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How do you usually thank someone who helps you?Discuss this with your partners.Call them and thank them.Do something for them in the future.Before readingSend a thanks card.Write a thank-you letter to let them know how you feel.Lead-inDid you write a letter to thank someone who had helped you?Do you know the differences between the letter and the article?1.A letter is for some person to read,while article is for a lot of people to read.2.The beginning of a letter is different from that of an article.3.A letter is for communication,while an article is for sharing.be blind be deaf and be unable to speak be unable to use handsbe unable to walk be blind be unable to walk be deaf and be unable to speak be unable to use handsHow to help them?A helper-dogLets watch a short video What can it do?It can lead the way.carry thingsopen the door2bSkim the letter and answer the questions.1.Who wrote the letter to Miss Li?Why?2.What did Miss Li do?Ben Smith.Because hed like to thank her for givingmoney to Animal Helpers.She gave money to Animal Helpers and changed Ben Smiths life.1.The writer cant use his arms or legs well.2.Lucky was brought to the writer by his friend.3.Lucky has been trained at“Animal helpers”for seven months.4.A dog-helper is for those who are disabled.5.Lucky can understand different orders.Read after the tape and then circle“T”or“F”.TTFTFRead and fill in the blanks.CharacterInformationMiss LiShe is a kind woman who(1)_ to“Animal Helpers”.donated/gave/sent moneyLuckyHe is a helpful(2)_ and he helps Ben Smith with his daily life.Lucky had been trained for(3)_ before he went to Ben Smiths house.Ben Smith Ben Smith is a(4)_ person and its difficult for him to do normal things.dogsix monthsdisabledDear Miss Li,Id like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers.Im sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.Lucky makes a big difference to my life.Let me tell you my story.Find out the phrases1.为某事而感谢为某事而感谢2.动物帮手动物帮手3.我确信我确信4.建立建立5.残疾人残疾人6.使它成为可能使它成为可能7.产生巨大影响产生巨大影响8.让我告诉你让我告诉你thank you for Animal Helpers I am sure set up disabled people make it possiblemake a big difference let me tell youWhat would it be like to be blind or deaf?Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.Most people would never think about this,but many people have these difficulties.I cant use my arms or legs well,so normal things like answering the telephone,opening and closing doors,or carrying things are difficult for me.Then one day last year,a friend of mine helped me out.She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.She also thought a dog might cheer me up.I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.Find out the phrases1.看不见或听不见看不见或听不见2.大多数人大多数人 3.平常的事平常的事4.提东西提东西5.我的一个朋友我的一个朋友6.使某人振奋起来使某人振奋起来7.对做某事感到兴奋对做某事感到兴奋be blind or deaf most people normal things carry things a friend of mine cheer sb upbe excited about doing sthAfter six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers,I was able to bring him home.My dogs name is Lucky a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him.You see,Im only able to have a“dog helper”because of your kindness!Lucky is very clever and understands many English words.He can understand me when I give him orders.For example,I say,“Lucky!Get my book,”and he does it at once.Find out the phrases1.经过六个月的训练经过六个月的训练2.能够做某事能够做某事 3.感觉非常幸运感觉非常幸运4.你的善良你的善良5.给某人指令给某人指令6.例如例如8.立刻;马上立刻;马上after six months of trainingbe able to do sth feel very luckyyour kindness give sb orders for exampleat once Lucky is a fantastic dog.Ill send you a photo of him if you like,and I could show you how he helps me.Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishes,Ben SmithFind out the phrases1.给某人寄某物给某人寄某物2.改变某人的生活改变某人的生活3.最美好的祝愿最美好的祝愿send sb sth change ones life best wishes2d.Use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.SubjectMiss LiBen Smith Lucky“Animal Helpers”Verbcan gettrainssentisObjectunable to move well.money to“Animal Helpers”.animals like lucky.things for disabled people.Ben Smith is a _ man.He has many _ in his life.He cant _ his _ or legs well.Some normal things like answering the telephone,_ and closing the doors,or _ things are difficult forFill in the blanks with the proper words.disableddifficultiesusearmsopeningcarryinghim.But“Lucky”,the dog-helper,makes _ to his life.Lucky is a fantastic dog.It is very _ and _ many English words.It can understand Ben when he gives him order.a big differencecleverunderstands1.I didnt finish writing my math test because I _ _ _(用完了用完了)the time.2.Mr.Cool _ _(修理了修理了)the bike.3.Ms Green lost the _(车轮车轮)of her new car.ran out offixed up一一 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。wheels4.Lucy _ _(相像相像)her grandmother.5.Dont _ _(张贴张贴)the poster on the wall.takes afterput up1.2010东阳中考东阳中考Attention,please.The flight has to be _ because of the heavy rain.A.put on B.put off C.put away D.put up【解析解析】选选B。此题考查短语动词。句意为:。此题考查短语动词。句意为:大家请注意。因为大雨航班不得不被推迟。大家请注意。因为大雨航班不得不被推迟。put on“穿上穿上”;put off“推迟;拖延推迟;拖延”;put away“把把收起收起,放好,放好”;put up“张贴,张贴,搭建搭建”,故选,故选B。2.2010陕西中考陕西中考Hi,Jack.Would you please _ the picture on the wall?A.pick up B.look up C.get up D.put up【解析解析】选选D。此题考查短语动词。句意为:。此题考查短语动词。句意为:嗨,杰克,请你把这幅画贴到墙上好吗?嗨,杰克,请你把这幅画贴到墙上好吗?pick up“捡起捡起”;look up“向上看;查找向上看;查找”;get up“起床起床”;put up“张贴;搭建张贴;搭建”。3.2010杭杭州州中中考考Eton College in England was _ in 1440 by King Henry to give free education to poor students.A.cleaned up B.set up C.fixed up D.cheered up【解解析析】选B。此此题考考查短短语动词。句句意意:英英国国伊伊顿学学院院是是亨亨利利六六世世国国王王于于1440年年创立立,为贫困困学学生生提提供供免免费教教育育的的。clean up“(把把)打打扫干干净;(把把)收收拾拾整整齐”;set up“建建立立;创立立;开开办”;fix up“修理;修修理;修补”;cheer up“使振使振奋;使高;使高兴起来起来”。4.2010兰州州中中考考You shouldnt _ your hope.Everything will be better.A.give up B.fix up C.cheer up D.put up【解解析析】选A。此此题考考查短短语动词。句句意意:你你不不应该放放弃弃希希望望。一一切切都都会会好好起起来来的的。give up“放放弃弃”;fix up“修修理理;修修补”;cheer up“使使振振奋;使使高高兴起起来来”;put up“张贴;搭建;搭建”。A poemIt is the deepest appeal that is based on love.It is the most vital cause that is out of voluntary will.It is the noblest behavior that is devoted to helping others.The language of dedication is the most communicative language of mankind.基于爱心的呼唤是最深沉的呼唤基于爱心的呼唤是最深沉的呼唤 处于自愿的事业是最有生命力的事业处于自愿的事业是最有生命力的事业 服务他人的行为是最高尚的行为服务他人的行为是最高尚的行为 奉献者的语言是最易沟通的人类共同语言奉献者的语言是最易沟通的人类共同语言HomeworkWrite a short reply to Ben Smith.In your letter:1.Offer to help her more.2.Say why you are able to help.3.Say what you could do to help.


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