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Comparative studiesComparative studies1.语义的差异2.语法的差异3.句法的差异4.思维的差异Page17,句法差异形合与意合整体综合与细节分析synthetic vs analytical.中国人习惯于概括综合,整体把握,不强求形式分析与逻辑推理;英语国家的人重个体成分的独立作用及相互关系,强调形式分析和规则的制约.In thinking:句法差异形合与意合3.句法的差异:形合(hypotaxis/hapotactic)与意合(parataxis/paratactic)Hypotaxis:The dependent or subordinate Hypotaxis:The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with construction or relationship of clauses with connective,for example,I shall despair if you dont connective,for example,I shall despair if you dont come.(come.(The American Heritage Dictionary)The American Heritage Dictionary)形合:句中的形合:句中的词语词语或分句之或分句之间间需要一种需要一种语语言形式手段言形式手段(如如关关联词联词)连连接起来,表达一定的接起来,表达一定的语语法意法意义义和和逻辑逻辑关系。关系。句法差异形合与意合3.句法的差异:形合(hypotaxis/hapotactic)与意合(parataxis/paratactic)意合:意合:词语词语或分句之或分句之间间不用不用语语言形式手段言形式手段进进行行连连接,句接,句中的中的语语法意法意义义和和逻辑逻辑关系通关系通过词语过词语或分句的含或分句的含义义来表达。来表达。英英语语:明示:明示(overt cohesion)(overt cohesion)汉语汉语:隐隐含含(covert coherence)(covert coherence)Parataxis:The arranging of clauses one after the other Parataxis:The arranging of clauses one after the other without connective showing the relation between them.without connective showing the relation between them.Example:The rain fell;the river flooded;the house Example:The rain fell;the river flooded;the house washed away.washed away.句法差异形合与意合形合:英英语语的句子通常以的句子通常以主主谓结谓结构构为为主干,以主干,以谓语动谓语动词为词为中心,借助中心,借助诸诸如分如分词词、介、介词词、连词连词、关系代、关系代词词、关系副关系副词词之之类类的的连连接手段接手段,把句子的其他各个,把句子的其他各个语语法成法成分分层层层层搭架搭架,呈,呈现现出由中心向外出由中心向外扩扩展的展的“分岔式或空分岔式或空间间式式”结结构。构。意合意合:汉语汉语意合句意合句则则是是按按时间时间的先合的先合顺顺序序,即通即通过过多个多个动词动词的的连连用或流水句形式用或流水句形式,按按时间顺时间顺序和事理推移的方序和事理推移的方法法,一件一件交代清楚一件一件交代清楚,一一层层一一层铺层铺开开,呈呈现现的是一个的是一个时时间顺间顺序的流水序的流水图图形式形式.(Refer to Ex 2:21).(Refer to Ex 2:21)句法差异形合与意合1.注意形式 vs 注意达意形合:Lets go home,Lets go home,asas it is late.it is late.意合意合:已已经经晚了晚了,我我们们回去吧回去吧.句法差异形合与意合1.注意形式 vs 注意达意意合意合:我常我常见许见许多青年的朋友,多青年的朋友,聪聪明用功,明用功,成成绩优绩优异,异,而而语语文程度不足以达意,文程度不足以达意,甚至甚至写一封信亦写一封信亦难难得通得通顺顺,问问其故曰其其故曰其兴兴趣不在趣不在语语文方面。文方面。(梁梁实实秋秋学学问问与趣味与趣味)形合:I have come across a great many bright I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends and diligent young friends whowho have done have done exceedingly well in their studies,but are rather exceedingly well in their studies,but are rather weak in Chinese.weak in Chinese.TheyThey cannot even write a letter cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese.in correct Chinese.WhenWhen I asked them why,I asked them why,theythey said they were not interested in the Chinese said they were not interested in the Chinese language.language.句法差异形合与意合2.词形变化组句 vs 多个动词按时间顺序组句.形合:He He jumped upjumped up and and hastenedhastened to the mirror in to the mirror in the bathroom,the bathroom,taking awaytaking away the towel the towel to examineto examine the the cut upon his cheek.cut upon his cheek.意合意合:他跳起来他跳起来,连连忙跑到忙跑到卫卫生生间间的的镜镜子前子前,拿起毛巾拿起毛巾,仔仔细细察看察看脸脸上的上的伤伤口口.月亮故月亮故乡乡好好,故故乡乡好月亮好月亮.月好亮故月好亮故乡乡,故故乡乡月好亮月好亮.“有什么可吃的有什么可吃的?”“?”“您老您老,吃什么有什么吃什么有什么.”“.”“有什么吃什有什么吃什么么!”!”句法差异形合与意合3.英语多倒装句与汉语的不存 在倒装句.形合:Never did I see him so angry.Never did I see him so angry.意合意合:我我从来从来没没见见到到过过他他这这么生气么生气.形合形合:Little does he know how much suffering he has:Little does he know how much suffering he has caused.caused.意合意合:他他就就不大知道他不大知道他给别给别人造成了多大的痛苦人造成了多大的痛苦.E:do,does,did;E:do,does,did;C:C:一般一般词词序不序不变变,只增加某些只增加某些词词而已而已.句法差异形合与意合4.空间搭架 vs 时间顺序的流水形图式.形合:复合句复合句意合意合:连动连动句句E:Refer to Ex 2:sentence 21.sentence 22E:Refer to Ex 2:sentence 21.sentence 22句法差异形合与意合4.