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【单词情景识记】1 pencil ”pensl n 铅笔Unit 3 Is this your pencil“儿”“暗杀”“儿”,用的凶器是“橡皮”。10比较:pen penn. 钢笔Pen 钢笔Cil 差远了“铅笔”和“钢笔”比起来,“差远了”。“钢笔”“差远了”,没有“铅笔”用起来便利。I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk.我在她的书桌里找到了一支铅笔和一些白纸。2 book buk n 书b 不oo k 看是“书”我都“不”“看”。He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides.他给了我一本书,一支钢笔,此外还给了我一些钱。3 eraser i”reiz n 橡皮er 儿as 暗杀er 儿The eraser is in the pencil-box.橡皮擦在文具盒里面。4 box bks n 盒子,箱子bo 60x 箱“箱子”有“60”“箱”。They sat on wooden boxes.他们坐在木箱上。She ate two boxes of chocolates.她吃了两盒巧克力。5 pencil-boxn 铅笔盒;文具盒Putthe pen and pencil in the pencil box.把钢笔和铅笔放在文具盒里。6 schoolbag ”sku:lbgn 书包school 学校bag 包“学校”用的“包”就是“书包”。She ran back to the classroomto get herschoolbag.她跑回教室去取书包。7 dictionary ”dikneri n 字典;词典dic 第一次tion 神ary 啊简洁“ 字典” 的使用, “ 第一次” 就感觉很“神”,心里不由得叫一声“啊简洁”。Throw me that dictionary.把那本词典扔给我。8 his hizpron 他的(名词词性的)Staff say the decision was his.员工们说那个打算是他做出的。mine mainpron 我的(名词词性的) mine 米呢?“米呢”,那可是“我的”。That wasn”t his fault, it was mine.那不是他的错,是我的错。10 hers h:zpron 她的(名词词性的)He compared my paper with hers.他拿我的作业与她的相比较。I have my way, and she has hers.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。11 excuse iks”kju:z v 原谅,宽恕ex 儿媳cuse 精彩“儿媳”很“精彩”,那你就恳求她“原谅”你以前对她的不满啊。Excuse her bad manners.原谅她的坏态度。12 me mi: pron 我(的宾格)He asked me to go to California with him.他邀我和他一起去加利福尼亚。13 excuse me劳驾,请原谅Excuse me to sound off, you”re not right.恕我直言吧,是你错了。14 thank k v 感谢than 他很爱你k 夸“他很爱你”“夸”你没商量。你呢? 不“感谢”他吗?Thank you very much for your call.格外感谢您打 来。Thanks for the information.感谢您告知我这消息。15 teacher ”ti:t n 教师,教师teach 教er 者;的人“教”“的人”就是“教师”。I”m a teacher with 21 years” experience.我是一个有 21 年阅历的教师。They all look upto their teacher.他们都很鄙视他们的教师。16 about ”baut prep 关于,对于 ab 俺爸out 网络用语“你 out 了”,表示“你落伍了”。 “关于”俺爸的事,告知你“俺爸”早就 “落伍”了。She knew a lot about food.她对食品懂得很多。He never complains about his wife.他对他妻子从不埋怨。What about.?phr. (询问消息,征求意见)好吗? 怎么样?Hey, what about breakfast?嗨,早饭怎么样?What do you like? What about pot atoes?你想吃什么?土豆怎么样?18 yours j:(r)zpron 你的,你们的(名词词性的) 比较:your j; jpron. 你的,你们的I believe Paul was a friend of yours.我信任保罗曾是你的一个朋友。With best regards, Yours, George.谨致问候。你真诚的:乔治。19 for f: prep 为了,给,对fo 佛r 人“佛”“人”都是“为了”普度众生。Isn”t that enough for you?那对你来说不够吗?The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink.用于切香肠的刀在水槽里。20 thank you for 为而感谢Thank you for all!感谢您付出的一切!Thank you for reminding me of th e exam.感谢你提示我这次考试的事。