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How to write a suggestion letter1To collect useful words and expressions 2To learn chunks of expressing suggestions3To learn the structure of a suggestion letterLearning ObjectivesLOGOFrom PeterNew York,U.S.A 161201To Class 1Changle,ChinaDear my friends,I will travel in China next month.You mentioned the CRH train in the last letter.Is it the best vehicle for my traveling between provinces in China?Look forward to your reply.Yours,PeterTheChinaRailwayHigh-speedTrainsAnswer the questions1.How many points are there in this passage?(12words)What are they?2.Why is it the longest railway line in the world?3.As to speed,what outstanding advantages does the CRH train have?4.Why is it quite comfortable in the CRH train?(3 reasons)5.What are the passenger-friendly facilities in the CRH train?6.What is the biggest benefit of traveling by the CRH train?Sum up the pointsPOINTSlengthspeedcomfortviewsover 20000km in lengthmake up 60%of the worlds total high-speed railway line the only country with trains running at 350km/h save traveling timeThe temperature is fixed.Attendants are on hand.surf the Interneta free Wi-Fi servicethe power plugsbeautiful viewsthe pleasurable way to see countrys highlightsconvenienceThe seats are wide.?How to write a letter to recommend the CRH train?Analyze the letterChunks of expressing suggestionsLinking wordsStructuresWriting techniquesMr.Premier,IreadinthenewspaperthatyouaregoingtodeliveraspeechinCambridgeUniversity.Ihopeyouwillnotmindmewritingtoaskyouifyouhavethoughtaboutvisitingouruniversity.Ifso,IsuggestyoushouldtrycyclingafterarrivinginCambridge.Cambridge,one of the worlds most bicycle-friendly cities,has well developed its extensive network of cycle lanes.Therefore,itisconvenientforyoutotravelwhereveryouwantto.Meanwhile,the traffic jams are especially regular on themainroadusedbyaround36,000driversaday.Comparedwithothervehicles,cyclingwillnotbebotheredbytraffic,savingalotoftravellingtime.Besides,themostimportantreasonisthatridingonabicycleisagreatwayofexploringCambridge.Forexample,you can enjoy the beautiful views along the RiverCam,createhoursoffunandmeetalotofChinesestudentsinthecolleges.Ihopemysuggestionswillmeetwithyourapproval.Iamsureyouwillenjoyagoodjourney.Yours,JamesAnalyze the letterChunks of expressing suggestions:(Para1&3)Any other chunks?Linking words:Function of each paragraph:Writing techniques:(Para2)Mr.Premier,I read in the newspaper that you are going to deliver a speech in CambridgeUniversity.Ihopeyouwillnotmindmewritingtoaskyouifyouhavethoughtaboutvisiting our university.If so,I suggest you should try cycling after arriving inCambridge.Cambridge,oneoftheworldsmostbicycle-friendlycities,haswelldevelopeditsextensivenetworkofcyclelanes.Therefore,itisconvenientforyoutotravelwhereveryouwantto.Meanwhile,thetrafficjamsareespeciallyregularonthemainroadusedbyaround36,000driversaday.Comparedwithothervehicles,cyclingwillnotbebotheredbytraffic,savingalotoftravellingtime.Besides,themostimportantreasonisthatridingonabicycleisagreatwayofexploringCambridge.Forexample,youcanenjoythebeautifulviewsalongtheRiverCam,createhoursoffunandmeetalotofChinesestudentsinthecolleges.Ihopemysuggestionswillmeetwithyourapproval.Iamsureyouwillenjoyagoodjourney.Yours,JamesSum up:the stepsBeginningMain bodyEnding How are you doing recently?Wishes GreetingsWriting purposeIm writing to tell you that PointsSupporting sentencesBest wishes for you!Words and expressions about the CRH train Chunks of expressing suggestionsWriting techniquesLinking wordsstructureTaskDear Peter,Im expecting you to come to China.Im writing to tell you that you had better take the CRH train after arriving in Beijing.I am sure you will enjoy a good journey.Yours,Li Hua3 pointswords and expressionschunkslinking wordswriting techniques1.No spelling or grammatical mistakes.2.Make suggestions more specific.3.Show your politeness.Please write a suggestion letter to Peter,recommending him to take the CRH train in China.Write down the main body.(at least 3 points)AssignmentPlease write a suggestion letter to Peter,recommending him to take the CRH train in China.Finish the letter and hand in tomorrow.Writing self-assessment sheetstyleIs it appropriate for a suggestion letter?contentsAre the ideas clearly stated?Are your points well supported?structureIs it organized logically?languageIs it accurate in writing?Are there any advanced words and expressions?Are there any good chunks of expressing suggestions?THANKS


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