牛津复习A Unit学习

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基础精梳理基础精梳理 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 词语词语联想联想1.creative adj.1.creative adj.有创造力的有创造力的 _(_(动词动词)2 2energetic adj.energetic adj.精力充沛的精力充沛的 _(_(名词名词)3 3organized adj.organized adj.有条理的有条理的 _(_(动词动词)4 4general adj.general adj.普遍的普遍的 _(_(副词副词)5 5carelessness ncarelessness n粗心粗心 _(_(形容词形容词)_(_(副词副词)6.suitable adj.6.suitable adj.合适的合适的 _(_(动词动词)7 7speak _(speak _(名词名词)8 8appear vi.appear vi.出现出现 _(_(名词名词)9 9fixed adj.fixed adj.固定的固定的 _(_(动词动词)1010practical adj.practical adj.实际的实际的 _(_(名词名词)create energy organizegenerally careless carelessly suitspeech 演讲,发言/speaker 演讲者 appearance fixpractice11.connect _(名词)名词)connection出现;外貌出现;外貌修理修理第1页/共30页类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选1.1.文章文章 /标牌上说标牌上说._._2 2使使保持井然有序保持井然有序 _3 3炫耀炫耀 _4 4想出想出(主意主意)_)_5 5既不既不也不也不 _ _6 6容易生气容易生气 _7 7对对好奇的好奇的 _8 8不是不是就是就是,或者,或者或者或者_9 9处于领先地位处于领先地位 _The article/The sign says.keepin order show off come up with neithernor get angry easily be curious about eitheror take the leadget angry with sb at/about sth.对某人忠诚的对某人忠诚的为了娱乐为了娱乐信任某人信任某人be loyal to sb.for fun/for pleasure believe in sb.第2页/共30页类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选10落后落后 _11与与相连,连接相连,连接 _12和和几乎一样,简直是几乎一样,简直是 _13注意注意 _14赢得高度赞扬赢得高度赞扬 _15.凭凭给某人留下印象给某人留下印象_16一天又一天一天又一天 _17总经理总经理 _18把把奉献在奉献在上上 _19三思而行三思而行 _fall behind connect to/with as good aspay attention to sth/doing sth.win high praise fromimpress sb.with.day after day the general managerdevote to sth/doing sth.think twice(about sth)总工程师总工程师/首席设计师首席设计师总的来说总的来说/一般而言一般而言接受新的挑战接受新的挑战the chief engineer/designerIn general/Generally speakingtake on new challenges文章的主旨大意文章的主旨大意the general/main idea of 第3页/共30页类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选20洗碗洗碗 _21生肖生肖/星座星座 _22接受他人的建议接受他人的建议 _23总共,总计总共,总计 _24适合这份工作适合这份工作 _25把把分成分成 _26同意某人的同意某人的(看法看法)_27做演讲做演讲 _28推荐推荐当当 _do the dishes animal sign/star sign accept/take/follow others advice in all be suitable for the job divideinto agree with sb make a speechrecommendas 每每12年年工作达高标准工作达高标准乐意加班乐意加班work to high standardsbe willing to work extra hours按固定的顺序出现按固定的顺序出现上学缺席上学缺席appear in a fixed orderpeople born under the same animal signbe absent from schoolevery 12 years第4页/共30页 an organized keep 根据汉语意思完成句子1.海伦是一个有条理的女孩,她喜欢把一切放得井井有条。Helen is _ _ girl.She likes to _ everything _ _ _2.那就是人们为什么说“有其父必有其子”。That is _ people say“_”.3.我们在旅游之前要关注天气预报。We should _ _ _ the weather report before we travel.4.是你塑造你的人生和未来。_ _ you _ _ your life and your future.5.据说出生在虎年的人是勇敢的。_ people _ in the Year of the Tiger are brave.in good order why Like father,like son pay attention to It is who shapeIt is said that born第5页/共30页6.我有时粗心的。我爸妈和我都不认为我能成为一个好会计。我有时粗心的。我爸妈和我都不认为我能成为一个好会计。Im _._ my parents _ I _I can _.7.吴伟是个天生的艺术家。他很安静,话不多,但他的作品吴伟是个天生的艺术家。他很安静,话不多,但他的作品极具说服力。极具说服力。Wu Wei is _.He is _ and _,but _.8.我想要和人们分享最好的艺术,所以我总是寻找更好的或我想要和人们分享最好的艺术,所以我总是寻找更好的或不同的东西。这本身就是很有趣的事。不同的东西。这本身就是很有趣的事。I want to share the best art with people,so Im always _.This _ is_.9.人生就像一场赛跑。你要么领先,要么落后。人生就像一场赛跑。你要么领先,要么落后。_.10.对我们来说,失之毫厘差之千里。对我们来说,失之毫厘差之千里。To us,_.careless sometimes Neither nor thinkmake a good accountanta born artistquiet doesnt like totalk muchhis work shoutssearchingfor something better or different in itselfgreat funLife is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behinda miss is as good as a mile第6页/共30页 点拨 eat up为“动词副词”结构,其中,up意为“彻底地,完全地”。