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九年级英语下册期中测试卷 姓名 一、听力(满分0分)(一)听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三幅图片中选出最佳选项,听两遍。(5分)( )1. Wha i Mr.Wangs tlephone number?A. . C.( )2. w il ileigo to eijing?A. .( ) Wais Mke goig to bewehe rows ? A B. C.( )4. Ho des Tomlean Chnese? A. .C.( )5Wen th boys brtday?A. B. (二).对话理解(5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C个选项中选出符合对话内容的最佳选项。( )6. heeare th two pkrs aig? A. Ih treet. B.a hsptl. C Ia estaurant. ( )7 What is iss Brown? A. sudet. B. Ateaher. A doctor.( )8. Wat e he doig now?A.ong the leson now.B Heling with ach otherC. Mkia telephnecal( )9. Why did Geore g to ee te octor?Becausehe was l. .Bcause his mohewa ill. .eause thedocras h frien()0. Ho much o you have to pay fo one tiet t Loudi? A. 10uaB anC. 28 yuan.(三).听下面2段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听两遍。(5分) 听第1段材料,回答112题。听第2段材料,回答131题。( )1-Wha dd L uauseto lie?- Sesed t_ A.be shot , haveog hai ad wer glasss Bea,hvshort har an weroves. Cbesort, ave ho hai ndwea glses( )1Wh layed th piano? . Li Hua B. Jery C. Wg Hi( )13.Whe des he ovesaton happe? A.thmongB. nthe aternoon C In he evenin( ). Whereis th ak?. Its nxt to herestaan.Its net tohe hspia Is ehid th hospitl.( )15How f is the k fmhere?Ao 30inueswaB. Aut13 miutesalk.C. bou 30mnte ide(四).听短文,短文后有五个问题,从题中所给的、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项来回答问题。(分)( )16.How ol asTom? . 6. B.7. .( )17. Wheecan the man find Tom onundays? A.At hm. B n teoenir. C In hiscassro.( )8 When didthst lass begin? . At 3: p B At: pm. At 4: m( )19. Wht did thetah askTo to do?A. Wash hs and . Wit omen word C.ean te blckbord.( )0. Wtcane learn from the story?A.Thtehe taught Ciese. Theblackboad ws diry C. oslef and asdirer.二.单项选择(2分)( ) 1.A: m _ to eat a orsew! B: Really? ut Idon have _fr ou. ts gt py!A. hungy nough, fod enogh. noh hunr, enughfoodC. enoh hugry, fd enoghD ugr enough, eogh food( )2. ot bos _ gs to dols wile mostgirls _havedlls hagus.A. oud rther; pefer B. pefr; wolrher C.oud rtr; woulrahr D.prefer; pefr( )3. Its geerou _ them t dtemoney toUNICFTh think i imat _ e to hel poorchildn to so A o; fo.o; o . of; to . o; fr( )4.yther_m new wtc yesteda. A.bus .uht byedis buyin( )hefood her coed_very deliious A. iasedB.astes C.i being ast was tsed( )6.I wontaemoiceuntl work _A. fnish B. wll finih C. aefihed Ds finished ( )7Thaky fr ofern e _. A. any val sgestiosB.uch valabl sugson C.mayvalabe dviceD. much aualeadvices( ).He spoldl o make evboy e room hm clerly. A. head.er C. to hearD.harin( )9. we wre walking lng theiver, w had a cryorhelp. A.Whe BUnti Cter Befoe( )1.Thpair of jan oks ni _Say bcaehe lover nice_ blue A.;in B in; on . for; on D t; in( )11.Mis Go sstict hrsef eryhing A. with,at Bih , about Cin ,with .wth, in( )2A: D you know fo ce hn we have poblms. B: ou an tal o yo parets o teaches. A.whotoalk Bwe totak to . hoo talkto .wh n talk to( )13.If yo fee stresse, y sh . A. kque . sareyour proleswith frinsrfalmembes C shut a ur frindsand failymembers D.be wrried aouit( )14.Idont now deal with hismattr A. how B. hoto . hat D.wha to( )5 : owmanyeggsare thee ihe frdge?B: . A. Nne B. othing CNo on D. anti( )16. eromositin sbterthan . A.anyoe yoeel C ano elses .anyoes es( )17.s fie weateWh o fo walk? The r nice andcln sde. A. suha ,dont .s, notgo C uc , ogo Dso ,ottoo( )8.Shes a il and se ane.A.utgi ,likes B.stubon, lkes C. stbborn, oest like D.outoig, doesnt ik( )19.There is_wkto doand th work i _ dfficlt .A.too muc , mch too B. to much , oo much C much too, touh D.much to, ch to ( )20.It verydrn Beignow . He _ te ubrlla wth hmAneeds ntotae B. doent eed take nentta nednt t tae 三.