空间搭架 vs 时间顺序的流水形图式.E:可以打破先后顺顺序序或采取灵活的词序.意合意合:注重注重动动作的先后次序与因果的前后关系作的先后次序与因果的前后关系.形合形合:After I had my dinner,I went for a walk.(I:After I had my dinner,I went for a walk.(I went for a walk after I had my dinner.)went for a walk after I had my dinner.)意合意合:我吃我吃过过晚晚饭饭后出去散了散步后出去散了散步.句法差异形合与意合21.Dr.Smith 21.Dr.Smith(1)(1)resumed resumed重新开始重新开始the activities of the activities of anti-cancer experiment anti-cancer experiment(2)(2)begun in 1945 and begun in 1945 and(3)(3)financed by the Federal government as soon as financed by the Federal government as soon as he he(4)(4)snapped snapped 突然断裂突然断裂from from(5)(5)his original his original disappointment at disappointment at(6)(6)repeated failures,which has repeated failures,which has(7)(7)resulted in its forced suspensionresulted in its forced suspension暂暂停停.史密斯医生于史密斯医生于(2)(2)19451945年开始着手年开始着手(3)(3)由由联联邦政府邦政府资资助的助的抗癌抗癌实验实验。他由于。他由于(6)(6)屡遭失屡遭失败败而而(5)(5)感到沮感到沮丧丧,(7)(7)被迫被迫终终止了止了实验实验工作工作,(4)(4)现现在他又重新振作起来,在他又重新振作起来,(1)(1)恢复了恢复了抗癌抗癌实验实验活活动动。句法差异形合与意合n n22.22.(1)(1)They(the poor)are the first to experience They(the poor)are the first to experience technological progress as a curse technological progress as a curse(2)(2)which destroys which destroys the old muscle-power jobs the old muscle-power jobs(3)(3)that previous that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.(recasting)of poverty.(recasting)nn(3)(3)对对于以往几代人来于以往几代人来说说,旧式的体力,旧式的体力劳动劳动是一种用以是一种用以摆摆脱脱贫贫困的手段,困的手段,(2)(2)而技而技术术的的进进步步则则摧摧毁毁了了穷穷人人赖赖以以为为生的体力生的体力劳动劳动。(1)(1)因此,首先体因此,首先体验验到技到技术进术进步之害步之害的是的是穷穷人。人。句法差异形合与意合n n24.24.(1)(1)The secret of the moon remained unveiledThe secret of the moon remained unveiled除除去去.的面的面纱纱 until until the latter half of the twentieth the latter half of the twentieth centurycentury due to the lack of lunar space carrier,due to the lack of lunar space carrier,(2)(2)for a for a series of questions concerning fuel,material,safe series of questions concerning fuel,material,safe landing,propelling mechanism and particularly landing,propelling mechanism and particularly electronic computation etc.were too intricateelectronic computation etc.were too intricate复复杂杂的的,错综错综的的 to solve under the technical conditions to solve under the technical conditions early early in this centuryin this century,(3)(3)which have which have sincesince been undergoing been undergoing profound change and greatly improving.(reversing profound change and greatly improving.(reversing/inserting)/inserting)nn(3)(3)2020世世纪纪初,技初,技术术条件条件产产生了深刻的生了深刻的变变化,有了极大的改化,有了极大的改进进。(2)(2)但在当但在当时时的技的技术术条件下,燃料、材料、安全着条件下,燃料、材料、安全着陆陆、推、推进进装置,装置,特特别别是是电电子子计计算等一系列的算等一系列的问题问题都都 过过于复于复杂杂,难难以解决,没以解决,没有登月运有登月运载载工具。工具。(1)(1)因此直到因此直到2020世世纪纪后期才揭开月球的秘密。后期才揭开月球的秘密。句法差异形合与意合 6.6.(1)(1)Plastics is made from water Plastics is made from water(2)(2)which is a which is a natural resource inexhaustible and available natural resource inexhaustible and available everywhere,coal everywhere,coal(3)(3)which can be mined through which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime and lime(4)(4)which can be obtained from the which can be obtained from the calcinationscalcinations煅煅烧烧 of limestone of limestone石灰石石灰石 widely present widely present in nature.(cutting)in nature.(cutting)nn(1)(1)塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。(2)(2)水是取之不尽的水是取之不尽的到到处处可以可以获获得的天然得的天然资资源;源;(3)(3)煤是用自煤是用自动动化和机械化化和机械化的方法开采的,成本的方法开采的,成本较较低;低;(4)(4)石灰是由煅石灰是由煅烧烧自然界中自然界中广泛存在的石灰石得来的。广泛存在的石灰石得来的。句法差异形合与意合ExerciseExercise1.她不老实,我不能信任她.2.人不犯我,我不犯人.