考点巧突破考点1 eat up 吃光,吃完把它吃光把它吃光完全拖干净完全拖干净用光用光eat it upmop it upuse it up第7页/共30页典型例题典型例题2013 宜宾 President Xi Jinping calls on Chinese people to _all the food each meal.A.eat upB.use up C.pick upD.cut upA句意:习近平主席号召中国人民每餐吃完所有的食物。eat up意为“吃光”,符合句意;use up意为“用完;用尽”;pick up意为“捡起”;cut up意为“切碎”,均与句意不符。第8页/共30页考点2 keepin order 使保持井然有序 点拨 in order意为“按顺序”。典型例题典型例题Once you put your school things _,youll find them easily.A.in danger B.in order C.in detail D.in timeBin danger意为“在危险中”;in order意为“按顺序”;in detail意为“详细地”;in time意为“及时”。句意:一旦你把学习用品按顺序放好,就会容易找到它们。在适合的位置在适合的位置in place第9页/共30页考点3 As a doctor,you cant be too careful.点拨 作为一名医生,你再怎么仔细也不为过。句中的句中的cannottoo是常用表达,意思是是常用表达,意思是“无论怎样无论怎样.也不过分,越也不过分,越.越好越好”e.g.You cant praise the film too much.A kid can never have too many toys.I cant agree more.这部电影值得大加赞赏。这部电影值得大加赞赏。孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。我非常赞同。我非常赞同。第10页/共30页考点4 show off炫耀 搭配 show(great)interest in对显示出(很大的)兴趣show sb sthshow sth to sb向某人展示某物show sb around sp带领某人参观某地on showon exhibition在展览第11页/共30页典型例题典型例题-Whos the most modest boy in your class?-Daniel.He never _ in public.A.gets off B.takes off C.shows off D.turns offC考查动词短语的用法。get offget off意为“下车”;take offtake off意为“脱下;起飞”;show offshow off意为“炫耀”;turn offturn off意为“关掉”。句意:“你们班上谁是最谦虚的男孩?”“”“丹尼尔。他从不在公共场合炫耀。”所以选择答案C C。第12页/共30页拓展 neither用作连词,常用短语为neithernor,意为“既不也不”。neither用作副词,意为“也不”,放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用nor替换neither。考点5 neither pron.两者都不e.g.I have never seen the film before._(我也没有我也没有).Neither have I.第13页/共30页典型例题典型例题(1)他和我都对唱歌跳舞不感兴趣。_ he _ I _interested in singing and dancing.(2)Which do you prefer,a CD player or a walkman?-_.I prefer a portable computer.A.Both B.Either C.None D.Neither Neither nor amD考查代词的用法。both意为“两者都”;either意为“两者中的一个”;none意为“三者或三者以上都不”;neither意为“两者都不”。根据答语“I prefer a portable computer.”可知“a CD player or a walkman”两个都没选,故选 D。注意注意:就近原则;:就近原则;neither nor已表否定,后面已表否定,后面动词不要再用否定;动词不要再用否定;第14页/共30页考点6 connect vt.连接点拨 connect通常与介词with或to 连用。有时可用连词 and 代替介词with或to。典型例题典型例题 Will you _(连接)this wire to the television?connecte.g.1)连接)连接和和的高速铁路的高速铁路 2)一台连上网的电脑)一台连上网的电脑 3)因特网和我们的生活密切联系)因特网和我们的生活密切联系the highspeed railway connecting to.a computer connected to the InternetThe Internet is closely connected to our life.第15页/共30页考点7 attention n.注意,专心 点拨 attention表示“注意,专心”,是不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用,没有复数形式。拓展 pay attention to,give attention to,bringattention to中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。attract ones attention,catch ones attention 抓住某人的注意力典型例题典型例题After that,her teacher _(更加关注她)her.In class,you should pay attention to _(listen)to the teacher carefully.paid more attention to listening第16页/共30页考点8 devote vt.把贡献 点拨 devote常与介词to连用,表示“致力于,献身于”。to后接名词或动名词。典型例题典型例题Zhong Nanshan,the famous medical scientist,has devoted most of his life _useful ways in treating cough diseases.A.to finding B.find C.to find D.findingA第17页/共30页agree with表示表示“同意某人同意某人(的看法的看法)”,with后常接后常接表示人的名词或代词,也可接表示意见、表示人的名词或代词,也可接表示意见、看法等的名词。看法等的名词。agree to表示表示“同意同意”,后接某些名词,指同意,后接某些名词,指同意或接受某事。或接受某事。agree on表示表示“同意同意”,主要指双方通过协商而,主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。后接动名词,取得一致意见或达成协议。后接动名词,表示同意做某事。表示同意做某事。考点9 agree with/agree to/agree onagree with sb./what sb saysagree to the plan /agree on agree to do sth be in agreement with第18页/共30页C典型例题典型例题-I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.