完形填空(15分)My ahertn orksryhard.And e haslittl tmto see a lm HreIl ellyou 1 tory a him.On afteron, when he finishedhi wrkand 2 go hme, hend afilmtick undr the glass o is desk. e thugt he 3 to hve not mch woto d that dy nd it was qite nerful t ss t 4 at thcema.o cambck hmean 5 finised his super.Thn he sd 6 o us ad leftButtoour , hame bck abothal an hour at, I hm ht wasthmaer. H siled ad oldus about the ny thinghat had happedt thecinem.Wh mathewassittginhis seat, a 9 cam o m fthes andsa that the stwase. Mfher as urrised.H took o te tickt 10 loe at i caeu. tws Row17, 11 Anthen e oke ath . Iwaste me.o haskedr1 er tickt. Sh too ot the iket on and he sat swn wasRow7, Seat 3.13 ?Whts he mttrwh all thi? Whilehey wee wondeing , sudenly the wan si, “Te 14 the tcket ae differet. ” So thy lookd theicket mor carfllAft a il, myfatersad,“O, 5 made itak. My iketis f the m a nh ago. Ta thiseat,pleae ” Wth thesewrds, h eftthe cinema( ) 1. A. funB. good C. old D.stange ( )2. A. will B. wa dy to . has to D. ght( ). aped B. likd Cloved . waned ( )4A mringB. afernoo .day .eenn( ) 5. A. earyB.uietlyC. quickly . suddenly ( )6. A. helo .good-bye . od eei D. god nigt( ) 7. . urprse B. jC. sadnss piy ( )8. . asked B. explaned .told . antd( )9. .manB. womnC.docorD. nurse ( )10. A. and But C. o D. s( )11. A. Seat 1 B. Set .Seat 3 . Seat 4 ( )1. A. itbng B. get C. tosee Dto show( )3. A. Hw C.e D. Whe ( )14 A. desins .coos C. price D. owers( )15. Amsad B.msrr C. Im rong D.Im worried四.阅读理解(0分) (A)Do you why iffrent animal orpests (昆虫) havethi spcial cs? Cols i themm to e sed malto potect themeles.oebirdsle eating lcusts (蝗虫), brs cnot esily atch thmWhy? It becuelocstschngehi colr tgeter ith th hgef the colors f rps(庄稼).hen cropsre een, locs look green. B a thehrvst ime comes, ocust haneto the sae brwn oor s cs have. Some othrpsts with dieeclor rom lnt e aiy fu and eteny ters.Sohy heto hid themelves or ives andapear only atnigh.Ifu tdy th anima fe, youll fid th man use o cloing s toprottthemsees. Bars, nanotr animals ve uietl hrug frts. Theyano be eailysee y hunters(猎人). Tis is beau e hvethe lor uh li he trees.Hae yu ever otid an evenstragr t? kind of fish n th sea can send out a kind of veyblac iqid (液体)whenit fas dne.Whle the liqid spreads oer (散开),senmie (敌人)cannt ind it.And immeditey ws awaySo it has lved p tonow thouhit inostonat al.( )1.Fro th pssagewe lern that losts_ . r smal als B. are eslyfund b bisCre danerous to thir enmis . chnge heir coor toprott themselvs( )2.How can pest wih dfferetcolorsfrom planskeepou of dager?A. They run awyuickl. B.Te he t coors m like heir emies.C. They ide temseles byday d appeartnight. D. Tey have to ovequiey( )3.Bers adlios an keep saeecause _.A. theyhave te colrsmuch like the tees B. th me itl C. they lie rown nd gry colrs D th ive in frets( )4.h ath kind of fish lie p to ow?A.Bcaus it is vey a strong B. Becasethe luidit sends ot nelpi escape rts eemies.C cuse th liui it sendsotcan kil iteneies. Becusitswims fser hannther fih.