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托福写作部分考试特点详细分析托福写作局部考试特点详细分析,综合独立作文写法要点介绍,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作局部考试特点详细分析,希望能够给帮忙到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。托福写作局部考试特点详细分析 综合独立作文写法要点介绍托福独立写作特点分析对于独立写作来讲,从早期托福考试一直延续下来的形式大家比拟熟悉,包括思路和写作材料,需要我们关注的有几点:Well Organized & Well Developed怎么样让文章结构写的完整,而且把你的观点阐述分明。大家在写的过程中可能Developed过程是特别重要的,你平时阅读的时候要特别注意。Appropriate Word Choice就是你怎么样把这个词用对,写出来一句话你要让阅卷者完成阅读并且完成理解如果你用一个说法以前没有人用过,这个时候他看了也不知道是什么意思,如果我们第二语言学英语的时候,就像英语是第一母语学汉语的时候犯的错误是一样的。Cohesive & Coherent主要是在语言论述和阐述过程中的问题,托福写作辅导提到托福的作文写的是议论文,不是小说也不是散文,所以在这个过程当中如何让文章结构变得严谨,这是重要的过程,你怎么样让它实现完整的论文结构。另外在描述的过程中需要保持语言的连贯,第一个是逻辑的连贯性,逻辑是不是一致的,有没有出现冲突。第二是语意上的连贯。Variety of Language Use你需要一种语言变化,平时在写作文的时候会有一个问题,写任何一个东西的时候我可能想脑子里信出来的表述方式非常有限,所以导致一讲Said你就听不明白了,对于语言的变化并不是要去炫,而是要你的语言表述有一种特征,向考官说明你能自由驾驭一种语言,这也是托福考试本的核心和目的。托福综合写作特点分析No Attitude of the author独立写作是你自己的想法,综合写作一定不能有自己的想法,你要看别人的东西,不能带有自己的观点态度或是看法。Completely repeated Points必须完整复述你听到、看到的东西,你在写的时候不能漏掉听到和看到的。Paraphrase考生必须具有能够把原始内容转化为自身叙述方式的能力,也就是不能直接照搬照抄原文内容,无论是听力中的语句还是阅读中的资料,都需要进行一定的改写加工才行。我们在大学上课的时候需要看教科书、讲义,听教授讲课,同时要做笔记,同时还要有自己的理解。托福考试在这点上把所有的练习都放在一个环境当中,通过阅读也好、写作也好会对你自身在美国的学习打下非常好的根底。托福写作难点话题一览Spend time alone or with friendsSome people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to bewith friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or withfriends Use specific reasons to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析休闲时间的活动包括:看书、听音乐、看影碟、去电影院、去酒吧、听音乐会、打牌、下棋、爬山、打球有些活动适合单独进行,有些活动需要特定数目的人手,还有些活动人越多越好根据不同的情况,就有不同的选择。本话题高分范文赏析Some people enjoy spending most of their time with friends, while othersprefer to be alone for the majority of the time. I prefer to spend most of mytime with friends, because friends offer excitement and new ideas, they canconsole me when something bad happens, and spending too much time by myself canbe boring. Friends can offer excitement and fresh ideas to a situation. Nomatter what I am doing, if a friend is there, it is more interesting. Forexample, if I am shopping, a friend makes the experience more fun. We can lookat things together, and explore our likes and dislikes. Having a friend aroundalso allows me to do some things that I would not be able to do otherwise. Forinstance, I can go with a friend to a park and play badminton. Some things arejust impossible to do by myself. Friends can also console you if something badhappens. If I get bad news, and a friend is around, I do not have to feel badlyby myself. A friend will try and cheer me up, and attempt to take my mind offwhatever negative things happened. For example, last year I broke my leg and wasin a cast all summer. I had friends around me to cheer me up and distract mefrom the misfortune. In addition to these reasons, I find that if I spend toomuch time by myself, I get lonesome and bored. As mentioned above, there aresome things you just cannot do without friends around. Some of these things,such as sports, are my favorite activities. I do enjoy some activities that donot involve other people, such as reading. However, I find that I can do thesethings before bed, or when I wake up. Overall, I think having friends around meis the best way for me to spend my time.托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:move to another country托福写作难点话题一览Follow the customs of the new country you are in, or keep your owncustomsWhen people move to another country, some of them decide to follow thecustoms of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Comparethese two choices. Which one do you prefer Support your answer with specificdetails.写作思路展开结构分析一定要进行比拟。至于要选择什么,看情况,要看是什么样的习惯比方中国人到了美国,就要习惯goDutch的付账习惯。不然很吃亏。但是庆祝春节,家人在一起包饺子(dumpling)的习惯,没有必要更改。还可以举出很多例子。本话题高分范文赏析When one is settling in a new country, one has a choice of whether toassimilate into the new culture, or keep the customs of ones home. I think thatthe wisest decision is to try to integrate some of the new culture into onesown existing customs and beliefs. To understand this reasoning, we must firstlook at the advantages of both methods. If one moves to a new country, there aremany advantages of following the set customs of the new place. By assimilatinginto the culture, one can break the cultural barriers much quicker. For example,if one were to move to Canada from China, one could easily live in one of theLittle China areas, and to all intents and purposes, ignore the Canadianculture. This, however, would be a mistake, as it would close off all of thepositive things that Canada has to offer. If one does not assimilate into thenew culture, one cannot get a Western job. The person would also be missing outon a multitude of experiences, such as different food. Nevertheless, there arealso many advantages of keeping ones own customs if one moves to a new country.Some people find it very difficult to leave their home and go to a new country.Keeping up old, familiar customs is very comforting. In addition to this, whenone keeps their own customs, one finds it easier to meet others of the samenationality, which can also be a relief. When everything around you has changed,keeping your culture intact can be a very soothing way. By and large, I think itis best to assimilate to the new culture while retaining key elements of onesown culture. For example, one can make an effort to learn the language of thenew country, while still speaking ones own language at home. This can actuallybe an excellent strategy, as speaking two languages is better than speaking one,no matter where you are in the world. When one takes on some of the new culturewhile keeping some of his/her own, one gets the excitement and opportunity ofthe new culture, while keeping the familiarity and ease of his/her ownculture.


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