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专题六介词和介词短语专题六介词和介词短语2019 2019 全新版全新版分析广东近6年中考真题可知,介词是单项填空和短文填空的必考点之一(共2.5分)。单项填空主要考查的介词有:in,of,before,without,against,with;短文填空主要考查的介词有:in,without,after,with,from。介词短语在2016年单项填空的干扰项中出现,也在完形填空和短文填空中考查过,涉及“介词名词短语(in need)”和“动词介词短语(look after)”(共2.5分);在2014年短文填空中考查过,涉及“动词介词短语(learn from)”。其命题规律为:必考点:介词(6年6考;题型:单项填空、短文填空),其中:表时间的介词(6年2考;题型:单项填空、短文填空)表地点和方位的介词(6年0考)表方式、手段和工具的介词(6年0考)其他常见介词(6年5考;题型:单项填空、短文填空)冷考点:介词短语(6年2考;题型:完形填空、短文填空)目目 录录 CONTENTSCONTENTS考点精讲易错盘点解题技巧试题精练 用于世纪、年、月、季节前或泛指上午、下午、晚上。如:in the 19th century 在十九世纪;in May/2018在五月/2018年;in autumn在秋天;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上。考点精讲考点 表时间的介词(6年2考)用于将来时,表示“在之后”。如:Ill be back in two days.我两天之后回来。(2)on用于具体的某一天或某一天上午、下午、晚上等。如:on Christmas Day 在圣诞节;on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的早上;on Monday afternoon 在周一下午;on the night of October 1st 在10月1日晚上。(3)at用于具体的时刻、点钟及某些词组中。如:at six oclock 在六点钟;at night 在晚上;at the age of 在岁时;at last 最后,终于。巧学妙记at,on,in表示时间时的区别:at时间点,有on必有天,in指月季年,也和午相连;要说某日上下午,用on 换in 才能行;午夜黄昏用at,黎明用它也不错。2.for/since/from(1)for“(延续)之久”,后跟一段时间,一般用于完成时。如:Mr.Smith has lived in Guangzhou for two years.史密斯先生已经在广州住了两年。(2)since“自以来”,“自以后”,后跟时间点/陈述句,一般用于完成时。如:I have lived here since ten years ago.我已经在这里住了十年了。(3)from“从”。常见搭配“从到”;from now on 从现在起,from then on 从那时起。如:From now on,I will learn to draw on weekends.从现在开始,我周末要学习画画。I go to school from Monday to Friday.我从周一到周五上学。3.其他常见时间介词(1)before“在之前”,后一般接时间点。如:Ill go to America before Sunday.我将于周日之前去美国。(2)after“在之后”,后跟时间点,常用于将来时;后跟时间段,常用于过去时。如:He will go to the movies with me after 4:30 p.m.下午四点半后他要和我一起看电影。He came back after a few days.几天后他回来了。(3)during“在期间”。如:There are extra flights to Hainan during the Spring Festival.在春节期间有飞往海南的增开航班。(4)by“不迟于”,“在之前”,常与完成时连用。如:Can you finish the work by five oclock?你五点钟前能完成工作吗?(5)until/till“直到为止”,常见搭配:not.until.“直到才”。如:She didnt go to bed until 11:00 last night.昨晚直到11点她才睡觉。()1.(2018广东)How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?_ about two months.AInBFor CAmong DDuring()2.(2018汕头市龙湖区模拟)_ February 8th,2018,millions of people watched the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang.AOn BIn CAt DForAA()3.The local community centre is open _ Monday to Saturday.AinBfromCfor Don()4.They usually go shopping _ their lunch break.Aagainst后接小地方,in后接大地方。如:at the school gate在学校大门口;at the station在车站;in China 在中国;in Guangdong 在广东。考点 表地点和方位的介词(6年0考)注意 at 还有“在旁边”之意。如:at the table 在桌子旁边三者均可表示地理位置关系。其区别如下图所示:如:Shanghai lies in the east of China and Japan lies to the east of China.上海位于中国东部,日本位于中国东边。Guangdong lies on the east of Guangxi.广东在广西的东边。3.above/over/on(1)above“在上方”,表示两者不接触且不一定是正上方,反义词为below“在下方”。如:There is a light above the desk.桌子上方有一盏灯。