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高考英语求职信的写作n StructureStructure ofof thethe letter letter Para.1Para.1:the opening paragraph:the opening paragraph:purposepurpose ofof thethe letterletter How do you know about the advertisement?Which position are you applying for?Para.2:the body:Para.2:the body:detailed introduction about yourselfdetailed introduction about yourself(Your name)a high school graduate(your ability)English level your working experience Para.3:the closing paragraphPara.3:the closing paragraph conclusion,conclusion,hope(request),hope(request),thanks,enclosurethanks,enclosure your confidence(conclusion)make a request for an interview Thank you for your time and hope to be connectedDearMr.Wang,Ivelearnedfromanewspaperthatsomeclerksarewantedinyourcompanynow.Imeagertobeoneofthem.MynamesLiuHua.Im21andImingoodhealth.Imnowa4-yearstudentatthephysicsdepartmentofWuhanUniversity.Imgoodatallthesubjects,puterandEnglish.IoftenreadsciencebooksinEnglishandCHINADAILY.Ioftentalkwithforeigners.IllbeverypleasedifIcanbeacceptedandIwillofcourseworkhardforthecompany.Imlookingforwardtohearingfromyousoon.(enclosure:astamped,addressedenvelope).Yourssincerely,LiuHuasalutationsalutationpurposepurposeself-introductionself-introductionhope,enclosurehope,enclosuresignaturesignatureUseful structures:Useful structures:A:opening paragraphA:opening paragraph:purposepurposepI learned from your advertisement that you I learned from your advertisement that you are in need of a are in need of a pHaving known that your office needs a I Having known that your office needs a I would like to apply for the post.would like to apply for the post.pIn answer to your advertisement,I wish to In answer to your advertisement,I wish to apply for the post ofin your company.apply for the post ofin your company.pIm looking for a job as aand would be Im looking for a job as aand would be grateful if you would consider me for such a grateful if you would consider me for such a post in your firm.post in your firm.B B:Body Body:a.a.self-introductionself-introductionpBorn in/on,I graduated fromBorn in/on,I graduated frompBorn on/in,Im in good health/healthyBorn on/in,Im in good health/healthypIm good at./I do well in./I master.Im good at./I do well in./I master.well.well.,I have a good knowledge of./I have I have a good knowledge of./I have the ability to.the ability to.pbesides/whats more/in addition,.besides/whats more/in addition,.b.work experiencesb.work experiencespI once worked as a.for two years I once worked as a.for two years pIve never done.but.Ive never done.but.c.promisec.promisepOnce I am accepted,Im sure Ill be fit for the Once I am accepted,Im sure Ill be fit for the job.job.pIll get on very well with my fellow workers.Ill get on very well with my fellow workers.pOnce Im hired,Ill devote myself to.Once Im hired,Ill devote myself to.pOnce Im hired,Ill work hard for your.Once Im hired,Ill work hard for your.C:closingclosing (the hope for the reply(the hope for the reply,chance&chance&opportunity)opportunity)pIf all these satisfy you,please write to me.If all these satisfy you,please write to me.pIf I meet your requirement,please write to me.If I meet your requirement,please write to me.pIm looking forward to your early reply(the Im looking forward to your early reply(the interview)interview)pIm looking forward to hearing from you and I Im looking forward to hearing from you and I do hope I shall have the opportunity of an do hope I shall have the opportunity of an interview.interview.pI am prepared to be interviewed when you I am prepared to be interviewed when you find it convenient.find it convenient.假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B&B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1、年龄(18):2、学习情况及英语水平:班上前五名,擅长英语3、兴趣和特长:精通电脑,打字快,爱好音乐4、性格特点:容易相处词数:100词左右Lets have a try!Lets have a try!Dear Sir/Madam,I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary.Im really interested in this position and hope I can work for you.Im 18 years old and will be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Language School this July.Im an excellent student,among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.Im good at English,especially spoken English.I often use the computer and I type very fast.In my spare time,I read a lot.I enjoy music very much.Being an active young person,I like sports and outdoor activities.Besides,Im easy to get along with and I like to make friends.Im looking forward to your reply and I do hope I shall have the opportunity of an interview.Li HuaHowHow toto getget a a satisfactorysatisfactory score?score?a)a)NeatnessNeatnessb)b)beautifulbeautiful handwritinghandwriting c)c)a a rightright structurestructure (3-4(3-4 paragraphs,paragraphs,purposepurposeintroductionintroductionhopehopethanksthanks)d)d)relevantrelevant contentcontent (highlight(highlight thethe advantages)advantages)e)e)correctcorrect&advancedadvanced vocabularyvocabularyf)f)goodgood linkingslinkingsg)g)properproper lengthlength (80-120)(80-120)Rewriting Homework:假如你是张玲,看到假如你是张玲,看到China Daily上的招聘广告后,用英上的招聘广告后,用英文写一封求职信,要求包括以下所有内容,字数文写一封求职信,要求包括以下所有内容,字数120左右。左右。WANTEDBeijing watch companya secrretary of English language姓名姓名 张玲张玲 性别性别 女女 年龄年龄2020文化程度文化程度 高中高中 身体状况身体状况 健康健康身高身高 163 163 经历经历 曾在一家公司当过两年秘书曾在一家公司当过两年秘书 技能技能 1.1.会操作电脑,每分钟能打会操作电脑,每分钟能打4040个汉字个汉字2.2.英语说写较好,曾在中学获英语竞赛二等奖英语说写较好,曾在中学获英语竞赛二等奖3.3.会驾驶汽车会驾驶汽车 Dear sir,Ive just learned from the newspaper that a secretary of English Language is wanted in your company.I hope to get the job.My name is Zhang Ling,a girl about 20.Im healthy and 1.63 meters tall.I graduated from a senior middle school and once worked as a secretary in a company for two years.I can operate computers and type 40 characters in a minute.Besides,I am good at speaking and writing English and once won the second prize in an English contest in the middle school.Also,I am a good car driver.Im sure I am fit for the job and I will work hard for your company.If all this satisfies you,please write to me.Best wishes.Yours faithfully,Zhang Ling此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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