( ).Whis he best titl fo thi psae? A. TheCgeof Clor rAimal ad Pests BColors of Difren nls nd ts C. he MainUse oCoosfor imalsand Pests D.Soe Animas anets () In 1993 nnnn mrcale Clareceashwnt t seethefilmmakr lt Dsny.e ad a unusual oice he wante to wok in Diescton(动画片)film fr chldre. he WltDisneyheardNashs voie, he said”Sp! Thatsur ck!”Te duck as tenow-amos Donald Duck, wo first ppared i 1934 i he fim TheWise Litt Hen Donl lived i an old houeboat(水上住家) and ore hs slor acke and hat. tr hat ea he ecae sarafter an ight nutMike Musefilm ecinma aude lked i ecause he was lazangrey(贪婪的), and ecaus helst h tper (发脾气)veqckly. And te ovd hs vhehemagrywithickes eigt nphews(侄子) Soo naldws mrpouar haMickey Mouse hielf, rably beause he wasnt a ody-goy ike Mcke.I t190S, 40and 50sDonald ad isfrins Mikey,Goofy d Plutma hunds ofDiny cartos.H aso made ducaional ilms about teplceof th US i e world, nd safetyn hhom The i1966 oad Dck d is voice disapare here wer oornew artos.lrenc Nsh died inFerry, 1985. Buodaychidren can sill setheldcaroons on television ad earthat fou vice.( )6. Who ade Donald Duk m? _ A.MickeMous. B. Clrenc as. C.alt Dsey D. Plut( ). Whewa thefirs Dnad uk fim mde? _ 33. B In 19 C In1966. D. I 1930.( )8. Who was Clarence Nash?_A.Aartonit. B. Doald Duck voie. C. fim-mkr D. A ilm sar.( )9 Were dodays chidrnsee DondDu?_ A. In new fl. B. A th cinema. C. televin. D.A concerts.( )10. hunderlied wr”adience” in the s pagrph ms_ . reads B. foral inrview . law feedom .thepeo o wch i a aciea(C)Tethae imprta Srog , eath teeth help ochew(咀嚼) oods tha elp you Thyhelp yo speak clear A ye ,hey help u lk bst. He are sme tps for yo to te cre f yu et: 1Brsh yourteeththe ight warush yourteha let twice a dy ater eaks nd bfore edime. f yo a, rush ferlunchor afte sweet snacs, oo. rush al of yourteeh,nt jus te rot oes. Spend tim brusingthan te sidsand bck of oumouh.Spend at least thremius ec timeyu brush. Pya ng youlik to he asthtme et ne toothbrush every thremot.Whe youuytothbruh, ure it hs bristles(鬃毛)2. earn how o floss(用牙线剔牙) our teeh.lssing ery importnt wa o kepyour teeth helty. Food mayhide btween w teeh. Flossin nl gt rid of it. oull needto flos yreeth a eastncea ay. Have good ti habits.You nedt e careful t ht yo et adrnk. ating sgar s a majo case oftot deay(蛀牙). Eatlos ofutsa egebles ad rn water nsed ofsoda(苏打).( )1. o manymat last shoulde brsh or teaday? _ A. B. 2 C. 3 D. ( )12.Wha is he major cuse o ootdeay? _ A.otbrusing teeth B otchgng tothbrush C. Eating ugr D. No losin teet( ). How oftenshud cange oroothrushe? _ A nvr B tre tmes a mnth C. evey tree nths D. er month( )1. Thritles o th toobrh mu b_ hard . oft C.xensivD. ntmntone( )15. Whicis he righ wy t take ar ofeeth?_ A. Onybruh ront tet. B. ot brush teth efoe lepi C. pend at mos tree mins tobrushet ac i. D.Ea los o fui n veetables nd rin water istead f sda.(D)You will ave lot of readgo in i gad thiear.Yo cn o or of it iness tme ifu learn t rea rapdly. Perhaps yohavebeen tldabt some habits ch ke rsonfromreadng fstana be tronglyaske to brak hoe wich ou mih hve. o yostil hav any fthse bad habit? Chec urselfb answerig“ye” o “o” to te qtins.(1)Do yo mv your lps(嘴唇)whneadingslently? ()Do on ords wih our ing asyou read?(3)Do yu ov yo e fr idet side as yu e? ( 4 )ooued ne word at a ime? yoanwr “ys”to any o these questions, start toe to breakthe habit.If yo oe yor lps,hldyor fingersover hm,rholdapice o paer btweyu ips wile you are reding. Then f our lipsmov,wl know it andcan st tmIfyo pont o wrs, old th two sides ofyur oo,one ide wit your left hand, te oth sdeith your rigthand. he yo won ha afree finger o use i ointin whe rading. Ifyo move you head, ace youchin(下巴)in o handanhd yourhea stll(静止不动的)If youeadore thnoe rtwothee words a time, youned t wo very hard in learing t n orword each glance(一瞥) as your eyes trav cossthe ls o wos.Even if you o rhe stno, you ca lern o rad even aste.As pobly hve