.A:Thanks a lot.B:You are welcome.IsitseriousHowoftenshouldItakethemedicine看病的常用语:Whatswrong/thematterwithyou?你怎么啦?你怎么啦?Howlonehaveyoubeenlikethis?你像这样有多久了你像这样有多久了?Ivegotaheadacheandacough.我头痛而且咳嗽。我头痛而且咳嗽。Takethismedicinethreetimesaday.这药一天吃三次。这药一天吃三次。Itsnothingserious.没什么严重的。没什么严重的。1、通读对话,仔细审题。2、分析对话,试填答案:3、逐字细读,确定答案。4、复读整个对话,验证答案。S:Shop assistant.T:TonyS:Good morning.I?T:Yes,please.Id like to buy a sports T-shirt.S:?T:My favorite color is white.S:How about this one?T:Oh,its very nice.?(1)Can I help you?/What-can I do for youWhats your favorite colorHow much is itS:180 yuan.T:Its too expensive.I cant pay for it.Do you have-a cheaper one?S:Yes.This on is only 100 yuan.T:Well,this on looks very good,and the price is-OK.S:Here you are.T:.S:Youre welcome.Ill take itThank you购物的常用语:购物的常用语:May I help you/What can I do for you?我能帮你的忙吗?我能帮你的忙吗?How many/much would you like?你要多少?你要多少?Id like to buy我想买我想买How much is it?要多少钱。要多少钱。Ill take it.我买下了。我买下了。A:Excuse me.?B:Sorry.I dont know.Youd better ask the policeman over there.He may know.A:.A:Excuse me.Please tell me how can I get to the nearest post office.C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right Go across the bridge and.Youll find the post office,on the left.(2)Where is the nearest post office,pleaseThank you all the sameA:?C:Its about 30 minutes walk.Youd better catch abus.A:?C:I think you should take the No.16 bus.A:Thanks very much.C:.How far is it from hereWhich bus should I takeYoure welcome问路的常用语:Can you tell me the way to?请问,去请问,去怎么走?怎么走?Which is the way to?哪条路是去哪条路是去的?的?How can I get to?我如何到达我如何到达?Go along(down)this street.沿着这条街走。沿着这条街走。Take the No.10 bus.乘坐第乘坐第1010路公交车。路公交车。A:Good morning!Bob.B:!Lucy.A:Bob.I havent seen you for a long time.Where did you go?B:.A:Sanya?How was the weather there?B:.A:What did you do there?B:I went to the beach with my family.We had great fun playing in the water.(3)Good morningI went to sanyaIt was sunnyA:?B:We stayed there for a week.A:.B:Yes,the food was very delicious.A:You are so lucky.How long did you stay thereWas the food delicious旅行的常用语:I hope you will have a good trip.我希望你旅途愉快。我希望你旅途愉快。Where did you go last weekend?你上周末去了哪里你上周末去了哪里?How long did you stay there?你在那待了多久?你在那待了多久?How was the weather there?那里的天气如何?那里的天气如何?How do you like there?你认为那里怎样?你认为那里怎样?


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