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2X-02X学年度第一学期四年级英语ni 3单元测试 Name:_ Clas: _一、 听录音,选出正确的图片、字母或单词。(10分)1 A. . B. 2 A B.3. A. B. . h B er5 A.pot B. son6. . friend B friends. A. nme B. usi8. A.teacher B. tudn9. A. any B. at10. A2 二听录音,判断图片的对错,用“ ”或“”表示。(10分)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5 ( ) ( )三.听录音,选出最佳答句。(10分) ( )、A. name is Mike. . Hes Mike. C Hr name is Sra( )2、A. s geen. B. ts my Chnesebook. C Its oth hai.( )3、A. Ss iend, Am. B.Ys, she . hesa irl.( )4、. board, 4 fns nd many dess ndchairs. B. A rase, apencilnd auler. C.My peci-cse i nice.( )5、A. I have 5 story-books. . Sure, e yu are. CI hv 3 obook. 四听录音,标序号。(10分)( )He ike hies. ( ) I hae frien. ( ) He hassobac ai. ( ) His am is Han. ( ) He ha a biose nd a smalmouth.五听录音,把下列单词补充完整。(2分)1. _dow 2. t_i 3. _oyo 4 _o 5.c_p 6 _est 7. _ellow 8._echer . _ige o_ 1 _ner 2. _aermelo 六、听录音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容一致,一致的打,不对的打。(0分)( )1、Srahis y friend.( )、Sraas hort hair.( )、arahs a m nse.( )、Sarah is cute( )5、rah ikes music.七、根据句子的意思,选择正确的单词,把相应的序号写在横线上.(8分)1、ZhanPen s _ (bo B gil) .He kssrs.2、my d ucare _ (A sorts B fiends)3、S hs _ (A long .hn)hair. 4、He is Bob.Hi _(A. tron B. quet). likes_(A. sience B. ors). 、Wh is tewom heis my_(. stdent B. teacher). mhe _.(A.stdent . thr) 6、How many pencils do ou haveI have 11_.(Aencil B. encils)八、读一读,选择正确的答句,把编号写在括号内。(1分)( )、Wh his nam A.Sure, hr u ar.( )2、D you ke spor B. She is eachr.( )3、hosse C. His nm i WYan.( )4、ow mnbook doyouhave D.Ye, I o( )、ay I hae ook E hae 8.九、找出下列句子中划线单词的反义词,并把编号写在横线上。(1分)1、Ihavea new classroom. But my desis_. 2、Sarah isa _grl.Mike i a stroboy. 3、yrer s long.My frind uleris _. 4、heeephant is _. Te at is smal 、Amy ha blakair Her fatha_h A.thi B. shot C. ol D. b E. wie十、读短文,判断下面句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“ ”不相符的打“” (1分) Mynams Susan. thirty. hv lg hair andbi ey. M os is small. I likeors. like paning, too.I am annlish teaher. ( )1、Susais 13 years ol. ( )2、Suanhs hort hair.( )3、Susans eyes ar big ()4、n likessport d musi. ( )5、Ay is an Englsh teacher听力内容及答案:一、1 rind has longair.(A) .Theby i thn.() 3. ZagPeng liks cines.(A) 4. He name i Lly.(B)5. Give mea spon, ples.(B) .Wee frns.(B)7. lie musi.(B) 8. My fahr is aeache.(A)9. hr ae manyeksandchasn myclasroom()1. How mnybook do yo have()二、. etseane clssoom.( )2.Ltae feds. ( )3 Do spo. ( )4 Pt u t picture. ( ).lay comuter gae. ( )三、1、Whats hs nm(A)2.Wha olor ishe fan(A)3 Whoste gil(A)4. Wa in th pncilas(B)5. How many books do yu ae(C)四、I haea friend.sname is Han. He likesChinse. He sshor acair.He has a bg osead soth(31425)五、1 winow 2.taxi 3.yoy 4. up . vest 7 _yllo. teache 9.iger 0. bx 1. ude 12.termlon六、听录音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容一致,一致的打,不对的打。(0分) This is my fred, Sarah.She hslo ar, bi eyes, a smll ns ad a big mouth hecuteSe likssprts 答案: 七、答案:A AAB A 八、答案:CDBEA九、答案:C BDE十、 答案:


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