21 help help v& n 帮助;救济he 河lp 里扑“河”“里扑”,快!快!有人落水了,赶快去“救济”!Thanks very much for your help.格外感谢你的帮助。He has helped to raise a lot of money.他帮着筹到了很多钱。22 welcome ”welkm adj. 受欢送的wel 我饿了;好well come 来“我饿了”“来”,你是“受欢送的”。 “好”再“来”饭店提示大家,你们是“受欢送的”人。New members are always welcome.成员欢送参与。23 Youre welcome. 别客气。“You”rewelcome,oldgirl,”the vetsaid,shakingit.“老闺女,不客气,”兽医握着爪子说道。24 baseball ”beisb:l n 棒球base 八色ball 球“八色”“球”确定是“棒球”。Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy.当迪克还是个小孩时,他就沉迷上了棒球运动。25 watch wt n . 手表wat 瓦特watt ch 拆;吃据说,当年“瓦特”为了搞制造,“拆”了家里全部的“手表”。Please borrow me you watch.请把你的手表借给我。26 computerkm”pju:t n 电脑,电子计算机com 来puter 扑腾儿都说可以在“电脑”上冲浪,“来”,过来“扑腾儿”。The data are then fed into a computer.这些数据之后被输入一台计算机。I have tired of these computer g ames.我已经对这些电脑玩耍感到厌烦。27 game geimn 玩耍,运动,竞赛game 嘎么?你说你每天玩“玩耍”,“嘎么”?哪有你这么不务正业的?I dived in when the game started.玩耍开头时我就参与进去了。Tell me about the game. 告知我竞赛的状况。28 card k:d n 纸牌,卡片ca 插;查rd 入的;人的“卡片”就是用来“插”“入的”证件。“卡片”就是用来“查”“人的”。谐音:卡Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.核对下面的数字是否和您卡片上的相符。She sends me a card on my birthday. 她在我生日那天送了一张贺卡。29 ID card学生卡,身份征Lookingat the keys and an ID card name d PaulKinkaid, something seemedto hit him.看着那些钥匙和一张写有保罗金凯德的身份证,他似乎想起了什么。30 notebook n utbuk n 笔记本note 便条book 书“便条”“书”就是“笔记本”。He brought out a notebook and pen from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出了一个笔记本和一支钢笔。31 ring ri v. (钟,铃等)响,摇铃 ; n.戒指ring 任意哪个这么多“戒指”你看中哪个就是哪个,“任意哪个”都行。要哪个买哪个。As soon as he got home, the phone rang.他一到家, 就响了。Just ring if you need anything.需要什么东西,你就按铃。Itbeats me how she found her lost ring .我难以理解她怎么能找到她那遗失的戒指。32 bag bgn 包;袋bag 八个;八哥这样贵重的“包”我一共有“八个”,你才有几个?我的“包”里装着一个“八哥”。The heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side.沉重的书包压得那小学生歪向一边。in inprep. 在里面He was in his car.他在他的汽车里。34 librarylaibr rin. 图书馆lib 里边rary 人挨人呀“图书馆”“里边”“人挨人呀”。They urged thatthe library be kept open during the vacation.他们尽力主见在放假期间图书馆应当照常开放。35 ask :skv 询问;恳求;要求ask 爱上课她“爱上课”,一上课就“要求”教师答复她提出的各种千奇百怪的问题。“How is Frank?“ he asked. “弗兰克怎么样?”他问道。I asked him his name.我问了他的名字。36 askfor恳求,询问;恳求赐予I didn”t ask for the chairmanship. I was pitched into it.我并不要求主席职位,我是被迫承受的。Therefore, do not ask for whom the bells tolls, it tolls for you.所以,不要问丧钟是为谁而鸣它就是为你而鸣。37 find faind v 找到,觉察(过去式,过去分词found faund)Find 非要你的他“找到”一个,但他“非要你的”,没方法,只有连续找了。The police also found a pistol.警察还觉察了一把手枪。They have spent ages looking at the map and can”t find a trace of anywhere called Darrowby.