(attack)3.不知苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?4.狼披着羊皮还是狼.(wolf;in sheeps clothing)5.玩火自焚.6.他不来,我不去。7.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。8.吃苦在前,享受在后。9.物极必反。王琼 page 55-60句法差异形合与意合 1.Because she is not honest,I cant trust her.2.We will not attack unless we are attacked.3.If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall胆汁,how can you know the sweetness of honey?4.A Wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheeps clothing.5.Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.keykey句法差异形合与意合 6.If he doesnt come here,Ill not go there.7.As you sow,so will you reap.8.Be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts.9.Once a certain limit is reached,a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.keykey句法差异形合与意合 原文的形合句究竟是译成形和句还是意合句,应视情况而定,不能“一刀切”。E.g.:restructuring ConclusionConclusion句法差异形合与意合 王琼 page 55-60Reference:Reference:句法差异形合与意合1.1.土地的价格占了整个房价的土地的价格占了整个房价的30%30%。(account(account for)for)2.2.科学科学证证据表明人据表明人类类的一些行的一些行为导为导致了气候的致了气候的变变化。化。(contribute to(contribute to;human activities)human activities)3.3.统计统计分析表明分析表明这这些吻合不可能偶然些吻合不可能偶然发发生的。生的。(by chance(by chance;correspondence)correspondence)4.4.我我们应们应尽可能多地收集数据,以便找出它尽可能多地收集数据,以便找出它长长期期发发展的展的趋势趋势。(data,identify)(data,identify)5.5.从从图图中可以看出,中可以看出,1010年年间间食品价格有了大幅度食品价格有了大幅度的提高。的提高。Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合1.1.土地的价格占了整个房价的土地的价格占了整个房价的30%30%。(account for)(account for)Land prices account for 30%of the house prices.Land prices account for 30%of the house prices.2.2.科学科学证证据表明人据表明人类类的一些行的一些行为导为导致了气候的致了气候的变变化。化。(contribute to(contribute to;human activities)Scientific human activities)Scientific evidence suggests that human activities evidence suggests that human activities are are contributing tocontributing to climate change.climate change.3.3.统计统计分析表明分析表明这这些吻合不可能偶然些吻合不可能偶然发发生的。生的。(by(by chancechance;correspondence)Statistical analyses correspondence)Statistical analyses have shown that these correspondences are have shown that these correspondences are highly unlikely to have occurred by chance.highly unlikely to have occurred by chance.Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n n从从图图中可以看出,中可以看出,1010年年间间食品价格有了大幅度食品价格有了大幅度的提高。的提高。It can be seen from the chart that food It can be seen from the chart that food prices have rose dramatically in the past decade.prices have rose dramatically in the past decade.Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nA A The question of whether heredity(“nature”)or environment The question of whether heredity(“nature”)or environment(“nurture”)is more important in determining the course of human(“nurture”)is more important in determining the course of human development has been debated through the centuries.For example,development has been debated through the centuries.For example,the seventeenth-century British philosopher John Locke rejected the the seventeenth-century British philosopher John Locke rejected the prevailing notion of his day that babies were miniature adults who prevailing notion of his day that babies were miniature adults who arrived in the world fully equipped with abilities and knowledge and arrived in the world fully equipped with abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow in order for these inherited characteristics to who simply had to grow in order for these inherited characteristics to appear.On the contrary,Locke believed that the mind of a newborn appear.On