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Lesson 481New Words:fresh adj.新鲜的新鲜的 egg n.鸡蛋鸡蛋 butter n.黄油黄油 pure adj.纯净的纯净的 honey n.蜂蜜蜂蜜 ripe adj.成熟成熟的的 banana n.香蕉香蕉 jam n.果酱果酱New Words:fresh adj.新鲜2 sweet adj.甜的甜的 orange n.橙子橙子 Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌苏格兰威士忌 choice adj.上等的上等的 apple n.苹果苹果 wine n.酒酒 beer n.啤酒啤酒 blackboard n.黑板黑板 sweet adj.甜的3adj.无经验的,不老练的 fresh student 新生adj.无经验的,不老练的 4in a jam 处于困境 traffic jam交通阻塞 in a jam 处于困境 5adj.悦耳的;和蔼的n.糖果adj.悦耳的;和蔼的6the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 7n.选择v.选择 n.选择8winewine 葡萄酒beer 啤酒winewine 葡萄酒9beerbeer housebeerbeer house10Scotch whiskyScotch whisky11新概念一册48课经典ppt课件12新概念一册48课经典ppt课件13新概念一册48课经典ppt课件14adj.+n.形容词形容词+名词结构名词结构 表示形容,“样的东西”fresh eggs pure honeyripe bananassweet orangeschoice applesadj.+n.形容词+名词结构 表示形容,“样的东15ripe bananassweet orangeschoice applesripe bananassweet orangeschoic16butterhoneypure honeybutterhoneypure honey17jamScotch whiskyjamScotch whisky18winebeerwinebeer19biscuitsfresh eggbiscuitsfresh egg20Game:Whats missing?Game:21 22 23 24 25summarize1.Words2.Expressions1.ripe banabas sweet oranges choice apples pure honey 2.Like doing sth/want sb.to do sth.3.Strutures1.Do you like?Yes,I do./No,I dont.2.Do you want?Yes,please./No,thank you.3.I like,and I want some.4.I like,and I dont want any.summarizeWords26Do you like eggs?Yes,I do.I like eggs,but I dont want one.Do you like butter?Yes,I do.I like butter,but I dont want any.Do you like eggs?27新概念一册48课经典ppt课件28Do you like whisky?Yes,I do.I like whisky,but I dont want any.Do you like apples?Yes,I do.I like apples,but I dont want any.Do you like whisky?Yes,I do.I 29ScotchsweetcoldhotblackripepurefreshScotchsweetcoldhotblackripepur30新概念一册48课经典ppt课件31Do you want an apple?I dont want an apple.Do you like English?I dont like English.Do you want an apple?I don32 ripe bananas/raip/Do you like?Do you want one?Yes,I do.I like bananas,and I want one.ripe bananasDo you like?Y33 sweet orangesDo you like oranges?Do you want any?Yes,I do.I like oranges and I want one.sweet orangesDo you like oran34Scotch whisky/skCtS-wiski/Do you like whisky?Do you want any?Yes,I do.I like whisky,but I dont want any.Scotch whisky/skCtS-wiski/D35 choice apples/tSCis/I like apples.I want one.Do you like?Do you want one?I dont like.I dont want one.choice applesI like apples.36wineDo you like wine?Do you want any?Yes,I do.I like wine,but I dont want any.wineDo you like wine?Do you 37 biscuitsDo you like?Do you want one?I dont like.I dont want one.biscuitsDo you like?D38beerDo you like beer?Do you want any?Yes,I do.I like whisky and I want some.beerDo you like beer?Do you 39 beer Scotch whisky wine I like some.I want_.(some,one)someDo you like any?Do you want _?any I dont like any.I dont want any.beer Scotch whisky wine I li40 pure honey jam I like some.I want some.I dont like any.I dont want any.Do you like any?Do you want any?pure honey jam I like some.41句型转换:句型转换:1.I like coffee.(变一般疑问句并做肯定回答变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)Do you like coffee?Yes,I do.2.I want some honey.(变否定句变否定句)I dont want any honey.3.I like black coffee.(用用 she 做主语做主语)She likes black coffee.(变一般疑问句和否定句变一般疑问句和否定句)Does she like black coffee?She doesnt like black coffee.4.Ann wants some sugar.(变一般疑问句并做否定回答变一般疑问句并做否定回答)Does Ann want any sugar?No,she doesnt.句型转换:Do you like coffee?Yes,I42基数词变序数词。其规律为:1,2,3特殊记,加th从4起,(first,second,third,fourth)8少t,9去e,千万别忘记,(eighth,ninth)ve变f,y要变ie,(fifth,twelfth,twentieth,ninetieth)若是几十几,前基后序别忘记.(twenty-first)基数词变序数词。其规律为:43one first 1sttwo second 2ndthree third 3rdfour fourth 4thone first 1st44five fifth 5thsix sixth 6thseven seventh 7theight eighth 8thnine ninth 9thfive fifth 5th45ten tenth 10theleven eleventh 11thtwelve twelfth 12th PracticePracticeten tenth 10th 46基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词onetwelvetwotwentythreetwenty-onefourfortyfiveone hundredsixone hundred and fiveeightone hundred and twenty-nineninenineteen基数词、序数词基数词、序数词firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty-firstfortiethone hundredthone hundred and fifthone hundred and twenty-ninthnineteenth基数词序数词基数词序数词onetwelvetwotwenty471.Teachers Day(教师节教师节)is _.2.Christmas Day(圣诞节圣诞节)is _.3.Labours Day(劳动节劳动节)is _.4.New Years Day(元旦元旦)is _.5.April Fools Day(愚人节愚人节)is _.6.Tree Planting Day(植树节植树节)7.is _.8.7.Childrens Day(儿童节儿童节)is9._请写出下列节日的日期请写出下列节日的日期September 10thDecember 25thMay 1stJanuary 1stApril 1stMarch 12thJune 1stTeachers Day(教师节)is _481.August is the _(eight)month of a year.2.The _(one)class is English.3.Liu Xiang got the _(one)in his competition of the 2004 Olympic Games.4.Look at the photo!The _(第二个)man from the left is my grandpa eighthfirstfirstsecond1.August is the _(eight)49e.g.I like jam,its in the first picture.Do you like it?Yes,I do./No,I Dont.e.g.I like jam,its in the f50新概念一册48课经典ppt课件51新概念一册48课经典ppt课件52新概念一册48课经典ppt课件53Thank you!54


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