他们已花了很长时间观看地图,却怎么也找不到一个叫“达罗比”的地方。38 some sm pron 有些,有的; adj.一些,某些He went to fetch some books.他去取来了一些书。 Give me some others. 给我一些其他的吧。39 classroom ”kl:sru:m n 教室class 班级room 房间“班级”“房间”自然是“教室”。Thestudents swarmed out of the classroom.学生们蜂拥着跑出了教室。40 e-mail i:”meil =emailn 电子邮件谐音:伊妹儿e-电子的 mail 邮件“电子的”“邮件”,就是“电子邮件”。An e-mail can reach the receiver in aminutes time.电子邮件可以在一分钟内到达收件人那里。41 at tprep 依据;依据;在某处、时间、时刻He will be at the airport to meet her.他将在机场见她。I didn”t like being alone at home.我不宠爱独拘束家。42 call k:l v.给打 ca 插ll 唠唠 “插”上卡“唠唠”,就是“打 ”。这叫插卡 。Would you call me as soon as you find out? My number”s in the phone book.你一查清就给我打 好吗?我的号码在 簿里。A friend of mine gave me this number to call.我的一个朋友让我打这个号码。45set set43lost lstn.一套,一副,一组v.(动词lose 的过去式) 遗失,丧失set 三二套This one completes the set.加上这一件就凑成全套了。lost 捞石头什么“一套”,明明就是“三二套”。他连石头都不放过,人送外号“捞石头”,这么小气的人,怎么可能“丧失”东西呢?He lashed into the prisoner until he lost consciousness.他用劲打囚犯直到囚犯失去知觉。44 must mst modal v. 必需, 谐音:骂死他他“必需”死,让他选择一种死法吧。哪怕“骂死他”也行啊!Then you must be my cousin.那么你确定是我的远亲了。We must start at once. 我们必需马上动身。There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country.必需有一套适用于全国的法律。46 a set of 一套,一副,一组He has turned a set of chair le gs.他已经车出了一副椅子腿。【重点短语】1. Thanks/thank you for.因而感谢.2. in the school library 在学校图书馆里3. Askfor 向某人恳求/要某物4. call sb at+ 号码;拨打号码找某人Call Alan at 495-3539. 拨打 495-3539 找艾伦5. E-mail sb at +邮箱地址 用这个邮箱给某人发邮件6. A set of .一套/副/串.A set of keys 一串钥匙【经典句型】1. Is this/that your pencil? 这/那是你的铅笔吗?Yes, it is. Its mine. /No, it isnt. Its his/hers. 是的,它是。/不,它不是, 它是他的她的。Are these/those my/your/his/her books? 这些/那些是.? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. Theyre Bobs.是的,这些是。/不,这些不是,是鲍勃的。2. Excuse me 请原谅/打搅了/劳驾。3. What about/how about? .怎么样?.如何呢?4. You are welcome.不用谢。5. How do you spell? 你怎么拼写.?6. I must find it.我必需找到它。【写作素材】今日是星期天,李雷不用上课,他和爸爸一起去动物园。在那里他观看很多动物,有 老虎、猴子、熊猫和熊。这些动物每天都有食物喂养,但它们并不欢快,它们宠爱生活在森林,由于动物园的生活与森林中的生活不一样。例文:Today is Sunday. Li Lei doesnt go to school. He goes to the zoo with his father. He sees many animals there, such as tigers, monkeys, pandas and bears. These animals are given food everyday, but they are not happy in the zoo. They like living in the forest because the life in the zoo is different from the life / that in the forest .【励志园】1. Sowing nothing, reap nothing. 没有耕耘就没有收获。2. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。


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