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名校名 推荐牛津译林版七上 Unit1习题第 4 课时 Integratde skill & Study skills一 .根据所给汉语意思完成下列句子:1.I have some good( 消息 ) to tell you.2.Will you come to seeme( 下一 ) week ?3.Excuse me.Can I( 借) your( 橡皮 )?4.It s 8o clock in the morning.Let(开s始) our class.5.There are five(运动员 ) in a basketball( 队).6.He wins in many badminton(比赛 ).二 .根据句意和词首字母提示完成下列句子:1.Can you sEnglish ?2.He enjoys lto music.3.Yao Ming is tall and s.4.Daniel likes watching fooball m.5.He is my ffootball player in China.6.It s 8:00 in the morning.Letour classb.7.I don t have a ruler.Can I byour ruler ?8.I can t hear you .Will you please say it a?三 .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:1.Sandy has lots of(hobby).2.He often goes(run) in the morning.3.He is the(new) member in the basketball team.4.Our basketball team wins again.I feel(real) happy.5.There are two basketball(match) on TV on Tuesday.6.Tom plays football very.He is a(good) player .7.The footballwant(play) in the next World Cup.8.He is a football(play).He is good at(score) goals.四 .选择填空 :( ) 1.Therelots of good news in today s newspaper.1名校名 推荐A.isB.areC.haveD.has() 2.Therelots of peopl e at the bus stop.A.isB.areC.haveD.has() 3.Li Hua plays very.He is aplayer.A.good / wellB.well/ goodC.well / wellD. good / good( ) 4.- “ Youookl beautiful .- “”. ”A.No, I m notB.Where,whereC.Thank youD.Yes , I am.() 5.Where is Lily ? Do you know ?A.I m sorryB.Excuse me.C.HelloD.Thank you.() 6.If you d on t know the answer to something ,you say :. ”“A.Excuse me.B.I m sorryC.PardonD.Sorry ,I don t know() 7.We can borrow some booksthe library.A.fromB.toC.forD.of( ) 8.Can youEnglish ?A.tellB.talkC.sayD.speak( ) 9.Can youit in English ?A.tellB.talkC.sayD.speak( )10.How d o youthat in English ?A.tellB.talkC.sayD.speak( )11.Can youme your telephone nubber ?A.tellB.talkC.sayD.speak()12.He likesbooksfootball.A.reading / forB.reading / aboutC.read/ forD.read / about五 .根据要求变换句型 : 1.He does his homework in the evening. (改为否定句 )Hehis homework in the evening. 2.I do my lessons in the evening. ( 改为一般疑问句 ,并作肯定回答 )youyour lessons in the evening ?, I.3.She studies Maths at school. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答 )2名校名 推荐sheMaths at school ?, she.4.His birthplace is Guangzhou (同义句 ).HeGuangzhou.5.He is fifteen.I am fifteen ,too. (同义句 )He and Ithe.6.What s your age 同?(义句 )are you ?7.Tom is a football player.I like him very much. (同义句 )Tommyfootball player.8.Can you say it in English ? ( 同义句 )do youthat in English ?六 .翻译下列句子,每空一词 :1.米莉常常在周末看CD。Millie oftenat weekends.2.那 (东西 ) 用英语怎么说?do youthat in?3.- “打扰了。我能借用你的橡皮吗?”- “对不起,我没有。”-“me.Can Iyour?”- “, I don t have.”4.丹尼尔和他的家人一起住在北京。Danielin Beijing with his.5.- “你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?”- “是的 ,我喜欢。 ”-“you likecomputer?”- “ Yes , I. ”6.- “你的表弟戴眼镜吗?”- “不,他不戴。 ”- “your cousin? ”- “ No , he. ”7.西蒙常常在放学以后打排球。Simon oftenafter.8.他有时在晚上听音乐。Sometimes hetoin the.七 .完型填空 :Who is Hao Haid ong ,1you know ?HaoHaidong2a very great football3名校名 推荐player in China.He3born in Qingdao4May ,1970.He is 345now.He isvery tall. He is 1.8 metres6. He likes football very much.And he is good at7football .He joined (参加 ) the Children s Football Club in 1980.He works hard and he is one ofthe8footballplayersofChina.Now heplays9 Dalian Shide FootballClub.He isalso a10of the Chinese National Football Team (国家队 ). Many of us know him andlove him very much.() 1. A.doB.DoC.areD.Are() 2. A.wasB.areC.amD.is() 3. A.isB.wasC.wereD.be() 4. A.atB.inC.onD.of() 5. A.B.year oldC.years oldD.A & C() 6. A.tallB.highC.oldD.short() 7. A.playB.playingC.playing theD.plays() 8. A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best() 9. A.inB.atC.forD.to()10.A.stud entB.memberC.teacherD.worker八 .阅读理解 :Yao Ming is a very good basketball player in the world.He is 25 years old.He was born inShanghai,but he lives in the USA with his parents now.Yao Ming is quite tall and he is so strong.He was in the Rockets Team( 火箭队 ) after he l eft( 离开 ) China.He plays very well in the NBA. Many people come to his match in America.Lots of Chinese young men watch him matches on TV.Yao Ming wants to be a superstar one day.() 1.Yao Ming s from.A.the USAB.JapanC.BeijingD.Shanghai() 2.Yao Ming is.A.shortB.slimC.tall & strong D.fat() 3.Yao Ming is good at.A.volleyballB.footballC.basketballD.badminton() 4.peopl e like to watch his matches.A.ChineseB.American C.JapaneseD.A & B4名校名 推荐() 5.Yao Ming wants to be aone day.A.football star B.d octorC.workerD.basketball star九 .补全对话 ( 根据首字母提示补全单词,补全对话 ):Sandy:Hi,Daniel. You l_ happy.Daniel:Yes.Oue school football team w_ again.Frank plays very w_ in the match.Sandy: Who is Frank?Daniel: He is my f_ football player in the school football team.Sandy: Oh,really? Is he tall?Daniel: Yes. He is tall and strong.And he often scores f_ our school football team.十 .书面表达 :下星期一,老师要把每位同学做的“My friend 的”海报张贴在墙报上,请你设计一下你朋友的简介,不少于10 句话。My good friend5


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