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外研版高一英语必修三外研版高一英语必修三Module5-Reading-Module5-Reading-课件课件Introduction-1 Words(5m)Read the following words and make sure you read them correctly and understand them.equal importancelook afterphilosopherphilosophyrulerstateteachingsthinkertreatwarCan you make some sentences with these words?2Introduction-2.Matching(4m)1.organized political community forming part of a country 2.A person who studies or teaches philosophy.3.Search for knowledge and understand of the nature and meanings of the universe and of human life.4.A person who rules or governs.5.being important.6.act or behave in a certain way towards sb.7.that which is taught.1.state2.philosopher3.philosophy4.ruler5.importance6.treat7.teaching3Introduction 3 Practice(5m)Complete the gaps with the words.In ancient China,private teachers traveled from state to s_ explaining their p_ Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p_ Confuciuss t_ influenced society for more than 2000 years.Other important t_ included Mencius and Mozi.All three teachers believed in the i_ of kindness and good government.Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of Confucius,but some of Mozis t_ were very different.For example,he hated the idea of w_ and believed that strong people should l_ weaker people.statephilosophyphilosophersteachingsthinkersimportanceteachingswarlook after4Introduction-4.Practice(5m)1.Man is born good.2.All human beings are equal.3.The family is important.We are members of a group.4.Treat others in the way you want to treated.5.People are more important than others.6.We should love all human beings.1.Which ideas are taught by Confucius?2.Which idea do you agree with most and why?5Introduction-5.Discussion(3m)1.Say three things you know about Confucius.2.Say what you know about Mencius and Mozi.6Reading&Vocabulary-1.Brainstorming(3m)Collect some information about these philosophers of ancient China.孔子(前551前479)名丘,字仲尼。春秋后期伟大的思想家、教育家,儒家的创始人。鲁国人。是儒家学派的创始人,提出了“仁”的思想,是中国古代著名的思想家和教育家。Confucius 7 孟子(前372前289)名轲,战国中期鲁国邹人。受业于子思(孔子之孙,名)之门人,曾游历于宋、滕、魏、齐等国,阐述他的政治主张,还曾在齐为卿。晚年退而著书,传世有孟子七篇。他是战国中期儒家的代表。Mencius 8 墨翟(公元前468376),人们尊称墨子。他是战国初年的鲁国人,大约生于公元前468年,死于公元前376年。Mozi 9Reading&Vocabulary-2.Fast-reading(5m)Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.1)Which ancient(古代的)philosophers were mentioned in the passage?2)What did they all believe in?3)In what way were Confuciuss ideas different from Mozis idea?Confucius,Mencius and Mozi.The importance of kindness,duty and order in society,man is kind and the importance of government.Mozis idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of kindness.10Reading&Vocabulary-3.Detailed-reading(6m)Read again and decide which statements are true or false.1.Mozi stress the importance of kindness,duty and order in society.2.Mencius teachings were very similar to Mozis.3.Mencius was brought up by his grandmother.4.Mencius resigned because the ruler didnt pay him.5.Mencius believe that man is good,and the rulers were more important than people.6.Mozis idea of love was the same with the Confucian idea of kindness.7.Mozi considered that government was most important,but he hated the idea of war.11Reading&Vocabulary-4.Comprehension(10m)ConfuciusConfucius is a great _ whose ideas have greatly _ the Chinese society for more than 2000 years.He _ the importance of_,_ and _ in society.philosopherinfluencedstressedkindnessdutyorder12vMencius Mencius was a _ whose teachings were very _ that of Confucius.He held an important _ in the government of a state,but he _ later to travel from state to state to teach the _ of Confucius,because the ruler wasnt _ his_.He believed that man is good,and people were more important than _.He suggested that the government should not treat people badly.thinkersimilar topositionresignedprinciplesfollowingadvicerulers13vMozi Mozi founded the _.Born in a poor family,he became famous for his unusual clothes and_.Though his beliefs were _ to those of Confucius,his idea of love was _ Confucian idea of kindness.He taught that we should love all _,and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.He believed that all men were_,and he was against the idea of _.Mohismbehavioursimilardifferent fromhuman beingsequalwar14Reading&Vocabulary-5.Practice(6m)Read the passage again