The Dead Sea is below the sea level.死海低于海平面。(2)over“在正上方”,表示两者不接触,反义词为under“在正下方”。如:There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。Look!Jim is standing under the tree.看!吉姆正站在那棵树下。(3)on“在上方”,表示两者接触。如:There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。易错提醒in the tree与on the tree的区别:in the tree指在树上的外来物;on the tree指树上的树叶、果实等。如:Tom put his schoolbag in the apple tree and then he picked the apples on the tree.汤姆把书包挂在苹果树上,然后摘树上的苹果。4.between/among(1)between“在(两者)之间”。如:Lily is sitting between Lucy and Jack.莉莉坐在露西和杰克中间。(2)among“在(三者或三者以上)之间”。如:The lady in pink among the students is our teacher.在学生中间穿粉色衣服的那位女士是我们的老师。5.across/through/over(1)across“横过”,表示从表面通过的意思。如:She walked across the road and went into a bookstore.她穿过马路,走进了一家书店。(2)through“穿过;从通过”,含有从物体内部通过的意思。如:After walking through the forest,we found a small village.穿过森林后,我们发现了一个小村庄。(3)over“越过”,含有从某一物体表面或范围之上“通过;超过”的意思。如:She climbed over the wall.她翻过墙去。 front of/in the front of(1)in front of“在前面(范围外的前面)”,反义词是behind“在后面”。如:There are two trees in front of our yard.我们院子的前面有两棵树。(在院子外面)Im hiding behind the door.我正躲在门后面。(2)in the front of“在前面(范围内的前面)”。如:There are two trees in the front of our yard.我们院子前有两棵树。(在院子里面)7.near/beside/by(1)near“在附近”。如:Is there a post office near here?请问这儿附近有邮局吗?(2)beside“近旁,紧靠”,相当于next to。如:Im standing beside the window.Im standing next to the window.我正站在窗户的旁边。(3)by“在旁边”,比near更近。如:My house is by the river.我的房子在河边。8.around/roundaround/round表示“围绕,在周围。”如:They are sitting around the table.他们正坐在桌子周围。()5.(2012年广东)Why are you standing,Alice?I cant see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting _ me.Abehind Bnext toCbetweenDin front of()6.(2010年广东)Connie arrived _ the village _ a snowy night.Aat;onBat;inCin;atDin;onDA()7.(2018汕头市澄海区模拟)Many cities have opened highspeed railways and this really makes our life more convenient.And till 2020,the highspeed network will be _ the country.AacrossBthrough Cover DpastA()8.I left my keys in the room yesterday.I had to get in _ the window.Its dangerous to do that.Ain Bthrough CoverDto()9.There are some apples _the tree and some birds are singing _ the tree.Aon;on Bin;on Con;in Din;inBC1.表交通方式的介词(1)“by交通工具的名词单数”,表示“乘坐”。如:by sea 乘船;by bus乘公共汽车。(2)“in/on a/ones交通工具”表示“乘坐”,可与“by交通工具”转化。如:I went to Guangzhou by car.I went to Guangzhou in a/my car.我开车去广州了。She goes to school by bike.She goes to school on a/her bike.她骑自行车去上学。考点 表方式、手段和工具的介词(6年0考)易错提醒(1)by与交通工具之间不用任何限定词。(2)用in或on时,交通工具前用限定词。但当on用于固定词组时,不加限定词。如:on foot 步行。2.表手段或工具的介词(1)by表示“凭借工具或手段”,名词前不加冠词,若后接动词,用动词-ing形式。如:The house is heated by gas.这房子是煤气供暖的。He makes a living by teaching.他靠教书为生。(2)in表示用某种材料以及语言、声音等,名词前不加冠词。如:He made a speech in English.他用英语做了一次演讲。(3)on表示“以方式”,用于手段、通讯方式等。