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How to teach English phoneticsin junior secondary schools初中英语语音教学责任专家:刘道义 Questions for discussion (思考题)Why teach phonetics 为什么教语音?What kind of accent to teach 教哪种英语语音?What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容?When to teach phonetics 何时安排语音教学?How to teach phonetics 怎样教语音? Why teach phonetics 为什么教语音? To help lay a good foundation for learning English vocabulary 语音为词汇学习打基础 To help with listening and speaking 语音影响听说 To affect reading and writing 语音影响读写 Why teach phonetics 为什么教语音? To build up studentsconfidence in learning English 好语音能增强学习英语的信心 To improve intelligibility 语音影响表意 To create a favorable impression 语音影响形象 Why is teaching phonetics important? What problems do students have with English pronunciation? Using the wrong sound Making long vowels short Leaving sounds out Why is teaching phonetics important? Adding sounds Putting stress on the wrong syllable in a word Putting stress on the wrong word in a sentence Using the wrong intonation pattern (G. Poedjosoedarmo, 2007) What kind of accent to teach 教哪种英语语音?What are the main varieties of English accent?SSB (Standard Southern British) rather than RP (Received Pronunciation)GA (General American) What kind of accent to teach 教哪种英语语音?Which accent should we teach?Either SSB or GA as a basisBetter to expose students to a variety of accents, so that they will be able to understand most people they meet. What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容?What is required in the Curriculum Standards?1. Pronunciation of 26 letters a, e, i (y), o, u in stressed/unstressed syllables Vowel combinations in stressed syllables Common vowel combinations in stressed syllables What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容? Consonant combinations (ch, dg, th, tch, ph, ng, nk) Consonant clusters (bl-, cl-, fl-, gl-, br-, cr-, sm-, sp-, pr-, qu-) Syllabic sounds (ble, -ple, -cle, -gle, -dle, -sin, -ten, -ven) 2. Word stress and sentence stress3. Sound variation liaison (连读) incomplete explosive weak form assimilation (同化)What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容? 4. Intonation and rhythm sense group and pausing rising and falling tones rhythmWhat to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容? 5. Use of pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm in oral communication6. Pronunciation and enunciation skills in reading aloud and speeches7. English pronunciation differences in major English speaking countries (mainly taught in senior high school)What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容? Phonic workWithout learning phonetic symbols ( IPA) 直 拼 法 Letters have sounds. (24) Sounds make up words. Letters combine in syllables to make words. CV CVC CVCE CCVC CVVC CVCC , etc Phonic workWithout learning phonetic symbols ( IPA) 直 拼 法Many words follow a regular pattern, but many dont. Connect spelling with pronunciation 听 其 音 知 其 形 , 见 其 形 知 其 音 Letters have soundsA a H h J j K kE e B b C c D d G g P p T t V vI i Y yO oU u Q q W w F f L l M m N n S s X x Z z R r 方 法 一 : 掐 头 法 学 读 音 读 下 列 辅 音 字 母 名 称 音 , 将 其 第一 个 音 去 掉 , 余 下 的 音 即 为 该 字 母 在 单 词 中 的 读 音 。Ff /ef/Ll /el/Mm /em/Nn /en/Ss /es/Xx /eks/ /f/l/m/n/s/ks/Example 1 案例一 读 下 列 辅 音 字 母 名 称 音 , 将 其 后 面 的 音 去 掉 , 余 下的 音 即 为 该 字 母 在 单 词 中 的 读 音 。Zz /zi:/Vv /vi:/ Bb /bi:/Dd /di:/Cc /si:/Jj /d3eI/ Pp /pi:/ Kk /keI/ Tt /ti:/ /b/s/ /k/d/d3/k/ /p/t/v/z/方法二:去尾法学音素 Gg Hh Yy Ww Rr读 下 列 辅 音 字 母 在 单 词 中 的 读 音 与 汉 语 拼 音 g, h,y, w, r有 相 似 之 处 , 注 意 不 要 混 淆 。egg 鸡 蛋 hen 母 鸡 yes 是 的 well 好 的 red 红 色 的/g/ /h/ /j/ /w/ /r/eg/ /hen/ /jes/ /wel/ /red/方法三:对比法学读音 Teach phonetic symbols ( IPA) 教 音 标Vowels and consonants元 音 和 辅 音 的 读 音 示 范 有声版国际音标表 a, e, i (y), o, u in stressed syllables Open Closea name /e/ map / e we /i:/ wet /e/i hi /a/ hit /(y) why /a/ physics /o note / not /u flute /u:/ flush / a, e, i, o, u, y in unstressed syllables/ /aboutbanana hundredparent April pencil secondtoday August success/ /orangevillage secreteleven touristEnglish Lily forty Vowel letter combinations in stressed syllablesR-syllablesar /:/ art car far hard gardener /:/ her hers term nerve serviceir /:/ sir bird girl firm thirtyor /:/ or for torn morn forty ur /:/ urge fur hurt nurse turning Vowel letter 爸 爸 is not /ba: ba:/ / / motherFather and mother, mother and father, they give me a hug(拥 抱 )! / : / door / D / dog Look! Its a door. Whats behind the door? Oh, its a dog. A dog is behind the door. coollookOh, you look so cool! / /u:/ / I/ nameI mye/ I/a Whats your name? My name is Mike.Whats your name? I am Kate. boygoal (得 分 ,进 球 ,射 门 )/ i/3:/ girlA goal and a girl. / / The girl is kicking a goal.The boy is looking at the girl. We kick a goal but cant kick a girl. /a / outheretheresureLets say it out: Here and there, we are the best!Are you sure? Yes! Here and there, we are the best!/i /e / / Connect phonetic teaching with practice of words, phrases, sentences, texts, etcEnglish alphabet英 语 字 母 Sounds音 素 Words词Phrases短 语 Sentences句 子Texts话 语 、 篇 章 、 课 文Practical Writing应 用 文 Stories/ Novels故 事 、 小 说Reports报 道 文 Poems诗 歌LettersDiariesMessages Computer-aided teaching of pronunciation Pronunciation power by English Computerized Learning Inc., Blackstone Multimedia Corporation (animations showing how sounds are produced; sound discrimination) Compare the users waveform with the sample Example 4 案例四浙江省特级教师张学雅老师单元拼音练习(见附件)Example 5 案例五课堂教学录像(北大附小李瑜老师) Example 5 (video) Ar makes / sound. Er, ir, or, ur make / or / sound. Today is Turtles birthday. She is wearing a skirt. Here comes her friend bird. Happy birthday to you, Turtle! Reference 参考资料 G. Poedjosoedarmo, 中小学英语教师发展丛书,语音教学入门,人民教育出版社,2007年10月 课程教材研究所:新中国中小学教材建设史1949-2000研究丛书英语卷,人教社,2010年10月 教语音教外国学生说英语的参考书,中国人民大学出版社,2002年6月 Reference 参考资料 曲明文主编:英语语音进阶,上海交通大学出版社,1999年9月 葆青, 实用英语语音, 高等教育出版社,1988 唐锡玲、黄秀萍,英语语音基础,东北师大出版社,2001 Thanks!


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