the contrary,Locke believed that the mind of a newborn infant is a“blank slate”(tabula rasa).What gets written on this slate infant is a“blank slate”(tabula rasa).What gets written on this slate is what the baby experiences what he or she sees,hears,tastes,is what the baby experiences what he or she sees,hears,tastes,smells and feels.According to Locke,all knowledge comes to us smells and feels.According to Locke,all knowledge comes to us through our senses.It is provided by experience;no knowledge or through our senses.It is provided by experience;no knowledge or ideas are built in.ideas are built in.Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nThe question of whether heredity(“nature”)or environment(“nurture”)is more important in determining the course of human development has been debated through the centuries.n n分译:从句-主句n n到底是否应该延迟退休,这一问题在中国已经争论了十年之久。n nThe question of whether the retirement age should be extended(to 60 or 65)has been debated for a decade.(has been a hot topic)Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nFor example,the seventeenth-century British For example,the seventeenth-century British philosopher John Lockephilosopher John Locke洛克洛克 约约翰翰rejectedrejected the the prevailingprevailing notionnotion of his day that babies were of his day that babies were miniatureminiature adults who arrived in the world adults who arrived in the world fully equipped with fully equipped with abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow in in orderorder for these inherited characteristics to appear.for these inherited characteristics to appear.n nReject:refuse to agree to(a request)Reject:refuse to agree to(a request)拒拒绝绝接受(接受(请请求求),不同意,不同意n nPrevailing:Prevailing:占占优势优势的的;主要的主要的n nNotion:a conception of or belief about somethingNotion:a conception of or belief about something概念;概念;观观念;看法,念;看法,见见解解Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nthat babies were that babies were miniatureminiature adults who arrived in adults who arrived in the world the world fully equipped with fully equipped with abilities and knowledge abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow and who simply had to grow in orderin order for these for these inheritinherited ed characteristics to appear.characteristics to appear.n nMiniature:a thing that is much smaller than normal,Miniature:a thing that is much smaller than normal,especially a small replica or modelespecially a small replica or model小型物;微小型物;微缩缩模型;模型;缩缩影影n nBe equipped withBe equipped with:supply with the necessary items for:supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose a particular purpose 配配备备,装,装备备n nInheritInherit:derive(a quality,characteristic,or:derive(a quality,characteristic,or predisposition)genetically from ones parents or predisposition)genetically from ones parents or ancestorsancestors遗传遗传而得(品而得(品质质,特性,体,特性,体质质)Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nFor example,the seventeenth-century British For example,the seventeenth-century British philosopher John Lockephilosopher John Locke洛克洛克 约约翰翰rejectedrejected the the prevailingprevailing notionnotion of his day that babies were of his day that babies were miniatureminiature adults who arrived in the world adults who arrived in the world fully equipped with fully equipped with abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow abilities and knowledge and who simply had to grow in in orderorder for these