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What s the hobby? person n.人interest n. 兴 趣 , 爱 好skill n. 技 能activity n. 活 动 pleasure n. 愉 悦 ; 快 乐success n. 成 功 ; 成 就sailing n. 航 海 ; 航 行 result n. 结 果 ; 后 果 PPT模 板 : www.1 PPT素 材 : www.1 景 : www.1 PPT图 表 : www.1 PPT下 载 : www.1 PPT教 程 : www.1 资 料 下 载 : www.1 范 文 下 载 : www.1 试 卷 下 载 : www.1 教 案 下 载 : www.1 PPT论 坛 : www.1 PPT课 件 : www.1 语 文 课 件 : www.1 数 学 课 件 : www.1 英 语 课 件 : www.1 美 术 课 件 : www.1 科 学 课 件 : www.1 物 理 课 件 : www.1 化 学 课 件 : www.1 生 物 课 件 : www.1 地 理 课 件 : www.1 历 史 课 件 : www.1 climbing dancing growing vegetables looking after animals painting playing volleyball singing writingTalk about your hobbies. Use the words and expressions in the box to help you.Activity 1 climbing dancing growing vegetables looking after animals painting playing volleyball singing writing active dangerous healthy interesting relaxingChoose the words from the box to describe your hobbies.My hobby is climbing, it is very interesting.Reading is one of my hobbies. It is relaxing. Activity 2 1. Is writing one of David s hobbies?Yes, it is.2. Who encouraged David to write about the experiences at the camp?David s teacher.Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.Activity 3 1).fast-reading 1. What advantages can hobbies bring to young people? Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. 2. What hobbies does David have? David likes writing, playing volleyball and many other things. Read the passage and answer the questions.Activity 3 2).Careful reading 3. When did David become a successful writer? After his story about the life of a sixteen- year-old boy came out as a book in 2012.4. Will David s new books be successful? Maybe. The passage doesn t say. Find a hobby to help you improve your English. If you like football, follow an English team. If your hobby is watching films, try to watch English films. 1. Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. such as 表 示 “ 例 如 ” , 等 于 for example。 例 如 : He learns many subjects, such as English, math and Chinese. 他 学 习 好 多 科 目 , 比如 , 英 语 , 数 学 和 语 文 。 2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. grow as a person, 表 示 “ 长 大 成 人 ” 。 develop one s interests, 表 示 “ 发 展 某 人 的 兴 趣 ” 。 develop 表 示 “ 发 展 , 提 高 ” 。 e.g. The course can help you develop your speaking skills. 这 门 课 程 可 以 帮 助 你 提 高 口 语 表 达 能 力 。 3. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. as well as 表 示 “ 也 , 还 , 而 且 ” 。 后 面 加 名 词 或 动 词 ing形 式 。 例 如 : We all want to visit Beijing as well as Shanghai. 我 们 除 了 想 去 北 京 以 外 , 还想 去 上 海 。 4. Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and it came out as a book in 2012. come out 表 示 “ 出 版 , 发 行 ” 。 还 表示 “ 显 露 ” 。 例 如 : The book came out at his early age. 这 本 书 在 他 年 龄 还 小 的 时 候 就 出 版 了 。 At last the truth came out. 真 相 终 于 大 白 了 。 5., and as a result, David has become a successful young writer. as a result表 示 “ 结 果 ” 。 后 面 用 逗 号 隔 开 。 so表 示 “ 因 此 ” , 后 面 不 用 逗 号 隔 开 。 例 如 : The girl kept studying hard, as a result, she got good marks in the final exam. The girl kept studying hard, so she got good marks in the final exam. 这 个 女 孩 学 习 一 直 很 努 力 , 因 此 , 她 在 期 末 考 试 的 时 候 考 了 好 成 绩 。 6. I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. spend time (in) doing sth. 表 示 “ 花 费 时间 做 某 事 ” 。 介 词 in可 以 省 略 ; 如 果 表示 “ 在 某 物 上 花 费 时 间 ” , 要 用 spend time on sth. 例 如 : I spend one hour (in) reading every evening. 我 每 天 晚 上 花 一 个 小 时 看 书 。 1What _ do you enjoy doing?2What new _ have you learnt through your hobbies?activitiesskillsactivity pleasure result skill successComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.Activity 4 3 Has any of your hobbies brought you _ and _?4 Have you made new friends as a(n)_ of your hobby?pleasure successactivity pleasure result skill successresult 简 单 句 的 基 本 句 型4.主 语 + 谓 语 ( 及 物 动 词 ) + 间 接 宾语 + 直 接 宾 语 +( 状 语 )主 语 谓 语 间 接宾 语 直 接 宾 语 状 语His hobby has brought him enjoyment.My father bought me a very good bike on my birthday. 5.主 语 +谓 语 ( 及 物 动 词 ) + 宾 语 + 宾 语 补 足 语 ( +状 语 )主 语 谓 语 宾 语 宾 语 补 足 语 状 语We can help you develop new skills. step by step.I do not want you to work too hard.The news made ever-yone happy. 6. There +be +主 语 ( +状 语 )There be 主 语 状 语There are many books in his schoolbag.There is a very nice cup on the table. 判 断 下 列 简 单 句 的 句 型 :1、2、3、 There are some apples in the bowl.4、 There is a ruler and five books in the school bag.5、 He asked me to come back soon.6、 John told me his idea.There beThere be As well as the usual activities such as sailing and climbing as a result, David has become a successful young writer. Now rewrite the following sentences using as well as, such as or as a result.1 Some hobbies, for example, reading and painting, are very relaxing. Some hobbies, such as reading and painting, are very relaxing. 2 David likes writing. He also likes playing volleyball. David likes writing as well as playing volleyball.3 Many young people love David s book, and so his hobby has brought him success. Many young people love David s book, and as a result, his hobby has brought him success. Write down at least four questions to ask your partner about his/her hobbies. For example:How did you learn your hobby?When did you start it?How often can you do it?Is it an expensive hobby? Li Kai is my classmate. His hobby is music. He enjoys playing music as well as listening to it. His favourite music bands are , such as As a result, his band is now My friend Paul plays chess. His father taught him to play when he was only five years old, and as a result, he is good at it now. He has played in the school team as well as in many competitions. Paul is not just a chess player. He also enjoys outdoor activities such as walking in the countryside and climbing. 简 单 句 的 基 本 结 构 。 重 点 短 语come out as a resultgrow as a person as well asbring sb. pleasure such as 1. You have joined the Singing Club, haven t you? 【 2013镇 江 】 _ . I like singing, but I don t have any time. A. Yes. I do B. No. I don t C. Yes, I have D. No, I haven t 2. What did you do last night? I _ TV and read books. 【 2013湖 南 娄 底 】 A. watch B. watched C. have watched 3. Do you know who took the students to the old people s home, Tony? Well, Mr. Smith _. 【 2013 湖 北 宜 昌 】 A. took B. does C. did D. do 4. Just a minute! My brother _ his car in the garden. 【 2013重 庆 】 A. washes B. is washing C. washed D. will wash 根 据 课 文 内 容 , 缩 写David s hobbies。David Smith is a student, one of his hobbies is writing


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