bentold,the fasreaing ist a n whole groups of words aseach glance. Read n thougt groupsan force(强迫)yourys alongthelines fwords a fataoucan ake tem go. nyo wopracis doigthese things willbeblto red faer( )1.You mayholour fnersvr yorlip whilereding so s(为了) _. to ell othrs t esilnt B toel wether yur lpmoe o not . to old a piee fapr beten the . to eep yoef ro aling to ohers( )1Wheyou red,_ . Ant keepyour head sll Bo oldyu ooks wihyurhandsC.d stnd up nar a dsk .dont ueyo fnert poit to ord( )18.If you earn to rad fast,_.youan ead o in esstme B.yu an wtefster .y can undesad better Dyu ca read leinore t( )1You must _ thoseabi tha e aealkg about in this ding.A.emee . ave C.ge ri of(消除) D. e( )2. Tebet title or this pasagis _. A. Ho rad f B Beaking the ba habts C ading rul D Ways tored les in retime五词汇运用(15分)1 Itisaid that an old ladywa foud (die) threeay later.2. My athr askdme t fshyoewok efo (go)t bed.3 Beijing MucAwards (cover) live thi coming Sa.4. Simon justforgot wen (me)hisries5olan vrytin btte thn I oad youcathnk (arfl)nanyon else6Waring d an lwenyou haing (difflt)makin a ecisio7.Ifind thpaintig (beautu) . Hes the cirpeon fhe_ (tdent) Unio. 9. Youd betergveup_ (smoke), t bad foyur healh 10.A ya _ (ide) in 12 star sign i westenconties.11.Wd beter _ (study) ard thi year, beue is tlsyear!2. Anyis _(energy)noh b aeaer. 1.Itis siy of yo _ (nt orgiv) oters for eirats.14.Yllow is te colour o _ (wse). 1. I am too _ (sep) towatch the endo he fil六.阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(10分)How an yutn English ?(1) I hin the bst wayis to pracie as wha a plyer everyd. Durin th practie he ootal paer ilps the all o is teammate oranove gain.Sohe wot hav t hink aoutpasin tebal inthme, he wil jut doit(2)Youan tra yoursel o tink inglish inthisway. The firs tep is tothinkofe ods that yo se daily, smpe eveydywordslik boo, shoe or te. Fo examl ,whenever ou s a “book”, you shol think oft n Elishinstead of in your mher nguag.Ateryo hav larndto think o severa ords in Engl, en me on the et step -thi of enees in Elish. ()听是学英语的一个非常有用的方法。Lstn firt dontcre too mc abt ethe youfully unersnd ht youre hearing. Try toepat (重复)what ou her Th or you liten, the moreyo lern. Aer you reach a hher levl, start hingcnversatins whouel in English Ths wllayo to hnn English.在1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺: , 2.将)句译成中文: 将3)句译成英文: 4.在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子,并写在横线上:(4):o mater when ou a“book”,you shouldtyhi in your native anage ecptin Elis 找出文中或写出最能表达该短文主题的句子: 七.短文缺词填空(10分)根据短文内容和所给的首字母,写出短文中所缺的单词,使短文完整,合乎情景。将完整的单词写在下面框内。Te l phon is a useful ting, butybedotkno h 1 to ue i. Somtes it maksthngsdiful f e.One dy I ante ee mriend nary I could a 2 at is husnfiveiute, but Iooke t my mobil phone n togt wuld b beter rn hm up. I 4 hmfor the isttime,buthe lie was busy.Fi mtatr, there wasan aswe,ut was he wrng numbe Then tried a 5 anhitime ot nanser m him.Iased mi 6 he w at home in tafenoon. Andesid-a least thougt hesai- wul be t ome all arnn. SoI weto ishous, but then ound n 7 n Icled im forteforth tme. This tme I got songry tht I 8 , Yu are notat home? But youjus old movrhe telehone hat uwou beat homallaeron!Here 9 hs aswr,N, ai:I willNOT b at hoeall ftrnoon. went ko myroo, a don in front f t obe phne ad looke at t.Wate 10 coud do? Nhng!八.书面表达(20分)Simo 和Petr有很多问题,Peter感到有压力。请写一篇短文。要求:、短文内容可以适当发挥,语意连贯,语法无误,书写认真。 2、字数:100个左右九年级英语第一学月试卷答题卷 姓名 班级 一、 听力(20分)1690112115167181920二、 选择填空(20


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