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会计学1形容词比较级和最高级用法讲解形容词比较级和最高级用法讲解例:1.Jim is taller than Mike.2.lily is shorter than lucy.3.The car goes faster than the bike.4.The box is heavier than that box.1.Jim is taller than Tim.2.lily is shorter than lucy.3.The car goes faster than the bike.4.The box is heavier than that box.1.Jim比Tim高。2.lily比lucy矮。3.小汽车比自行车跑的快。4.这个盒子比那个盒子重。第1页/共25页形容词性或副词比较级 than 比.(用于形容词,副词的比较 级后后)第2页/共25页形容词的形容词的形容词的形容词的比较级比较级比较级比较级n n一:一:用法用法n n用于两者(人或物)之间,表示用于两者(人或物)之间,表示“其中一个比另一更其中一个比另一更”或或“较较”,后面通常用,后面通常用连词连词thanthan连结另一个比较的对象,连结另一个比较的对象,n n基本句型是:基本句型是:n n主语谓语(系动词)形容词比较级主语谓语(系动词)形容词比较级thanthan对比对象。对比对象。n n例:例:1.I am taller than you.1.I am taller than you.n n 2.lily is shorter than lucy.2.lily is shorter than lucy.n n 3.The train goes faster than the bus.3.The train goes faster than the bus.n n 4.The bag is heavier than that bag.4.The bag is heavier than that bag.nn 第3页/共25页形容词形容词的比较等级构成规则:1.一般单音节形容词的比较级多在原形上加-er,最高级加-est.原级比较级最高级smallsmallersmallestoldolderoldestyoungyoungeryoungesttalltallertallest2.辅音字母加y结尾时,去y变变i再加er friendly friendlier friendliest heavy heavier heaviest easy easier easiest第4页/共25页3.以不发音的e结尾时加r/st.fine finer finest nice nicer nicest4.以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的单词,即重读闭音节(重读闭音节就是所谓的元音字母不是发它本身的字母音),双写这个辅音字母,再加-er/est.big bigger biggest thin thinner thinnest fat fatter fattest hot hotter hottest第5页/共25页5.不规则形容词的比较级与最高级如下:原级比较级最高级good/wellbetterbestbadworseworstmany/muchmoremostoldolder/elderoldest/eldestlittlelessleast第6页/共25页Which flies higher,the plane or the bird?The plane flies higher than the bird.第7页/共25页Which runs faster,the dog or the sheep?The dog runs faster than the sheep.The sheep runs fast.第8页/共25页原级比较级最高级beautifulmore beautiful most beautifulpopularmore popularmost popularexpensive more expensive most expensive 6.多音节形容词(三个或三个以上音节)的比较级,在原形前加more.最高级加most.第9页/共25页¥100¥200 Which is more expensive,the brown coat or the the yellow coat?The yellow coat is more expensive than the brown one.The brown coat is expensive.第10页/共25页Donald duckHarry PotterWhich is more interesting?Harry potter is more interesting than Donald duck.Donald duck is interesting.第11页/共25页n n 注意注意n n(1 1)than than 后面接代词时,一般要后面接代词时,一般要用主格用主格,但在口语中也,但在口语中也可以换成宾格。可以换成宾格。n n He works more carefully than I(me).He works more carefully than I(me).n n 他比我工作更细心。他比我工作更细心。n n(2 2)“比较级比较级+and+and+比较级比较级”表示表示“越来越越来越”n n He becomes fatter and fatter.He becomes fatter and fatter.n n 他越来越胖了。他越来越胖了。n n She is more and more athletic.She is more and more athletic.n n 她越来越健壮了。她越来越健壮了。第12页/共25页n n(3 3)The+The+比较级比较级,the+the+比较级比较级”表示表示“越越,越,越”n n The busierThe busier he is,he is,the happierthe happier he feels.he feels.n n 他越忙就越高兴。他越忙就越高兴。n n(4 4)形容词比较级前可加数词,表示)形容词比较级前可加数词,表示n n “大(小)大(小)多少多少”“”“长(短)长(短)多少多少”n n He is He is five years youngerfive years younger than me.than me.n n 他比我小五岁。他比我小五岁。n n(5 5)表示倍数时用)表示倍数时用:times+:times+比较级比较级+than+thann n My room is My room is three times biggerthree times bigger than yours.than yours.n n 我的房间是你的三倍。我的房间是你的三倍。第13页/共25页n n 原级和比较级前面通常使用的修饰词:原级和比较级前面通常使用的修饰词:n n(一)在(一)在原级前面原级前面通常使用通常使用very,quite(very,quite(十分,非十分,非常常),too),too(太)(太),much too,much too(太,非常)(太,非常),a little,a little,as,so as,so 等。等。n n 1.The room is very big.1.The room is very big.n n 2.The person is quite clever.2.The person is quite clever.n n 3.Today is too hot.3.Today is too hot.n n 4.He eats too much,so hes much too heavy.4.He eats too much,so hes much too heavy.第14页/共25页n n在在比较级前面比较级前面使用的修饰词有:使用的修饰词有:n n(二)(二)eveneven(更,更加),(更,更加),a littlea little(有点),(有点),far/far/much/a lot much/a lot(更加(更加的多)的多)n n 1.Yesterday was 1.Yesterday was hothot,but today is even ,but today is even hotterhotter.n n 2.Im a little 2.Im a little tallertaller than Mary.than Mary.n n 3.This skirt is far/much/a lot 3.This skirt is far/much/a lot more beautifulmore beautiful n n than that one.than that one.第15页/共25页第16页/共25页Which means of transportation is safer?busplane第17页/共25页Which country is larger?U.S.AAustralia第18页/共25页The yellow RiverWhich river is longer?The Changjiang River第19页/共25页Which mountain is higher?Fu Ji mountain Huangshan第20页/共25页vegetablespizzaWhich is more delicious?第21页/共25页Who is more popular?BeckhamZhao Benshan第22页/共25页“比较比较”出来的英语出来的英语1.Afriendiseasierlostthanfound.朋友易失不易得。朋友易失不易得。2.Enoughisasgoodasafeast.知足常乐。知足常乐。3.Bettertodowellthantosaywell.说得好不如干得好。说得好不如干得好。4.Betterthelastsmilethanthefirstlaughter.宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。5.Doingisbetterthansaying.会说不如会做。会说不如会做。6.Twoheadsarebetterthanone.两人智慧胜一人。两人智慧胜一人。7.Goodtobeginwell,bettertoendwell.善始好,善终更佳。善始好,善终更佳。8.Aneyefindsmoretruththantwoears.百闻不如一见。百闻不如一见。第23页/共25页第24页/共25页


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