(通用卷)高中英语 Unit 3 Back to the past综合检测 牛津译林版必修3

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(通用卷)高中英语 Unit 3 Back to the past综合检测 牛津译林版必修3_第1页
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(通用卷)高中英语 Unit 3 Back to the past综合检测 牛津译林版必修3_第2页
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(通用卷)高中英语 Unit 3 Back to the past综合检测 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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Unit 3Back to the past(满分:100分;时间100分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1(定远高一检测)Throughout _ history,English has undergone big changes,especially when Henry became_ King of England.Athe;theB/;theCthe;/ D/;/2As we all know, the UK _ four parts: England,Scotland, Wales and Northern Island.Ais consisted of Bis made up ofCis made of Dconsists3Mary never does any reading in the evening._.ASo does John BJohn does soCJohn doesnt too DNor does John4Have you finished your report yet?No,I will finish it in _ ten minutes.Aanother BmoreCother Dless5Do you think that Jim will be late for the meeting tomorrow?_It is typical of him to be late.ANo doubt. BNot really.CHow come? DNo way!6Do you have clothes _?Ill wash them for you.No,thank you.I will wash them myself.Ato be washed Bto washCwashing Dbeing washed7(合肥高一检测)Dont be _ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.Ataken off Btaken outCtaken away Dtaken in8The government is considering the environmentfriendly plan which some scientists would like to see_ soon.Ato be carried out Bbe carried outCcarrying out Dcarried out9We had intended to visit a friend in Chengdu.However,the strong earthquake occurring that day _ my plan completely.Adamaged BdestroyedCinterrupted Druined10He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures.Ainterested BinterestingCinterest Dto interest11The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.Ais going BgoCgoes Dare going12Did you go to the show last night?Yeah.Every boy and girl in the area _ invited.Awere Bhave beenChas been Dwas13Either you or one of your students _ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.Aare BisChave Dbe14You didnt prepare well for the speech,Smith!I know.But how could I with the meeting date _ so soon?Afixing Bto be fixedCfixed Dto fix15You are confident about the job interview,arent you?_.Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they need.ASure,I am BIts hard to sayCI hope so DWell,maybe.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Several years ago,a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at her husbands employers home.My friend,Arlene,was nervous about the weekend.The boss was very _16_,with a fine home on the waterway(航道),and cars _17_ more than her house.The first day and evening went well,and Arlene was _18_ to have this rare glance into how the very wealthy _19_.Her husbands employer was quite _20_ as a host,and took them to the finest restaurant.As the three of them were about to enter a(n)_21_ restaurant that evening,the boss was _22_ slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband.He stopped suddenly,_23_ on the pavement(人行道)for a long,silent moment.Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him.There was _24_ on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had _25_,and a few cigarette ends.Still silent,the man bent down(俯身)and _26_ the penny.He held it up and smiled,then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great _27_.How strange!What need did this man have for a _28_ penny?Why would he _29_ take the time to stop and pick it up?Throughout dinner,the entire scene puzzled her.Finally,she could not _30_ it any more.She mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection,and asked if the penny he had found had been of some _31_.A smile appeared on the mans face as he reached into his _32_ for the penny and held it out for her to see.She had seen many _33_ before!What was the point of this?“Look at it,”he said.“Read what it _34_.”She read the words,“THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”“No,not that;read further.”“One cent?”“No,keep _35_.”“IN GOD WE TRUST?”“Yes!”16A.proud BfunnyCrich Dhandsome17A.costing BlosingCmeasuring Dpaying18A.sad BgladCmoved Dupset19A.work BdevelopCcommunicate Dlive20A.generous BspecialCmean Dgenuine21A.equal BcommonCexpensive Dactive22A.laughing BchattingCrunning Dwalking23A.reaching out Blooking downCstaring up Dmoving off24A.nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything25A.put BforgottenCdropped Dkept26A.threw away Bheld onCgave out Dpicked up27A.treasure BwonderCpleasure Dfavor28A.clean BsingleCrare Dstrange29A.ever ByetCeven Dnever30A.stand BunderstandCconsider Dsay31A.comfort BinterestCsupport Dvalue32A.bag BwalletCpocket Dbox33A.hands BpenniesCrestaurants Dfriends34A.says BthinksCtells Dsuggests35A.announcing BwatchingCguessing Dreading.