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祈使句与感叹句一、祈使句1. 祈使句主要用于提出请求,发出邀请,给予指示、忠告或警告,也可发出命令等。2. 祈使句的特点是:一般不出现主语(you),但有时为了指明向谁请求或命令,也可以说出主语;谓语动 词一律用原形;否定式一律在动词前面加dont。如:Come this way, madam.这边走,夫人。Dont lose the key.别把钥匙丢了。Someone fetch a pail of water.谁去打一桶水来3. 有关祈使句最可能涉及的考点是:祈使句带主语以及“祈使句+and / then / or+陈述句”这一句型(祈使 句表示条件)。另外,祈使句与反意疑问句一起考查也是高考一大特点。如:Lets phone her now, shall we?我们现在就给她打电话,好吗?You girls stand in the front row, will you?你们女孩子站在前排,好吗?Work hard, and youll pass the exam.努力点,你会通过考试的。请做以下试题:(1) Jim, you go there to help him,?A. do you B. will you C. are you D. have you答案选B。句首的呼语Jim清楚地表明这一个祈使句,只是其前带了主语而已。(2) me back my money, or Ill ring the police.A. Giving B. Given C. Give D. To give答案选C。填空处为祈使句谓语,故用动词原形。二、感叹句感叹句的基本结构特点是:What+a / an+(adj.)单数可数名词(+主语+动词)!What +adj.+不可数名词或复数可数名词!How+adj. / adv. (+主语+动词)!How adj.+an +单数可数名词(+主语+动词)!如:What a lovely day it is!多好的天气!What a good heart you have!你的心肠真好!What interesting stories hes told us!他给我们讲的故事真有趣!How clever the boy is!这男孩真聪明!How clever a boy he is!他这孩子真聪明!注:以上基本结构也可能有变体。如:How nice of you to come!你来了真好What a joy to have you with us!有你和我们在一起真令人高兴!What a mistake it is to have come!来这里是个多大的错误呀!祈使句如何变为反意疑问句一、基本原则若陈述部分为祈使句,反意问句通常用will you, wont you, would you等。如:Mail the letter today, will you?今天就把信发掉,好吗?Try to be back by two, wont you?设法两点之前回来,好吗?注:若陈述部分为否定式,则反意问句部分只用will you。如:Dont forget to post the letter, will you?请别忘了寄信。有时根据语境的需要,反意问句也可以用can you, cant you等:Give me some cigarettes, can you?给我些香烟,可以吗?Walk faster, cant you?走快点,不行吗?二、let 型1. 当祈使句为Lets.时:反意问句总是用shall we。如:Lets phone her now, shall we?我们现在就给她打电话,好吗?Lets go to the cinema tonight, shall we?今晚咱们去看电影,好吗?2. 当祈使句为Let us.时:若表示请求,反意问句用will you;若表示表示建议,则用shall we。如:Let us know your address, will you?请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?Let us go swimming together, shall we?我们一起去游泳好吗?注:lets.只表示建议,所以其后反意问句总是用shall we。而let us.既可表示建议请求,也可表示建议(较正式),其后的反意问句要根据这两种不同情况分别使用will you和shall we。祈使句如何变为否定句一、一般情况一般说来,祈使句的否定是在祈使句首加Dont。如:(1) Come here. 一Dont come here.不要来这儿。(2) Be angry. 一Dont be angry.不要生气二、let 型当祈使句表示邀请或建议(Lets)时,则在Lets与do之间加not。如:(1) Lets talk about it. 一Lets not talk about it.我们别谈论它吧。(2) Lets go swimming there. 一Lets not go swimming there.我们别去那里游泳吧。三、无动词型无动词祈使句的否定:在无动词祈使句的句首加note如:(1) Here? 一 Not here.不是这里。(2) Green?一Not green.不是绿色的。(3) This one? Not this one.不是这个。学习祈使句应的五个要点祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝告、祝愿或建议的句子。祈使句的主语一般为第二人称,但往往省去不用。 同学们在学习祈使句时应注意以下几点:一、祈使句谓语用何动词形式英语祈使句的谓语总是用动词原形。如:Be quiet!别说话!Come earlier next time.下次早点来。Have a good time.愿你玩得痛快。Go and tell her.去告诉她吧。注:有时为了加强语气,可在动词前加do。如:Do be careful.务请小心。Do come on time.务必请准时来。二、肯定祈使句如何变成否定祈使句祈使句否定式的构成方法是在动词原形前加dont:Dont be late.不要迟到。Dont speak so loud.别这么大声说话。Dont walk on the grass.不要在草坪上走。Dont lose the key.别把钥匙丢了。Dont come unless I telephone.除非我打电话,否则你别来。三、与please连用以使语气委婉为使语气委婉,通常将祈使句与please连用。Please可用于祈使句的句首(其后通常不用逗号)或句末(其 前通常用逗号)。如:Please dont get angry.请不要生气。Please drive more slowly.请开得慢一点。Please cut me a piece of cake.请给我切一块蛋糕。Please try to be quiet .请设法保持安静。Please repeat what youve just said.请把你刚才说的话重复一遍。四、关于以let开头的祈使句Lets eat out tonight.我们今晚出去吃饭吧。