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Unit 5 Getting the messageLanguage Points1.advantage n.to ones advantage 对某人有好处Eg:More practice will be to your advantage.have the advantage of-比-占优势Eg:I had the advantage of him.take the advantage of 利用,欺骗Eg:He often took advantage of her lack of business knowledge.2.product c.f productionProduct 意为:“产品,结果”是可数名词。Production 是动词produce 的名词,一般说来是不可数名词,意思是:“生产,制造,产量”e.g:1).Production is at all times and under all conditions a social one.2).Our car is a product of that factory.3)Production has increased in the last few weeks.3.get across 使-理解或接受Our teacher is very clever,but not very good at getting his ideas across to us.4.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.appeal 恳求,强烈呼吁;上诉He decided to appeal to a higher court.The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.appeal to+n.使-喜欢,吸引,使-感兴趣Toys appeal to small children.警方呼吁公众提供被害者的任何情况。5.Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a companys profits.All ads arent used to promote a product or to increase a companys profits.e.g:Not every child likes to get presents.=Every child doesnt like to get presents.c.f No child lies to get presents.All that glitters isnt gold.当当all,every,both等词与等词与not 连用时,表示不完全否定。连用时,表示不完全否定。若需用完全否定,则用若需用完全否定,则用none,neither,no等。等。6.A product will also sell better if it is promoted with a slogan.Sell这里做不及物动词,主动式表被动意义。类似用法的动词有 write,wash,open,close,record等。e.g The pen I bought last week writes well.The door opens easily.这门很好开。7.Sometimes,the promise do not make sense.make sense“有意义,能理解”;“合情合理的”It makes sense to look after yourself.This sentence doesnt make any sense.make sense of-理解,弄懂Can you make any sense of what this writer is saying?I can make no sense out of what he did.8.You think the newspaper is to blame for this because-be to do 表示“应当,必须”,句中blame在形式上是主动的,但意义上却是被动的。I am not to blame for the mistake.这错误不能怪我。Who is to blame for this?这事怪谁?*blame sb.for sth.因做错某事而责怪某人因做错某事而责怪某人 blame sth.on sb.把把-归罪于某人归罪于某人Eg;He blames you for neglect of duty.Dont blame your mistakes on others.9.react to+n.做出反应 How did he react to your suggestion?react against 反抗,反对He was clearly reacting against the traditions.react with 起化学反应Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.react的名词是reaction,后面也接介词to 10.-to make people aware of social problems and-aware 意为“意识到,知道”为表语形容词,不可做前置定语。后接介词ofShe was aware of the difficulties.aware 后可接that 从句,也可接how,what,when等引导的从句。I was not aware(of)how dangerous it was.I am well aware that this is not the perfect solution.aware是表语形容词,前面不能用very修饰,习惯上用quite,well来修饰。另外,在引导从句时,aware后的of可有可无。Exercises1.-Do you think Marys coming to the English evening?-_.A.I believe not B.I dont believeC.I believe not so D.I dont believe it2.The reading room in our school can _500 people.A.sit B.be sitting C.seat D.be seatedAC=I dont think so 3.-Who told you about the maths test?-_.A.No one B.None C.Neither D.Not yet4.We dont think he will come on time,_?A.do I B.dont I C.wont I D.will he5.The man kept silent in the room unless_.A.spoken B.spoke to C.to speak D.spoken to6.The theory that he had stuck_ true.A.to proved B.proved C.to proving D.to proveADDAWriting某地计划修订中学生守则,欲将“生活谦虚,简朴”去掉。假设你是某校学生会主席,组织部分学生就这一问题进行讨论。有人赞成,有人反对。请根据下表提供的信息,写一份总结报告。注意:1,字数:120 左右 2,参考词汇:谦虚简朴modesty and simplicity自信 confidence 3,文章的开头已为你写好。Some students think that-赞成的人认为反对的人认为1,过分强调谦虚,简朴,你将不会引起别人的确注意1,学生应该生活简朴2,会犹豫不决,失去很多机会2,我们的衣食都依靠父母3,表现自己很重要3,学习比衣着重要4,自信和良好的外表会给人留下好的印象4,谦虚会学到很多东西5,牢记古训:骄傲必败Key to the writing Some students think its good to change the items.Putting too much emphasis upon modesty and simplicity will mean you will never be noticed by others.You might hesitate and lose many chances.In modern society,it is important to show yourself to others.Confidence and good appearance help you make a good impression.So everyone should be confident and take the chance to show off their ability.Some other students dont agree with it.Students should learn to live a simple life.Because they depend on their parents for food and clothing.They should also spend more time on their studies.As a student,studying is more important than the clothes that he wears.As for modesty,an old Chinese saying reads,“Pride goes before a fall.”It tells us that if we are to be successful,we must learn to be modest first.Being modest will help us learn more.


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