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIts pretty much common knowledge that Easter is a Christian celebration of Christs rising.Where did the colored eggs, cute little bunnies, baby chicks, leg of lamb dinners,and lilies come from?They are all symbols of rebirth and the lamb was a traditional religious sacrifice(祭品)Easter falls in the spring, the yearly time of rebirth,when the earth makes good itself after a long,cold winter.The word Easter comes to us from the Norsemens Eostur, Eastar,Ostara, and Ostar, and the goddess Eostre, all of which involve the season of the growing sun and new birth.The Easter Bunny arose originally as a symbol of fertility (多产), due to the rapid reproduction habits of the hare and rabbit.The ancient Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians, and Hindus all believed the world began with a large egg,and thus the egg as a symbol of new life has been a long time.The details may be different, but most cultures around the world use the egg as a symbol of new life and rebirth.A system of signs in the household accounts of Edward I of England showed an expense of eighteen pence for 450 eggs to be goldleafed and colored for Easter gifts.The first book to mention Easter eggs by name was written five hundred years ago.Yet,a North African tribe that had become Christian much earlier in time had a custom of coloring eggs at Easter.Long hard winters often meant little food,and a fresh egg for Easter was quite a prize.Later,Christians give up eating meat during the Lenten season before Easter.Easter was the first chance to enjoy eggs and meat after the_long_abstinence.Some European children go from house to house begging for Easter eggs, much like Halloween trickortreaters.Called paceegging, it comes from the old word for Easter, Pasch.Many old cultures also considered the egg to be great healing powers.It is interesting to note that eggs play almost no part in the Easter celebrations of Mexico, South America, and Native American Indian cultures.Eggrolling contests are a symbolic practice of the rolling away of the stone from Christs tomb.The decoration of small leafbarren branches as Easter egg trees has become a popular custom in the United States since the 1990s.36People celebrate Easter in spring because _.Ait is a time of rebirthBit is warmCit is a season of powerDit is a season of little food37The underlined part “the long abstinence” in Paragraph 4 is likely to mean _.Aeating meat for a long timeBrefusing to eat meat for a long timeCrest for a long timeDthe long celebration38According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AIn all the Easter celebrations, eggs play an important part.BWhen celebrating Halloween, children beg for eggs from door to door.CMost cultures use the egg as a symbol of new life.DThe first book to mention Easter eggs by name was written four hundred years ago.39The best title of the passage should be _.AOrigin of Easter foodBEaster egg historyCEaster foodDCelebration of EasterBIt was harvest time, and several farm hands were working for $10 an hour.But they were not common laborers(劳工)They were students who had just graduated from colleges.Mr.KraussMalett said he became interested in farming after working in a restaurant and seeing how much food was wasted.They had been in the fields at Hearty Roots Community Farm in the Hudson Valley since 7 am.They all said they could not imagine doing any other job.“Farming attracts me, and probably other people, because its simple work outdoors,” Mr.Bobman said.“It doesnt feel like youre a part of an oppressive (压抑的) company.”For decades, the number of farmers has been decreasing, and farming has often been seen as a backbreaking (辛苦的)job.But the recent research showed a 4 % increase in the number of farms, the first increase since 1920, and some college graduates are joining in the return to the land.Jordan Schmidt, a manager at Hearty Roots Community Farm, studied environmental science at Wesleyan.Ms.Schmidt did not have so much as a garden growing up, but in college, she worked at a studentrun farm and fell in love with agriculture(农业)So she gave up her scientific research and moved onto a farm in Pennsylvania after graduating.This is her third season at Hearty Roots Community Farm.“Most people who work for me are here for one season and then move onto other farms, so thats actually the biggest challenge,” said Ben Shute, who owns Hearty Roots Community Farm with his wife, Lindsey.