and check the exercise on Activity 1,2 and 3 Page 42.vThe key to Activity 11.principle2.found3.belief4.order5.bring up The key to Activity 2The key to Activity 21.1.stressedstressed2.2.positionposition3.3.follow follow sbssbs advice advice4.4.resignresign5.5.adviseradviser6.6.influentialinfluential15vThe key to Activity 31.A2.B3.B4.B5.A16Reading&Vocabulary-6.Discussion(5m)1.What do you know about Confucius,Mencius or Mozi?2.Which of their teachings do you like best?And why?17Homework Try to find some information about the these three philosophers of ancient China and their philosophies.18Period 2Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaGrammar 1Function Vocabulary and SpeakingPronunciation 19Grammar 1-1.Presentation(5m)Read the sentences below and underline the relative clauses.1.Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other.2.But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.3.Confucius is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.4.Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.5.He came from a family which was very poor.20Grammar 1-2.Presentation(3m)Answer the following questions.vWhat is the relationship between the underlined phrases and the nouns before them?vDoes the underlined phrases give essential or extra information?vCan you find more sentences like these in the text?21vMore relative clauses1.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.2.Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.3.He spent many years trying to find a state where people would follow his teachings.22Grammar 1-3.Summary(5m)Do activity 2 on page 44vKeys1.A2.A3.B4.A5.B6.A SummarySummary1.1.Who follows a word referring to a Who follows a word referring to a person.person.2.2.Which follows a word referring to a Which follows a word referring to a thing.thing.3.3.Instead of which you can say that.Instead of which you can say that.4.4.Where follows a word that refers to Where follows a word that refers to a place.a place.5.5.When follows a word that refers to When follows a word that refers to time.time.6.6.Whose means of whom.Whose means of whom.23Grammar 1-4.Practice(5m)Do activity 3 and 4 on page 44vKey to activity 31.E2.A3.B4.C5.D Key to activity 4Key to activity 41.1.whichwhich2.2.wherewhere3.3.whenwhen4.4.whosewhose5.5.whosewhose6.6.whenwhen7.7.wherewhere24Grammar 1-5.Practice(5m)Make up sentences.1.Mencius wrote a book which_.2.Mencius came from a part of the world where_.3.This was a period when_.4.Mozi was a man whose _.5.Mozi was a teacher whose _.6.It was a time when _.7.He came from an area where _.25Summary of the grammar引导词引导词先行词先行词成分成分关关系系代代词词who人人主,宾主,宾whom人人宾宾which物物主,宾主,宾that人或物人或物 主,宾主,宾whose+名词名词(=of whom/which+the+名名词词)人或物人或物 定定关关系系副副词词where(=介词介词at/in/from-+which)地点词地点词 状状when(=介词介词at/on/in-+which)时间词时间词 状状why(=for which)reason状状26Function-1 Presentation(3m)1.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.2.Often,the reason why people are unhappy is that they do not have enough love.Please underline the words that are the same in both sentences.27vCan you give more expressions that are used to give reasons?vThe reason why is thatvbecausevbecause ofvSince/AsvAs a result of28Function-2 Practice.(5m)vRewrite the sentence.I like reading about ancient China because the philosophy is very interesting.The reason why I like reading about ancient China is that the philosophy is very interesting.29Do Activity 2 on page 45(do in pairs orally)vThe key to Activity 21.The reason why we remember the ancient philosophers is that their ideas are important.2.The reason why I bought the book is that it is about philosophy.3.The reason why Mencius resigned was that the ruler was not following his advice.4.The reason why Mozi hated the idea of war was that he thought people should not kill each other.30Vocabulary and speaking-1.Vocabulary(5m)Learn the following words.a sense of responsibility -responsible duty -dutiful honesty -honestjustice -justkindness -kindlove -lovablerespect -respectable31Vocabulary and speaking-2.Practice(5m)Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.1.If a judge does the right thing,we say he do the _.2.If a person doesnt tell lies and is honest,we say he is a person of _.3.If you always try to do your work well,we say you have a sense of _.justicehonestyresponsibility32Vocabulary and speaking-3.Speaking(5m)a sense of responsibility dutyhonesty justicekindnessloverespectPlease discuss with your partner and put these ideas in order of importance in society.Explain why.I think that and are the most important ideas becauseThe reason why I think is the most important idea is that33PronunciationvListen and repeat the following sentences.Pay more attention to the sound links.1.Lets go out.2.Who are they?3.It was the end of the story.4.Ill buy it tomorrow.5.Please go in.6.I dont know who anybody is.7.We agreed to do it.8.My aunt is late.34Homework Try to finish the grammar exercise in Workbook and have a good revision of the Relative Clauses.35Period 3Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaListening and VocabularySpeaking Grammar 236Listening and Vocabulary 1.Vocabulary(5m)affordbarkchemistclockcontributioncopyDiscoveryfarmerinventinventionleafleathermaterialmonkpaperprintprintingsilksoftspreadtoothbrushWhat Chinese inventions do you think you will hear from the tape?37Listening and Vocabulary 2.Note-taking(8m)Listen to the tape and try to get the information to fill in the form.inventionsDate of invention12345silkclockpaperprintingtoothbrush3200AD1092AD105AD868AD1498AD38Listening and Vocabulary 3.Dictation(8m)Listen to the tape again and do activity 3 on page 46.vKey to Activity 31.how silk was made.2.the first real clock.3.for anther 500 years.4.a type of print that could move.5.clean teeth quickly and well.39Speaking 1.Brainstorming(5m)vCollect the important inventions of the twentieth-century.Possible answers:satelliteplanecarcomputerinternetradarwireless telephone 40Speaking 2.Discussion and debate(10m)Which of the inventions is the most important?Which is the second most important?Can you explain why you think so?Please list them in order of importance.41Grammar 2 1.Exercise(3m)Do activity 1 on page 47.vKey to Activity 11.C2.D3.B4.ACan you find the difference between them?42Grammar 2 2.Presentation(5m)1.It is the country in which silk was first invented.2.It is the country which silk was first invented in.2.He is a man of whom China can be proud.3.He is a man whom China can be proud of.小结:先行词+prep.+which/whom+主语+谓语 (介词提前)先行词+which/whom+主语+谓语+prep.(介词不提前)43Grammar 2 3.Practice(10m)Do activity 3 and 4 on page 47.vKey to Activity 31.The man of whom I am thinking invented the first real clock.2.These are the leaves from which silk is made.3.He is a person of whom everyone has heard.4.This is the house in which the inventor lived.44vKey to Activity 41.Were in the region in which printing was first invented.2.It is an invention of which he is very proud.3.He is a man of whom I am afraid because he has invented something very dangerous.4.The machine at which you are looking is very old.5.Is that the inventor to whom you were talking?45Summary of the grammar关系代词前介词(介词which)的确定1.根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系e.g.Is that the newspaper _which you often write articles?2.根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配e.g.Can you explain to me how to use these idioms _which Im not sure.3.根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯e.g.1949 was the year _which the P.R.C.was founded.461.This is the car _which I bought last year.2.This is the car _which I paid 100$.3.This is the car _which I spent 100$.4.This is the car _which I go to work every day.5.This is the car _ which I cant go to work.6.This is the car _which the old man was knocked down7.This is the car _which a boy threw a stone.8.This is the car _which we talked.9.This is the car _which the window was broken-foronbywithoutbyataboutof47Homework 1.Get more materials about the inventions to read.2.Review the grammar part and find more exercise to do.48Period 4Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaWritingEveryday EnglishCultural Corner 49Writing-1.Reading(6m)Read the essay and match the paragraphs with the description.vKey to Activity 11.D2.C3.A4.BCan you find out the structure of this essay?50vThe structure of the essayParagraph 1:the introduction -This gives some general facts about the subject.Paragraph 2:give the arguments for the subject.Paragraph 3:give the arguments against the subjectParagraph 4:the conclusion -This gives the writers final opinions.51Writing-2.Reading(6m)Read the