如:They talked on the phone yesterday.他们昨天用电话交谈了。He knew the news on the Internet.他从网上知道了这则新闻。(4)with表示“用,以,借助于”,其后常接具体的工具,即“with冠词工具”结构。如:I draw a picture with a pencil.我用铅笔画了一幅画。(5)through表示“通过、凭借某种方法、方式”。如:He became rich through hard work.他通过努力工作变得富有。()10.(2018中山市卓雅外国语学校二模)You are late.Your plane has gone half an hour ago.You have to go to Beijing _ a train.AonBbyCofDinB()11.Jimmy was asked to check his answer _ discussing it with another student.AinBby CofDwith()12.Sally always talks about her homework with her friend _ the phone.AofBinCatDonBD1.with的其他用法(1)表伴随,“和一起”。如:I live with my parents.我和父母一起住。(2)表“穿;戴”。如:Who is the girl with a red hat in the photo?照片里戴红色帽子的那个女孩儿是谁?考点 其他常见介词(6年5考)2.in的其他用法“in+颜色、服装”表示穿什么颜色的衣服。如:The lady in red is my aunt.那位穿红色衣服的女士是我的婶婶。3.without表示“没有”,后接名词或动词-ing形式。如:I couldnt finish this task without your help.没有你的帮助,我完成不了这项任务。He left without saying a word.他一句话也没说就离开了。4.for的其他用法(1)表目的,“为了”。如:Why not go for a walk?为什么不去散步呢?(2)表原因,“因为”。如:China is famous for the Great Wall.中国因长城而出名。(3)表用途、对象。如:Drinking milk is good for our health.喝牛奶对我们的健康有好处。(4)表价格。如:She sold her old bag for 10 yuan.她以十元的价格卖了她的旧包。(5)表赞成。如:Are you for the plan?你赞成这个计划吗?5.of表示所属关系,“属于(某人/物)的;关于(某人/物)的”。如:The role of women has changed.女性的角色已经发生了变化。6.about表示“关于;有关”。如:The speech is about how to learn English well.这次演讲是关于如何学好英语的。7.against表示“倚着;靠着”。如:There is a piano against the wall in her room.在她的房间,有一架钢琴靠着墙。表示“对抗;反对”,反义词for“赞成”。如:A few people are against your plan.有几个人反对你的计划。“作为;以身份”,后接表职务、职业、身份的名词。如:Mrs.Song has worked as a teacher for 30 years.宋老师作为一名教师已经工作30年了。“像一样”。如:He was laughing happily,just like a child.他开心地笑着,像个孩子一样。10.except,besides与but(1)except“除之外”,强调被排除的部分不包含在内。如:We are all here except Li Ming because he is ill.除了李明,我们都在这里,因为他病了。(2)besides“除之外(另外还有)”,强调被排除的部分也包含在内。如:Li Hua can speak English besides Chinese.除了中文以外,李华还会说英语。(3)but“除了之外,什么也没有”。如:I know nothing but his name.除了他的名字以外,我什么也不知道。11.before与after的其他用法(1)before“在前面(或面前)”,表示方位或先后顺序。如:Before you is a list of the points we have to discuss.放在你面前的是一份我们要讨论的要点清单。(2)after可表示跟随,在某人后面或者反复不断地一个接一个。如:Shut the door after you.随手关门。It makes me feel bored that doing the same thing day after day.一天一天地做同样的事情使我感到厌烦。()13.(2017广东)Its very kind _ you to lend me your reusable shopping bags.AofBforCtoDwith()14.(2016广东)Many young people put mobile gaming _ anything else,thinking little of their normal lives.Aalong with BbehindCbeforeDin front ofAC()15.(2015广东)Could you please give me a hand?I cant complete the task on time _ your help.Awithout BunderCwithDfor()16.(2014广东)Most people are _ building a paper factory near here.Theyre worried the river will get polluted.Afor BwithCagainst DbeyondAC()17.