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Unit 3 M 4Revision 1.幽默感 方向感 经商意识2.直到现在3.对满足4.发财 碰运气5.穷的;潦倒的 富裕的;处境好的6.一般性疾病 平民;老百姓 1. a sense of humor a sense of direction a sense of business 2.up to/till now; so far 3.be content with 4.make a / ones fortune try ones fortune 5.badly off well off 6.ordinary sickness 7.ordinary / average people 7.对感到厌烦8.用某物取悦/娱乐某人9.遍及全世界 一整年10.留胡子的人11.断电12。挑出;辨别出 偶然学会;染上 开车接;身体恢复13.切断;断绝 切碎 减少;削减 7.be bored with 8.entertain sb with sth 9.throughout the world throughout the year10.a man with a moustache 11.power failure 12.pick out pick up 13. cut off cut up cut down 14.一口食物15.使某人相信某事 某人确信16.在电影中担任主角17.获得信心 失去信心18.对很挑剔 特别地;尤其19.在一个场合 14.a mouthful of food 15.convince sb of sth sb be convinced that 16.star in a film 17.gain confidence lose confidence 18. be particular about in particular 19.on one occassion 20.和某人低语 低声地;轻声地21.对作出反应22.给某人的生活带 来希望23.感到沮丧24.出生在贫困的家庭25.发现是令人惊讶的26.随着时间的流逝27.一双破鞋28.一个社会的失败者 20.whisper to sb. in a whisper 21.react to 22.brighten ones life 23.feel depressed 24.be born in a poor family 25.find it astonishing that 26.as time goes /went by with time going by 27.a pair of worn-out shoes 28.a social failure 29.克服困难30.为了寻找31.在没有东西吃 的情况下32.使某人产生自信33.免费地34.再试一次(第二次)35.显示/发挥幽默感 带来变化 29.overcome / get over difficulties 30.in search of 31.with nothing to eat 32.inspire sb with confidence 33.at no (extra) charge for free / free of charge 34.try a second time 35.bring out the humor bring about changes 36.一团糟;脏乱 搞糟;弄糟37.磨损;使筋疲力尽38.使A和B匹配 起来39.对某人生气 对某事生气40.问题的答案 对的解释41 多么有趣啊! 36.be in a mess make a mess of 37.wear sth/sb out 38.match A with B 39.be angry with sb. be angry about sth 40.the answer to the question the explanation for/of sth 41. What fun! 1. adj. with +n. + doing done to do 1)They are hiding in a small hut _ _ _ _.(在没有食物的情况下)2)With the electricity _ _, all the machines stopped.3)He rushed out of the room with water still _(run). with nothing to eat cut off running 2.They eat the laces as if they were spaghetti. He cuts off the leather top as if it were finest steak.虚拟语气 as if / as thoughSb does sth as if sb were / did sth.Sb did sth as if sb had done sth. 1)I am a grown-up, but my mother treats me as if I _ a child.2)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _ broken.3)这个妇女很爱这些孩子,就好像是他们的妈妈一样。The woman love the children deeply as if she were their mother. 4)The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it _ going to rain.表真实情况不虚拟 is were were 3. of sth. 使某人确信 convince sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事 that 使某人确信 sb be convinced that .= be sure that convincing adj.有说服力的; 令人信服的1) a convincing speeker / speech 2) 行动是最有说服力的。 Action is the most convincing.3)What he did convinced us of his honesty.(=persuade) 4.动名词作主语时的逻辑主语,可以用名词或代词的所有格。1)_(Mary) coming late made the teacher angry.2)_(he) working hard led to his great success.3)_(the President) attending the meeting surprised all of us.Marys His The Presidents 5.动名词作宾语时的逻辑主语:可以是代词、人称代词宾格或者名词所有格 1)Would you mind _ _the door?(我打开)2)Can you imagine _(Tom) working so hard? 3)I must apologize for _ _ _ _ ahead of time.(不让你知道)Toms / Tom not letting youknow my / me opening Homework 复习unit4 M 4易错题Units 3-4


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