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七年级英语下册Unit-6-Outdoor-funWelcome-to-the-unit课件-(新版)牛津版skatingjoggingriding horse ridingcyclingcyclingcampingcampingswimmingswimming2Outdoor activitiesDaniel and Amy found some pictures of outdoor activities.Help them write the correct letters in the boxes.a camping b cycling c jogging d riding e skating f swimming3abcdef4Daniel and Amy are talking about outdoor activities.Listen to the conversation and answer the question.5She likes riding.He likes being outside,near the beautiful lakes and hills.What outdoor activity does Amy like?What does Daniel like about camping?6A:What outdoor activity would you like to try?B:I want toA:Why?/What do you like about?B:I like/loveWhat about you?A:I want to 7Watch and answer.What outdoor activity are they doing?8Work in pairs.Practice the dialogue.91.hurry up _(赶快赶快),or we will be late.2.be tired I _(累的累的)when I dance.同义短语:同义短语:get tired feel tiredHurry upam tired10我爸爸下班后总是觉得累。我爸爸下班后总是觉得累。My father _ always _ after work.My father always _ after work.My father always _ after work.isgets tiredfeels tired tired113.carry sth.for sb.请为我搬这个大箱子。请为我搬这个大箱子。Please _ the big box _ me.4.too heavy=that heavy 这个包不是那么重。这个包不是那么重。The bag isnt _ heavy.=The bag isnt _ heavy.carrytoothatfor plain 向某人抱怨向某人抱怨 complain to sb.他经常跟我抱怨。他经常跟我抱怨。He often _ me.对什么不满对什么不满 complain about plains to13他对这家餐厅的食物不满。他对这家餐厅的食物不满。He _ the food in the restaurant.向某人抱怨某事向某人抱怨某事 complain to sb.about sth.他向我抱怨这家餐厅的食物。他向我抱怨这家餐厅的食物。He _ me _ the food in the plains aboutabout complains to 146.go+v-ing 进行一项户外的娱乐活动进行一项户外的娱乐活动 去钓鱼去钓鱼 去骑马去骑马 去慢跑去慢跑 去野营去野营 去滑冰去滑冰 去游泳去游泳go fishinggo ridinggo jogginggo campinggo skatinggo swimming157.outdoor activity 你喜欢什么户外运动?你喜欢什么户外运动?What _ do you like?8.try 尝试尝试 尝试做某事尝试做某事 try to do sth.让我们尝试做一个模型飞机。让我们尝试做一个模型飞机。Lets _ make a model plane.试一试试一试 have a trytry to outdoor activity169.What do you like about?你喜欢你喜欢哪一点哪一点/什么?相当于什么?相当于 Why What do you like about camping?=Why do you like camping?你喜欢周杰伦什么?你喜欢周杰伦什么?What _ Jay Chou?=Why _ Jay Chou?do you like aboutdo you like17being outsidestaying outside10.be outside 在外面在外面=stay outside 我喜欢在外面。我喜欢在外面。I like _.=I like _.18 Im tired.=I get tired.=I feel tired.Please carry this chair for me.What do you like about the film?翻译句子。翻译句子。1.我累了。我累了。2.请为我搬这把椅子。请为我搬这把椅子。3.你喜欢这部电影什么?你喜欢这部电影什么?19Cycling is a kind of outdoor activities.Dont complain too much.4.骑自行车运动是户外运动的一种。骑自行车运动是户外运动的一种。5.不要抱怨太多。不要抱怨太多。20Finish the exercise of the workbook.2122谢谢!
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