Let me have a try.我来试一试。Let me show you how to do it.我来告诉你怎样做。Let every man do his best.让每个人人尽其才。Let the meat cook slowly.把肉用慢火炖。注意:1. 这类祈使句的否定式有两种形式。如:Lets not hurry. / Dont lets hurry.我们不要太急。2. let后用作宾语补足语的动词要用原形,不能用带to的不定式。五、祈使句的反意疑问句形式1. 在通常情况下,若陈述部分为祈使句,反意疑问句通常用will you, wont you, would you等。如:Turn on the TV, will you?把电视打开,好吗?Tell me the truth, wont you?告诉我实话,好吗?If you want help, let me know, would you?如果你需要帮助,告诉我,好吗?注:若陈述部分为否定式,则反意疑问句部分只用will you。如:Dont forget to post the letter, will you?请别忘了寄信。2. 若陈述部分为以let开头的祈使句,则要分两种情况:(1) 表示请求时,用will you?Let me do it for you, will you?让我替你做,好吗?Let us know your address, will you?把你的地址告诉我们吧,好吗?(2) 表示建议时,用shall we?Lets go swimming together, shall we?我们一起去游泳好吗?Lets all sit under this tree, shall we?咱们都坐在这棵树下,好不好?是考查祈使句还是非谓语动词请看下面这道题,是考查祈使句还是考查非谓语动词?the road round to the right and youll find his house.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed【分析】正确答案选A。根据句中的连词and可推知它是一个并列句。假若将此题改为下面这样,则答 案为B:the road round to the right, youll find his house.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed但是,若改成下面一题这样,则答案为C(不定式短语表目的):the road round to the right, the blind man asked a boy to guide him.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed请做以下试题,答案均选A,都是因为句中的并列连词and (填空句为祈使句):(1) to the top of the hill, and you can see the whole of the town.A. GetB. To getC. GettingD. Having got(2) the milk and set a good example to the other children.A. DrinkB. To drinkC. DrinkingD. Having drinking(3) me, and then try to copy what I do.A. WatchB. WatchingC. To watchD. Have watching(4)through this book and tell me what you think of it.A. LookB. LookingC. To lookD. Having looked(5)it with me and Ill see what I can do.A. LeaveB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. When left有时不用连词连接句子,而用破折号,情况也是一样(答案均选A)。如:(6)down the radio 一 the babys asleep in the next room.A. TurnB. TurningC. to turnD. To have turned(7)some of this juice perhaps you will like it.A. TryB. TryingC. To try以下各题也应选A,D. To have tried是因为句中的从属连词when, before, until等(填空句为祈使句):(8)him enough time to get home before you telephone.A. GiveB. To giveC. GivingD. Given(9)left when you get to the end of the street.A. KeepB. KeepingC. To keepD. Kept(10)your hand over your mouth when you cough.A. PutB. PuttingC. To putD. To be putting(11)until the lights have turned to green.A. WaitB. To waitC. WaitingD. Having waited(12)the pieces of cloth with a loose stitch before finally sewing them together.A. JoinB. To joinC. Joining以下各题也应选A,D. Joined因为填空句为祈使句(13) I dont want to listen a long story 一 justme the result.A. tellB. tellingC. to tellD. to be telling(14) Why stand there watching and help us!A. comeB. comingC. to comeD. to be comingA.saveB. to saveC. savingD. having saved(16) Firstthe rice by washing it, thenit in boiling water.A. prepare, cookB. preparing, cookingC. preparing, cookD. prepare, cooking(17) To test eggs,them in a bowl of water: if they float theyre bad, if they sink theyre good.A. putB. puttingC. to putD. to be putting但是请注意,类似下面这样的题目情形有所不同,所填部分为目的状语(用不定式,即答案选B):(18) French well, she went to France to live with his cousins.A. StudyB. To studyC. StudyingD. Having studied(19) late in the morning, Mr. Smith turned off the alarm.A. SleepB. To sleepC. SleepingD. Having slept(20) the flies out, we had to shut all the doors and windows.A. KeepB. To keepC. KeepingD. Having kept(21) their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English.A. ImprovingB. To improveC. ImproveD. Having improved对特定的人使用的祈使句祈使句如Wait here!