essay again and find the answers to the following questions.1.How many advantages are described?2.How many disadvantages are described?3.What phrase does the writer use to start the last paragraph?32In conclusion52Writing 3.Discussion(6m)vDiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of television and put the related information into the two boxes.advantages of televisiondisadvantages of television53Writing 4.Writing(10m)vThe advantages and disadvantages of television Televisions were first used Televisions have great advantage.But televisions also have great advantages In conclusion,I think that television 54Writing-5.Presentation(5m)Show your essay to the whole class55Everyday English-(4m).Paraphrase the following expressions 1.if so2.They say that3.for the first time ever4.tell the time5.to give an exampleWhat is the meaning of the phrases?Can you use them to make up some sentences?56Everyday English-(3m)Do the exercise on page 48,using the expressions to complete the conversations.vKey to the exercise:1.A:They say that2.B:If so tell the time2.A:To give an example3.B:for the first time ever57Cultural Corner-1.Pre-reading(5m)(open answers)1.What do you know about the Industrial Revolution?2.Where did it start first?58Cultural Corner-2.Intensive-reading(8m)1.What changes happened with the Industrial Revolution?2.What do you know about the development of industry in China?Farming life became industrial;mass production was possible;people moved to the cities;the steam engine were invented.Open answers59Cultural Corner-3.Discussion(8m)Compare the Industrial Revolution in Europe and China.(open answers)Things to compareEuropeChinaagechangesWorking conditionsPeoples lives60Cultural Corner-4.Language points(8m)Point out and explain some difficulties in the passage.1.the second half of the eighteenth century2.Until then Europe had been a farming society.3.for the first time4.in poor and crowded conditions5.spread through61Homework 1.Get more information about the Industrial Revolution.2.Finish off the writing part in Workbook and write a passage of the invention of paper.62Language Date BankLanguage points for Reading 63Language Date Bank1.In ancient China,private teachers traveled from state to state explaining their philosophy.2.from+n.+to+n.从一个到另一个3.from house to house from beginning to end4.from side to side from morning to night5.from time to time from head to foot6.from generation to generation7.explaining现在分词作伴随状语64Language Date Bank2.Confuciuss teachings influenced society for more than 2000 years.3.influence n./v.影响4.Influenced by the teacher,I took up the study of medicine.5.have an influence on/upon 对有影响6.influential adj.effective adj.有影响力的7.比较:effect n.影响,效果,作用8.affect vt.影响,感动65Language Date Bank3.Other important teachers included Mencius and Mozi.4.比较:other,another,others and the other5.one ,another6.one,the other7.one another each other one after another8.include 包含,包括 (侧重包含范围)9.contain (侧重包含内容,成分)10.I have brought everything youll need,including a guidebook /a guidebook included.66Language Date Bank4.Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of Confucius,but some of Mozis thoughtw were very different.be similar to 与类似 Your views on education are similar to mine.in a similar way similarly similarity those 代替前面提到的 the+复数可数名词 The apples on the tree look nicer than those in the basket.67Language Date Bank5.Man is born good.6.be born 生来就是,后接adj.n.to do.7.He was born rich.8.No one is born to succeed in life.9.born 可作定语,天生的10.a born teacher/poet 68Language Date Bank6.All human beings are equal.equal adj./n./v.相同的,同等的/平等/等于 Women demand equal pay for equal work.Bob is quite equal to the job of running the office.Im not the equal of Mary in beauty.None of us can equal her,either in beauty of as a dancer.equally equality be equal to 69Language Date Bank7.Treat others in the way you want to be treated.8.in way 用.方法 ,后接定语从句用that/in which/或省略9.Soon I got used to American ways of doing things.8.I very much agree with statement 4.9.agree with /to /on10.I agree with what you said.11.After a further discussion,both sides agreed on the date for the next meeting.12.70Language Date Bankv短语归纳be at war with 与交战in society 在社会上be similar to 与类似 bring up 抚养follow ones advice 听某人的建议71


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