(2013广东)Kelly,whos the girl _ glasses in the photo?Its me.I used to wear glasses and have long hair.AbyBofCon Dwith()18.Where is Lily?We are all here _ her.Abesides BexceptCaboutDwithDB()19.Im thirsty.Id like a glass of orange juice.What about you,Dad?I prefer a cup of coffee _ nothing in it.AwithBwithoutCfor Dto()20.Lu Xun is known _ his novels.Afor BatCbyDasAA1.介词与名词的搭配in:in a word 总而言之in danger 处于危险中in time 及时in fact 事实上in trouble 处于麻烦/困难之中in the end 最后in a hurry 匆忙地in this way 用这种方法in surprise 惊奇地in silence 沉默地in need 需要on:on time 准时;按时on foot 步行on duty 值日on business 出差on show/display 在展览on ones way to.在某人去的路上考点 介词短语(6年2考)at:at the same time 同时at a low price 低价at first 首先其他:by the way 顺便说一下with/without ones help.在某人的帮助下/没有某人的帮助to ones surprise 使某人惊奇的是thanks to 多亏2.介词与形容词的搭配be good at 擅长be good/bad for 对有益/害be late for 迟到be ready for 为做好准备be different from 与不同be angry with 生的气be busy with 忙于be afraid of 害怕be full of 充满be proud of 为感到骄傲be interested in 对感兴趣be worried about 为担心be kind/nice/friendly to 对好be pleased/satisfied with 对感到满意be sorry for 为遗憾be strict with 对要求严格be mad at 生的气3.介词与动词的搭配介词搭配atarrive at 到达look at 看knock at 敲(门、窗等)laugh at 嘲笑point at 指着shout at对叫嚷 tolisten to听get to 到达look forward to 期待shout to 对大喊belong to 属于pay attention to 注意withagree with同意deal/do with处理,对付play with与玩耍 介词搭配forlook for 寻找ask for请求pay for为付款;付出代价wait for等待send for sb.请某人来(帮忙等)leave for 前往ofhear of 听说die of 死于dream of 梦想think of 思考;考虑fromcome from来自hear from收到的来信learn from向学习stop/prevent.(from)doing sth.阻止做某事介词搭配aboutthink about 考虑talk about 谈论worry about担心care about 关心;在意onget on上车depend on 依靠;取决于call on 号召turn on 打开pass on 传递 其他look like 看起来像get off 下车look after 照顾arrive in 到达fall behind 落后knock into 撞上把看作 believe in 信任 look around 向四周看()21.Most of the wild animals are _ because of their bad living environment,so we must do something to save them.Ain need Bin dangerCin surpriseDin silence()22.I am not interested _ playing the piano at all and neither is my brother.AwithBbyCofDinBD注意表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上时用介词on。()23.Do you know the exact date of his death?No,but I remember he died _ a cold Friday night.Ain Bby Con Dat易错盘点易错点 表示时间的介词at/in/on混用C 注意in/after后接时间段时应该使用的时态。()24.I hear Li Lei will come back _ three days.I cant wait to see him.AafterBinCon Dat易错点 表示时间的介词in/after混用B注意掌握on/in/to的具体用法及辨析。()25.Taiwan lies_ the southeast of China.AinBon CtoDat 易错点 表示地理位置的介词on/in/to混用A 广东中考对于介词的考查,有时会以固定短语或搭配的形式出现。在做题时要注意从句中找出能和选项中的介词构成固定短语的词。例(2018中山市卓雅外国语学校二模)The classroom is not empty now.It is full _ students and their parents.They are having a meeting.AwithBofCatDfor解题技巧技巧固定短语法B方法点拨第步:先分析句意“教室现在不空了。里面全是学生和家长。他们在开会”。第步:be full of为固定短语,由此可知答案为B。谢谢观看谢谢观看ExitExit


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