(在这儿等着!)可以是对一个人说,也可以是对几个人说,其主语暗含you。但我们却 可以用下列方式引起我们说话的对象的注意:You+祈使语气动词You wait here for a moment.你在这儿等一会儿。语调和重音很重要。在上面这一句里,如果不重读you,那么句子的意思是this is where you wait (这就是 你应等着的地方);如果重读you,那么句子的意思就是this is what I want you to do (这是我要你做的事)。此外, 重读you时还可以表示愤怒、敌意或不客气。如:You mind your own business!不关你什么事!You try teaching 40 noisy children five days a week!你来试试每周 5 天教 40 个吵闹的孩子!在否定句中Dont要重读(不重读you)。如:Dont you speak to me like that!你别这样跟我讲话! “you+人名”或“人名+you”You wait here, Jim, and Mary, you wait there.你等在这儿,吉姆;玛丽,你等在那儿。 “祈使语气+人名”或“人名+祈使语气”:Drink up your milk, Sally!把你的牛奶喝光,萨利!Sally, drink up your milk!萨利,把你的牛奶喝光!祈使语气+反身代词Enjoy yourself.你好好享受吧。Behave yourself.你放规矩点。对一群人讲话时,祈使语气可与everybody, someone之类的词连用:Everyone keep quiet!大家安静!Keep still everybody!每个人都保持不动!Nobody say a word!都不许说话!Somebody answer the phone please.请来个人接电话。在表示否定的命令语气后面可用带any的复合词Dont say a word anybody!谁都不要说话!Dont anybody say a word!任何人都不许说话!“be+名词”用于祈使句许多“be (肯定式)+名词”结构是习惯用法Be a man!要做个男子汉!Be an angel and fetch me my slippers please.请行行好,把我的拖鞋拿来。Go on! Have another slice! Be a devil!继续吃呀!再来一片!放开吃!否定式的“ Dont be+名词”结构要常用得多,往往与(愚蠢的)行为有关。如:Dont be an ass / a clown / a fool / an idiot!别当傻瓜 / 小丑 / 笨蛋 / 白痴!请注意:“be+形容词+名词”结构:Be a good girl at schOOl.Dont be a silly idiot!在学校你要做个好姑娘。别当个傻瓜!be可以表示“成为”之义,尤其在广告中发。如:Be a better cook! Be the envy of your friends!你可当个好厨师!你可成为你的朋友们羡慕的对象!否定式dont be (=dont become)常用于劝告。如:Dont be a racing driver! Its So dangerous.别当赛车运动员!太危险了。be还可以意谓“装作”,特别是用在you后面。如:(You) be the fairy godmother and Ill be Cinderella.你装仙姑,我装灰姑娘。Be a monster, granddad!爷爷,你装个妖怪!要注意类似下面这样的用法:Now be yourself again!现在可再显出你的本色了!“be+形容词”用于祈使句只有表示一时的行为的形容词才可用于 be / dont be 之后,如 careful / careless, patient / impatient, quiet, silly 等(be / dont be通常不可与指状态的形容词连用,如hungry / thirsty, pretty)。如:Be quiet!安静点!Dont be silly!不要发傻!Do be patient. 一定要有耐心。Be careful about what you say.说话要小心。Be more careful with your work.你的工作要再细心一些。Be careful not to break anything.当心别打破什么了。Be sure you dont break any of them.千万别把它们打破了。Be sure to write to ma as soon as you get there.至U了千万给我来信。Be sure and come as soon as possible. 一定要尽快来。Be sure to send out all the invitations today. 一定要在今天把请帖都发出去。注意有关的回答Be quiet!别说话!f否定的回答:I wont!我不嘛!Dont be so impatient!别这么着急!f否定的回答:Im not!我不着急!“be+过去分词”用于祈使句be可以和少数过去分词连用,用于祈使句当中。如:Be prepared!准备好!Please be seated!(请)坐下!Be warned!该小心了 !试比较:Get washed!去洗一洗!注:祈使句偶尔也用进行式,即be后接现在分词。如:Be listening to this station at the same time tomorrow night.请于明晚同一时间听本台的广播。没有动词的祈使句祈使句除用谓语动词表示外,还可用名词、形容词、副词等,如:Help!救人哟!Fire!失火了!Patience!要有耐心!Careful!小心!Quickly!快!Hands up!举起手来!Good heavens!天哪!如何引用祈使句祈使句如要引用,多使用一个不定式,前面的谓语形式根据语气决定。如:“Wake him up, she said.f She told me to wake him up.“See a neurologist, the doctor said.f The doctor advised me to see a neurologist.