“Every year we are busy training new people.But it is worth having such people.A lot of young people want to farm for themselves, so they are motivated(有积极性的)to learn quickly.”On the East End of Long Island, Sean Frazier and other four people who are recent college graduates in their mid20s, work on Quail Hillfarm in Amagansett and have become close friends.Asked if he felt he was missing out on (失去机会) the city lifestyle, Mr.Frazier replied, “I much more feel the opposite.It would just really bother me to feel like I was inside all day and I was just missing out on everything that happened.”40When working in the fields, the college graduates _.Awere lowpaidBfelt free from pressureCbecame more interested in farmingDthought their hard work was wasted41By mentioning college graduates in the return to the land, the author wants to tell us _.Aagriculture has been paid more attention toBit is much easier to make a living on a farmCmore farmers dont like to do farm workDsomething is wrong with American agriculture42Why did Jordan Schmidt give up her scientific research?ABecause she wanted to be a farm manager.BBecause she moved onto a farm after graduating.CBecause she wanted to study environmental science.DBecause she fell in love with agriculture on a studentrun farm.43From what Mr.Shute said, we can infer that _.Ahe was fond of training new college graduatesBcollege graduates shouldnt often move onto other farmsChe spoke highly of college graduates working on his farmDit was a great challenge for college graduates to do farm workCThe city of Pompeii was once part of the largest and most powerful empire the world had ever seen.Behind this city was Vesuvius, a mountain that had been formed by an old volcano.It sometimes trembled as underground gases caused earth tremors(地震)which shook buildings.The people were sometimes alarmed, but never thought there was any real danger in being close to the volcano.Then one day in the year 79, many dogs and farm animals began to act strangely.More tremors began.Unusual rumbling noises came from higher up the mountain until there was a loud explosion.The top of the volcano blew offshowering the city with smoke, hot stones and ashes.A tongue of fire appeared out of the crater(火山口) which had now formed at the peak(顶峰)The hot air and debris (碎片) continued to rain down.At first the people locked their doors and windows, hoping that this would only last a short while.They went into cellars (地下室)and underground passages to avoid the poisonous gases that filtered through cracks and openings.But, soon they were choking to death as they gasped for fresh air.Some tried to escape by running away, but the streets became blocked with loaded carts that had overturned, and piles of dead and dying people.In a short while all the houses were totally covered by the debris which piled up over the rooftops.The city lay buried.The volcano subsided and the people gradually forgot about the city and those who lay buried under the ashes.Over the years, winds carried soil over the top and gradually trees and grass grew over where all the streets and buildings lay meters below.The people farmed the land around Vesuvius, which remained dormant(休眠)for hundreds of years.It was not until around 1860 that archaeologists, interested in finding the remains of the buried city Pompeii, started digging.It has taken many years for most of the city to be uncovered.Today you can walk along the paved(铺设好的) streets and see the marks made by wheels of chariots and carts.You can enter many of the houses and shops which are well preserved.There is a museum in which all kinds of possessions are housed.They include tools, cooking utensils (器具), furniture and clothing.44Which was the sign of the coming volcano in Pompeii?AThe forming of the crater.BThe strange action of animals.CLoud noise from under the ground.DThe falling of hot stones and ashes.45People went into their cellars because _.Athey could run away from thereBno poisonous gases could enter thereCthey thought the explosion wouldnt last longDother places were blocked by the hot stone and ashes46The underlined word “subsided” in the fourth paragraph means _.Adisappeared suddenly after explosionBbecame quiet after being violentClast for some time and disappear slowlyDbecome active and explode sometimesDWhen people talk about a “slow boat to China”, they usually mean that something is taking a very long time.The term is often used in reference to movements of people or goods, as in “my package is taking so long to arrive;it must be on a slow boat to China”This idiom is most commonly used in American English.The origins of the term appear to lie in the game of poker, The player who lost at a slow and steady pace was often referred to as a “slow boat to China”Therefore the patient player achieved his winnings slowly and steadily.In a way the losers plight (困境) was beneficial for the winning poker player.In 1948, Frank Loesser used the idiom in a slightly different way in his song “On a Slow Boat to China”He used it in a romantic sense, referring to the idea of being so in love with someone that you would want to take the person on a slow boat to China to spend as much time with him or her as