-Yes.I agree _ you.A.to;to B.at;with C.for;with D.with;withbe good forbe good for意为“对有好处”;agree with sbagree with sb意为“同意某人”。第19页/共30页praise智能双提升基础过关.根据汉语提示完成句子1.Do you know Jim has won high _ (赞扬)from Professor Wang?2.I think Johnson is a _ (天生的)writer.He is very creative.3His father is the chief engineer of the _ (高速的)railway connecting Shanghai to Hangzhou.4.He was very _ (没有耐心的)with his students.He often asks his students to stand in the classroom.5.He didnt pass the exam because of his _ (粗心)born highspeed impatientcarelessness第20页/共30页 divided6.Its said that we will be _(分)into 4 groups.7.He had to _ (出现)before the meeting to explain his behaviour.8.The _ (首席的)manager of that company is his uncle.9.Kitty is a _(活泼的)girl.She enjoys dancing and singing.10.A good student must _ (联系)what he reads with what he sees around him.I quite agree with you.appear chief lively connect第21页/共30页doing.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Amy is full of energy.She never minds _ (do)extra work.2.Neither Jims friends nor Jim _ (be)to America before.3.Are you afraid of _ (talk)with foreigners in public?4.Dont forget _ (take)a map with you when you travel in big cities.5.Be _ (confidence)!I think you can do it better next time.has beentalking to takeconfident第22页/共30页 doing extra work.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空more organized,do extra work,be absent from,the most suitable,for example,such as1.Would you mind _ for the Students Union?2.Tom wants to use the computer to help himself get _ than before.3.Andy is _ person to be the headmaster.4.Andy is very clever._,he has won several science competitions.5.Who _ yesterdays meeting?Helen was.the most suitable more organized For example was absent from第23页/共30页A中考透视单项选择12014昆明 We are supposed to _ a solution to stop people from looking down at their mobile phones while driving cars.A.come up with B.come fromC.come out D.come true 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我们应该想一个办法来阻止人们边开车边看手机。come up with意为“想出”;come from意为“来自”;come out意为“出来,出版”;come true意为“实现”。故选A。第24页/共30页D2Look!There is some fish left.Its a waste of food.We should _.2014曲靖 A.put it out B.sell it outC.drink it up D.eat it up考查动词短语的辨析。句意:“看!剩下了一些鱼,太浪费食物了。”“”“我们应该把它吃光。”put output out意为“扑灭”;sell outsell out意为“卖光”;drink updrink up意为“喝光”;eat upeat up意为“吃光”。故选D D。第25页/共30页A32014徐州 We all know how wonderful you are.There is no need to _A.show off B.give upC.take care D.carry on考查动词短语的辨析。句意:我们都知道你有多么棒,没必要炫耀了。show off意为“炫耀”;give up意为“放弃”;take care意为“当心”;carry on意为“继续”。故选A。第26页/共30页C4What else should we pay attention to _ building the bridge?The change of the weather,I think.2013淮安 A.finish B.finished C.to finish D.finishing考查目的状语的用法。句意:“为了建完这座桥,我们还需要注意什么?”“”“天气的变化,我认为。”动词不定式在句中表示目的。故答案为C C。第27页/共30页B5Look at the clouds,so beautiful!Wow,so many different _,horses,sheep,flowers.2014湖州 A.sizes B.shapesC.colours D.styles 考查名词辨析。句意:“看那些云,好美!”“哦,这么多不同的形状,马、羊、花儿。”size意为“尺寸”;shape意为“形状”;colour意为“颜色”;style意为“方式”。由后文列举的马、羊、花儿可推知是云的形状,故选B。第28页/共30页D62014黔南州 Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _ and give away to kids who dont have bikes.A.look up B.set upC.put up D.fix up考查动词短语辨析。句意:吉米有16辆坏了的自行车要修,把它们捐赠给没有自行车的孩子。look up意为“查找,向上看”;set up 意为“建立”;put up意为“张贴”;fix up意为“修理”。只有D项符合语境。第29页/共30页感谢您的观看!第30页/共30页


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