“Stay where you are and dont move, commanded the sergeant.f The sergeant commanded the man to stay where he was and not to move.“Carry the trunk upstairs, Mr. Brown said.f Mr. Brown ordered the men to carry the trunk upstairs.能跟这种结构的动词有:adviseaskbegcommand forbid instruct invitepersuade remind teachtellurge warn祈使句用法详解:表命令典型例句Hands off!不要摸!Go there right away.马上去那儿。Nobody move.任何人都不许动。Stand over there.站到那边去。Drop that gun, or Ill shoot you.放下枪,不然我就打死你。祈使句用法详解:表请求典型例句Give me a hand, will you?帮我一个忙,好吗?Please help me for a few minutes.请帮我几分钟。Please remember me to Mr. Smith.请帮我向史密斯先生致意。Do forgive me I didnt mean to be rude.务请原谅,我无心对你粗鲁无礼。Be an angel and fetch me my slippers please.请行行好,把我的拖鞋拿来。Please dont telephone before 8 a. m.早 8 点以前请不要打电话。Hand me the hammer, will you?把锤子递给我好吗?Do be quiet, for Gods sake!看在上帝的份上,安静一会儿吧!Give me some bread as well, please.请你也给我一点儿面包吧。Bring the fruit up to the dining room, will you?把水果送到楼上餐厅里来好吗?Ill try on a few of these shirts. Please pass me that white one.我要试穿几件衬衣, 祈使句用法详解:表建议order请把那件白色的递给我典型例句Get your hair cut!你去理发吧!Get your eyes tested!你去检查一下你的眼睛吧!Ask Jake, not his wife.去问杰克,不要问他妻子。Come early, but not before six.早点来,但别在 6 点以前。Go off for the weekend, why dont you?去度周末,好吗?Have a bath and a rest and youll feel better.洗个澡,休息一下,你就会觉得好些。Cancel the match if it rains. If it rains, cancel the match.如果下雨,就取消比赛吧。Take a taxi, otherwise youll miss your train.你如不叫出租汽车,你就会误掉火车的。You try teaching 40 noisy children five days a week!你来试试每周 5 天教 40 个吵闹的孩子!注:以lets开头的祈使句通常表示建议。如:Lets go to the cinema tonight.今晚咱们去看电影。Lets get down to work.咱们干起来吧祈使句用法详解:表叮嘱典型例句Fasten your seat belt.系好安全带。Be sure to get here before nine.千万要在九点以前到。Stay in bed for a couple of days.卧床休息几天。Take care of yourselves.你们要注意身体啊!Look over what youve written before handing it to the examiner.先把你写的看一遍,再交给考官。Cross the road very carefully. Look both ways, or you might be knocked down.过马路要非常小心,要看两边, 不然会被车撞倒。祈使句用法详解:表告诫典型例句Beware of the dog!当心狗!Beware of pickpockets.小心扒手。Look out! Mind your head!小心!当心头!Take care not to catch cold.小心别着凉。Look out! Theres a bus!当心!有公共汽车!Always keeps to your promise. 一定要遵守诺言。Remember to switch off all the lights.记着把所有的灯关掉。Do not use this spray neat a naked flame.别在火焰附近使用这种喷射剂。Always look in the mirror before starting to drive. 一定要先看看反光镜再开车。Be there on time otherwise youll create a bad impression 要准时来,否则你会给人一个坏的印象。有不少否定的祈使句用于表示告诫:Dont panic!别慌Dont lose the key.别把钥匙丢了。Dont ever do that again.别再这样做了。Dont tell anybody, will you?不要告诉任何人,好吗?尤其要注意一些以Never开头的祈使句。如:Never say die.不要气馁!Never speak to strangers!不要跟陌生人说话!Never do that again.再不要这样做了。Never ask her about her marriage.决不要问她结婚的事。Never buy expensive clothes.决不要买贵重的衣裳。Never touch an electric wire when it is broken.绝不要动断了的电线。Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.不要无事惹事。Never hold a gun by the business end.拿枪千万别拿枪口 那端。Never identity opinions with facts.绝不要把意见和事实等同起来。Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事,今日毕。Never leave a silk shirt to the tender mercies of an automatic washing-machine.切勿用自动洗衣机洗绸衬衫。Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain.千万不要照牌价购买汽车,总得讲讲价才是。祈使句用法详解:表指引典型例句Walk to the corner, turn right and cross the road.