赫拉克勒斯 英文PPT

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赫拉克勒斯赫拉克勒斯 英文英文PPTPPTHeracles was a divine hero in Greek mythology,the son of Zeus and Alcmene,foster son of Amphitryon and great-grandson(and half-brother)of Perseus He was the greatest of the Greek heroes,a paragon of masculinity,a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters.In Rome and the modern West,he is known as Hercules。Occasionally,Heracles suck milk of Hera,and from that on,he was of the amazing strength.So,when he just stayed in the cradle,Hera sent two snake to kill Heracles.Heracles throttled a snake in each hand and was found by his nurse playing with their limp bodies as if they were childs toys.Later in Thebes,Heracles married King Creons daughter,Megara.In a fit of madness,induced by Hera,Heracles killed his children by Megara.After his madness had been cured with hellebore by Antikyreus,the founder of Antikyra,he realized what he had done and fled to the Oracle of Delphi.Unbeknownst to him,the Oracle was guided by Hera.He was directed to serve King Eurystheus for ten years and perform any task,which he required.Eurystheus decided to give Heracles ten labours but after completing them,he said he cheated and added two more,resulting in the Twelve Labors of Heracles.The Twelve LaborsLabor One:the Nemean LionThe first labor-to kill the Nemean Lion(涅墨亚狮子)blocking off the entrances to the caveHe fought face to face killed it with his bare hands.Labor Two:the HydraHydra,a many headed water-snakeWith the help of Iolaos(伊俄拉俄斯)Heracles nephewLabor Three:Captureing Ceryneian Hind alive(刻律涅牝鹿)Heracles took a whole year to capture the Cerynitian Hind-which was sacred to Artemis,the chaste goddess of the hunt.Labor Four:the Ery manthian Boar(厄律曼托斯山野猪)an enormous boarA challenge to bring it back aliveLabor five:the Augean Stablesto clean the Augean stables(牛厩)No cleaning for 30 yearsRerouting the riversLabor Six:the Stymphilian Birds(杀死斯廷法利斯湖怪鸟)man-eating birds beaks of bronze,sharp metallic feathers,toxic dungLabor Seven:the Cretan Bull(制伏克里特公牛)Heracles overpowered it and shipped it back to the mainland.Labor Eight:the Mares of Diomedes(制伏狄俄墨得斯牝马)the Mares were man-eating and uncontrollableBut eating can make the horses calmerLabor Nine:Hippolytes Girdle(夺取亚马逊女王 希波吕忒的腰带)When Heracles landed the Amazons received him warmly and Hippolyta came to his ship to greet him.Upon hearing his request,she agreed to let him take the girdle.Hera,however,was not pleased,as was often the case with Heracles.To stop him,Hera came down to the Amazons disguised as one of their own and ran through the land,crying that Heracles meant to kidnap their queen.Probably remembering all too well what Theseus had done,the Amazons charged toward the ship to save Hippolyta.Fearing that Hippolyta had betrayed him,Heracles kissed her briefly then hastily killed her,ripped the girdle from her lifeless body,and set sail,narrowly escaping the raging warriors.Labor Ten:the Cattle of Geryon(牵回巨人革律翁的牛群)After crossing the Libyan desert,killing the watchdog,and killing Geryon,Heracles then herded the cattle back to Eurystheus.Labor Eleven:the Apples of the Hesperides(摘取赫斯珀里得斯的金苹果)After Heracles completed his first ten Labours,Eurystheus gave him two more claiming that neither the Hydra counted(because Iolaus helped Heracles)nor the Augean stables(either because he received payment for the job or because the rivers did the work).The first of these two additional Labours was to steal the apples from the garden of the Hesperides.Labor Twelve:the Capture of Cerberus(活捉“地狱三头犬”刻耳柏洛斯)a multi-headed houndThe guard the gates of The Underworld结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!18


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