for these inheritinherited characteristics to appear.ed characteristics to appear.n nIn orderIn order:according to a particular sequenceaccording to a particular sequence按按顺顺序序n n分句:分句:n n Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nOn the contrary,Locke believed that On the contrary,Locke believed that the mindthe mind of a newborn infant is a“blank slate”(tabula of a newborn infant is a“blank slate”(tabula rasa).rasa).n nSlate:Slate:石板石板Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nWhat gets written on this slate is What gets written on this slate is whatwhat the baby the baby experiences what he or she sees,hears,experiences what he or she sees,hears,tastes,smells and feels.According to Locke,all tastes,smells and feels.According to Locke,all knowledge comes to us through our senses.It is knowledge comes to us through our senses.It is provided by experience;no knowledge or ideas provided by experience;no knowledge or ideas are are built inbuilt in.n nBuilt inBuilt in:n nbuild sth in;build sth into sthbuild sth in;build sth into sth:to make sth a to make sth a fixed and permanent part of a system,a plan,etc.fixed and permanent part of a system,a plan,etc.使使成成为为(体系、体系、计计划等的划等的)组组成部份成部份:n na built-in cupboard a built-in cupboard 壁橱壁橱Translation Translation 句法差异形合与意合n nWhat are the benefits of smaller classes on What are the benefits of smaller classes on academic performanceacademic performanceWriting Writing 句法差异形合与意合n nWhat is the figure about?(step 1)What is the figure about?(step 1)n n1.Figure 1 displays data over an 18-year period 1.Figure 1 displays data over an 18-year period(1986-2004),comparing the number of people(1986-2004),comparing the number of people employed in the manufacturing and service industries employed in the manufacturing and service industries and also service industries and also showing the and also service industries and also showing the difference in male and female employment.difference in male and female employment.Writing:Task 6 Writing:Task 6 句法差异形合与意合n n2.During this period,there have been 2.During this period,there have been significantly more people employed in the service significantly more people employed in the service sector and the numbers have been increasingly sector and the numbers have been increasingly steadily.steadily.n n3.However,the numbers in manufacturing 3.However,the numbers in manufacturing have declined.have declined.n n4.It is noteworthy that there are now more 4.It is noteworthy that there are now more female employees in the service industries than female employees in the service industries than males and the gap seems to be expanding males and the gap seems to be expanding slightly.slightly.Writing:Task 6 Writing:Task 6 句法差异形合与意合n n5.Conversely,there has been a greater number 5.Conversely,there has been a greater number of males employed in manufacturing throughout of males employed in manufacturing throughout the period.Numerically the gender gap has,if the period.Numerically the gender gap has,if anything,increased in recent years in the anything,increased in recent years in the manufacturing sector.This may reflect a global manufacturing sector.This may reflect a global trend,or at least be in line with the general trend trend,or at least be in line with the general trend in the developed world.in the developed world.Writing:Task 6 Writing:Task 6 句法差异形合与意合


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