走到那个拐角,然后向右拐穿过马路。Go straight on and youll see a church.径直往前走,你会看到一座教堂。Take the 2nd turning on the left and then turn right.在第二个拐角处向左,然后再向右拐。祈使句用法详解:表禁止典型例句Keep off the grass!请勿践踏草地!Do not touch these wires.请勿接触电线!Do not feed the animals!不许给动物扔食物!Do not feed the lions .请勿向狮子投喂食物!祈使句用法详解:表邀请典型例句Have a cup of coffee!喝杯咖啡吧!Mary, play on my side.玛丽,你和我一伙玩吧。Come and have dinner with us soon. 一会儿来跟我们一起吃饭吧。Go on! Have another slice! Be a devil!继续吃呀!再来一片!放开吃!祈使句用法详解:表祝愿典型例句Have fun!愿你玩得快活!Have a good time!祝你玩得开心!Have a good day!祝你度过美好的一天!Have a really good meal!愿你享受一顿美餐!Have a lovely party!愿你有一次愉快的聚会!Have a really restful holiday!愿你度过一次十分悠闲的休假!Have a really interesting debate!愿你们有一次十分有趣的辩论!祈使句用法详解:表粗暴典型例句Shut up!住口!Push off!走开!Get out!滚出去!Get out of here!滚开!Go to hell!见鬼去吧!You get out of here!你给我滚出去。You take your hands off me!把你的手给我拿开!祈使句用法详解:表警告或威胁典型例句Dont be rude.不要无礼。Dont you speak to me like that!你别这样跟我讲话!Stir, and you are a dead man.动一下就要你的命。Never speak to me like that again.决不要再那个样子跟我说话。Put that down, or else Ill smack you.把它放下来,不然我会揍你。Do that again and Ill call a policeman.你再这样做我就要叫警察了。Fail to pay and theyll cut off the electricity.你如果不付款,他们就要断电。祈使句用法详解:表厌烦或为耐烦典型例句Do be quiet.安静点儿吧!Stop probing!不要盘根问底了!Speak quietly, cant you ?说话沉稳些,行不行?Stop fiddling with that TV, will you?别摆弄那台电视机了,行不行?以let开头的祈使句用法归纳let后接第一人称Lets have a look.让我看一下。Lets take a taxi!让我们坐出租车吧!Lets give you a hand.让我帮助你。Lets paint it ourselves.我们自己来刷漆。Lets take a taxi, shall we?我们坐出租车好吗?Lets start now and work till dark.让我们现在开始工作一直到天黑。Lets go shopping now. The shops will be / should be fairly empty.我们去商店买东西吧。商店里人不会太多。Let me fix you a drink.我给你去弄点饮料。Let me have a try.我来试一试。Let me show you how to do it.我来告诉你怎样做。Let me pay for myself.让我自己来付我的那份钱。Let me have another cup of tea.给我再来一杯茶。Let me know if you should hear some more news.万一你听到更多消息你要通知我。let后接第二人称(较少见)Let you and I try to make this all right.让你和我试试把这个做好。let后接第三人称Let her do what she likes.让她做她想做的事吧。Let the meat cook slowly.把肉用慢火炖。Let XYZ be a triangle.设 XYZ 为一个三角形。Let the two lines be parallel.假设两条线是平行的。Let every man do his best.让每个人人尽其才。Let him have his own way.让他照自己的意思做吧!Let the true cause of the accident be published .把造成这件意外的真正原因公开吧。来。Let him try that game again on me, and Ill soon put paid to it.他如若再和我玩这把戏,我很快就会叫他收起let后接there be句式“Let there be no reprisals, said the widow of the murdered man.被害者的遗孀说:“千万不要搞复仇。”Let there be light.让地上有光。Let there be no doubt in your minds about our intentions.对于我们的意图,你们心里不要有疑问。用复合不定代词作主语的祈使句当要对一群人讲话时,祈使语气可与everybody, someone之类的词连用。如:Nobody move.谁都别动。Nobody say a word!都不许说话!Someone fetch a pail of water.谁去打一桶水来。Somebody answer the phone please.请来个人接电话。Someone go and see who it is.谁去看看是什么人来了。Dont anybody get out of here.大家都别出去!Everyone keep quiet!大家安静!Everybody sit down and lets have a drink.大家坐下来喝一杯吧!Mary, come here 一 everybody else stay where you are.玛丽到这里来,其他人都留在原地。在表示否定的命令语气后面可用带any的复合词:Dont say a word anybody!谁都不要说话!Dont anybody say a word!任何人都不许说话!不要混淆祈使句与非谓语动词有这样一道语法考题,该用动词原形?还是用非谓语动词?the road round to the right and youll find his house.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed【分析】此题容易误选B或C,许多同学一看选项就想当然地认为,选现在分词表示时间或伴随,选不定式表目的。