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英 语时间:60分钟 满分:100分一、听音,写商品的价格(20分)二、听音,连线(6分) 三、听一听,写一写(10分)-Whats in our classroom?-Theres one _, two windows, four _, and six _.-Whats that on the _ _?-That is our new _ -There are so many _ and _.-And two _ are on the _.-Oh, yes.四、听音,“”出你所听到的句子(10分)1AMy brother is not strongBMy brother has a long nose.2AThat is not a bookBThat is a notebook.3AThere is a student in this houseBThere is a study in this house.4AMy shirt is green and blueBMy skirt is yellow and blue.5AI like to eat potatoesBI like to eat tomatoes.五、读一读,正确排列句子,连成通顺的对话(8分)( ) Can I help you?( ) Yes, it isIts very pretty.( ) I like it, Morn.( ) Oh, thats expensive.( ) Amy, look at that dressIts colourful.( ) Its ninety-nine yuan.( ) YesHow much is this dress?( ) Sorry, AmyIts too expensive.六、用与下列句子中粗体单词意思相对的词填空(5分)1Look!This is a cat_ is a pig2Li Chen is tallMr Li is _3_ are my socksThese are my jeans4This is _This is black5This is MaryShe is a girlThis is JimHe is a_七、读一读,圈出不同类的单词(10分)1Acold B: hot Creport Dcool2Aegg Bcake Capple Dcut3A day Bsunny Cwindy Drainy4Ajacket Bsneakers CT-shirt Dsweater5Ajeans Bcolorful Ccheap Dpretty6Aone Bfirst Ctwo Deighty7Afarm Bhorse Clamb Dcow8Ayellow Bblue Cdress Dorange9Acomputer Bwashroom Cclassroom Dcanteen10Amilk Bbread CCoke Dcoffee八、把单词重新排列,使它们成为一个完整的句子,注意加上标点(8分)1sneakers my son for of A pair_2this How about pair_3They all are right_4are they much How_九、看一看,连一连(8分)十、根据短文内容,判断句子对错,在括号内打“”或画“”,然后回答问题(15分) Five friends were to different cities on the world because they liked doing different thingsJanewent to MoscowIt was snowy in MoscowPeter went to BeijingIt was windy in BeijingJoannewent to SydneyIt was cloudy in SydneyTrevor went to LondonIt was rainy in LondonSarah went to SingaporeIt was sunny in Singapore ( )Five friends went to the same city. ( )Five friends liked doing different things. ( )Joanne went to Singapore. ( )It rained in London. ( )The weather in Singapore was fine. 1What was the weather like in London? _2What was the weather like in Beijing?_3What was the weather like in Singapore? _4What was the weather like inSydney?_5What was the weather like in Moscow?参考答案一、16,28,l7,10,11,50,23,49,84,12二、lB 2C 3D 4A三、board fans lights teachers desk computer desks chairs pictures wall四、1A 2B 3B 4B 5A五、3 2 7 6 1 5 4 8六、lThat 2short 3Those 4white 5boy七、lC 2D 3A 4B 5A 6B 7A 8C 9A l0B八、lA pair of sneakers for my son 2How about this pair? 3They are all right 4How much are they?九、lC 2A 3G 4B 5E 6H 7F 8D十、 1It was rainy in London 2It was windy in Beijing 3Itwas sunny in Singapore 4It was cloudy in Sydney 5It was snowy in Moscow听力材料、1W:How much is this skirt?M:Its l6 yuan2W:Hiw much is this sweater? M:Its 28 yuan3W:How much are these sandals? M:Theyre l7 yuan4W:How much is this T-shirt? M: Its 10 yuan.5W: How much are these slippers? M : Theyre 11 yuan.6W: How much is this dress?M: Its 50 yuan.7W: How much are these sneakers? M: Theyre 23 yuan.8W: How much is this jacket? M: Its 49 yuan.9W: How much are these jeans? M: Theyre 84 yuan.10W: How much are these boots? M: Theyre 12 yuan.二、1Put on your bootsSplash in the puddles. 2Put on your sandalsWiggle your toes. 3Put on your slippersDance in your room. 4Put on your sneakersRun in the park.三、 W: Whats in our classroom? M: Theres one board, two windows, four fans, and six lights. W: Whats that on the teachers desk? M: That is our new computer. W: There are so many desks and chairs. M: And two pictures are on the wall. W : Oh,yes.四、lMy brother is not strong 2That is a notebook 3There is a study in this house4My skim is yellow and blue 5I like to eat potatoes精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载


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