possible.Both of these meanings referred to the fact that shipping something to China took a long time, and it would have taken even longer to cross the Pacific on a slow boat.People continue to use this term to refer to long trips, or to suggest that they have a great deal of time to do something.For example, one might say,“We can sit and talk as long as you like, because we might as well be on a slow boat to China.” As a matter of fact, the term isnt used as much in the romantic sense anymore, because the famous song has fallen out of favor.47Which of the following statements about “on a slow boat to China” is NOT true?AIts an idiom.BIts the name of a song.CIt is commonly used in British English.DIt refers to an unexpected long slow voyage.48A poker player who is referred to as “a slow boat to China”is someone _.Awho keeps losing moneyBwho plays poker well by cheatingCwho likes playing poker on a boatDwho dislikes playing poker very much49We can infer from the passage that in American peoples eyes,ancient China is _.Aamazing and easy to arrive inBfar away and hard to arrive inCstrange and hard to understandDuncultured and easy to control50Talking about “a slow boat to China” now, people may mean _.Athey are true fans of classic songsBthey have difficulty in doing somethingCthey are involved in something romanticDthey will spend a long time achieving their goals.任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Sometimes you find yourself unable to sleep in a hotel.Therefore, in order to get a full nights rest in a bed unfamiliar to you, firstly, try to reduce as much noise as you can.Find out the location of the possible hotel you want to stay at and see if it is near possible noise sources(来源), such as highways or airports.Before being given a room, ask if there are any quiet rooms.These rooms are located on upper floors and away from elevators.Make sure the room is at least two or three floors above the dining rooms.Another idea is to ask for rooms located in the back of the building,away from parking lots.While finding the right room is important, its also helpful to pack a few key items to make your hotel stay as pleasurable as possible.Pack some earplugs(耳塞),which can prevent noise entering your ears.Packing a sleep mask is also a good idea because it will prevent any annoying light entering the room, which is necessary if your room doesnt have curtains.If possible, bring some sheets, pillowcases, or blankets from your home.Youll find that your body is used to the material, which can help you sleep faster.Before you decide to go to bed, there are some further steps you can take to prepare yourself.Dont eat before sleeping.You can also try having a small cup of tea or a glass of wine.Ask the receptionist not to put any call through to your room, making sure that you will not be woken up in the middle of the night.Remember to adjust (调节) the temperature in the room to your liking.You can also take a warm bath, which lowers body temperature enough to help make sleeping easier.If youre a person who depends on background noise to sleep in hotels, there are plenty of steps you can try.You can put on background music and wear headphones.Also you can try putting the television on low, but make sure it will not annoy your neighbors.Once youre in bed,clear your thoughts.If you have ideas and feelings controlling your mind,youll find that it will be difficult to concentrate on sleeping.Look for ways to control your breathing and find a comfortable position (位置)on the bed.While sleeping in a new room might be scary at first, following these steps will help you make sure that your nights in hotels will be quite peaceful.How to sleep better in hotelsParagraph outlinesSupporting detailsReduce as much noise as possible.Choose to stay at a hotel far from noise sources like highways or airports.Ask for a 51._ room on upper floors,away from elevators,at least two or three floors above the dining rooms or in the back of the building.Pack a few key items.Pack some earplugs in order to 52._being annoyed by noise.Pack a sleep mask to 53._ light out.Bring sheets,pillowcases or blankets from your home.Make some 54_.55._nothing but you can drink a little tea or wine before going to bed.Adjust the temperature in the room and make it comfortable for you.Take a warm bath to 56._ body temperature.Make proper use of background noise.Wear headphones while 57._ background music.Put the television on low without 58._ others.Clear your thoughts.Get rid of all ideas and feelings from your 59._.Control your 60._ and sleep at a comfortable position.书面表达(满分25分)为了让同学们了解祖国的大好河山,激发同学们的爱国热情,你校英语周刊开辟了专栏介绍祖国的名胜古迹,请你根据以下要点给该栏目撰写一则介绍故宫的短文:(1)位于北京市中心,又称紫禁城,被誉为世界五大宫殿之一;(2)1420年建成,主要建材是木头和砖;(3)四面环有高10米的城墙,城外有一条宽52米的护城河(moat);东西宽753米,南北长961米,占地72万多平方米;(4)


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