此题的关键是要注意句中的连词and,它表明整个句子是一个并列句,即and前后应各是一个独立的句子,而不应是一个非谓语形式的短语,所以此题的正确答案应选A,即and前是一个祈使句。比较以下两题:the road round to the right, she found his house.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed【分析】此题应选B,现在分词短语表时间。(2)the road round to the right, the blind man asked a boy to guide him.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To followD. Followed【分析】此题应选C,不定式短语表目的。注意以下各题均应选A,均因为句中的并列连词and (填空句为祈使句): the milk and set a good example to the other children.A. DrinkB. To drinkC. Drinking me, and dont just stand there laughing.A AnswerB To answerC Answering me , and then try to copy what I do.A. WatchB. WatchingC. To watch(4)through this book and tell me what you think of it.A. LookB. LookingC. To look it with me and Ill see what I can do.D Having drinkingD To be answeringD Have watchingD. Having lookedA. LeaveB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. When left注:有时可能不用连词,而用破折号(答案均选B,填空句为祈使句)。如: down the radio 一 the babys asleep in the next room.A. TurningB. TurnC. TurnedD. To turn(2)some of this juice perhaps you will like it.A. TryingB. TryC. To tryD. Having tried以下各题也应选A,是因为句中的从属连词when, before, until等(填空句为祈使句):(1) left when you get to the end of the street.A. KeepB. KeepingC. To keep(2) you hand over your mouth when you cough.A. PutB. PuttingC. To put(3) him enough time to get home before you telephone.A. GiveB. To giveC. Giving(4) until the lights have turned to green.A. WaitB. To waitC. WaitingD. KeptD. To be puttingD. GivenD Having waited(5)the pieces of cloth with a loose stitch before finally sewing them together.A. JoinB. To joinC. JoiningD. Joined以下各题也应选A,即填空句为祈使句:(1) Dont give me a long account, justthe plain facts.A. tellB. tellingC. to tellD. to be telling(2) Firstthe rice by washing it, thenit in boiling water.A. prepare, cookB preparing, cooking C preparing, cook(3) Dont sit there watching 一and help me!A. comeB comingC to comeD prepare, cookingD. to be comingA saveB to saveC savingD having saved(4) Dont waste your money on silly things it.(5) To test eggs,them in a bowl of water: if they float theyre bad, if they sink theyre good.A putB puttingC to putD to be putting但是,以下各题情形有所不同,所填部分为目的状语(用不定式,即答案均为B): late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.D. Having sleptD Having caughtA. SleepB. To sleepC. Sleeping(2)the early bus, Mr Smith got up at six.A. CatchB. To catchC. Catching学习祈使句的几个基本要点一、祈使句的概念和一般形式表示请求、命令等的句子叫祈使句。它的主语是听话人(you), 般不需要说出来。通常以动词原形开头。 祈使句末尾用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调。如:Open the door, please.请把门打开。Be quiet, boys.孩子们,安静点。Hurry up!快点跟上。但有时为了指明向谁请求或发出命袋子令,也可说出主语来。如:Alice, you close your book.艾丽期,请你把书关上。二、祈使句的否定式祈使句的否定式是在动词原形前加dont。如:Dont be late again.不要再迟至U 了()。Please dont forget to take your medicine.请不要忘记吃药。Dont lets quarrel about it. (=Lets not quarrel about it.)我们不要为此事争吵了。三、祈使句的强调式Do be on time.务必准时。Do come early.务必早点来。四、区分let与let us /sbPlease let him in.请让他进去。一Lets go swimming, shall we?我们去游泳,好吗?No, lets not. /Yes, lets.不要去了。/我们去吧。一Let us go swimming, will you?请你让我们去游泳,好吗?No, youd better not.你们最好别去。祈使句备考注意1. 祈


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