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Unit1 Vocabulary参考教案一、教学课题:Vocabulary二、教学内容:1.对相关词汇进行整理、扩展2. 用一些人物图片或班上的同学让学生进行外貌上的描述,整理描述人物外貌的词汇3. 让学生对所描述人物的品格进行猜想,整理描述人物品格与评价的词汇三、教学目标:1. To use adjectives to describe peoples physical features2. To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people3. To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls四、教学重点难点:A级 单 词 1. thin 2. square 3. handsome 五、背景材料This section develops the use of adjectives to describe peoples appearance. Students should be encouraged to develop their range of adjectives as much as possible using the tasks on the page as a starting point. As students become more and more able to understand the subtle meanings of words, they will be able to develop ways of accessing imaginative and creative texts to foster genuine interest and pleasure in what they read. In turn, they will gradually be able to use adjectives to write more interesting and creative texts themselves.六、教具:1.小黑板2. 录音机 / 卡片 / 投影仪七、课型:New lesson八、教学过程:Five finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习1. Revise sth about Reading parts to go over the 3 Ss personalities.2. Language points (Reading)As slim as, slimmer than, generous, be willing to do, be ready to do, give seats to people in need, want to be a singer, travel around the world, a wonderful friend named Max, almost/nearly, poor eyesight, because of, make him look smart, a good sense of humour, feel bored or unhappy, tell funny jokes, make me laugh, fit, walk past, knock over, think of, shoulder-length hair,never say a bad word about anyone, Be very good at telling jokes, vote Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现1 Explain the context of the tasks. Ask students to study the pictures and words.2 Go through the words in the box in Part B. Complete the lists in groups of 4-5. Check answers orally with the class.3 Extension activities 1) Ask students to find more adj. for each category of the adj. used in Useful wordsBuildSkinny, well-built, silm ,thin, fat, muscular, plump, strongNoseFlat, pointed, long, shortHeightShort, tall, medium height, medium-sizedFaceSquare, round, fat, thin, chubbyEyesBig, small, black, brown, blueHairLong,short,shoulder-length, straight,wavy,curly 2) Ask students to select and write suitable adj .to describe themselves on a piece of paper. 3) Ask students to describe their friends, classmates, relatives or pop/sports stars using the adj. they have learnt. Step 3 Consolidation第三步 稳固1. Extensive activities Get Ss to find more adjectives for each category ,e g:Build:Eyes:Nose:Face:Hair:2. Divide Ss into some groups to write more words.3. Language pointsThin, square, handsomeStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习1. Ask students to find more adjectives for each category of the adjectives used in Part A. draw this table on the board and brainstorm as many words as possible. Go through the adjectives and ask students to draw simple illustrations of the adjectives on pieces of paper. Invite some students to show their illustrations to the rest of the class. Provide pictures of people either pinned up on the board or cut out of magazines to groups of four students. Fay an adjective and ask students to find a picture illustrating it. 2. Ask students to select and write suitable adjectives to describe themselves on a piece of paper. Invite some students to come forward and read the adjectives. Make sure that the atmosphere is supportive and that the rest of the class do not make any unpleasant comments. 3. Ask students to describe their friends, classmates, relatives or pop/sports stars using the adjectives they have learned. For stronger classes, encourage them to use any adjectives.4. 翻译小短文 我有个名叫彼得的堂哥。他有一张方脸。眼睛又大又亮。他的视力很好,不戴眼镜。鼻子高高的。头发短短的。他的身体很结实,看上去十分英俊。彼得的女朋友是凯特。她容貌姣好。瓜子脸,小小的嘴,洁白的牙齿。留着直直的披肩长发。她不高也不矮,苗条,但不瘦。人人都说她是个可爱的美眉。Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动1. Bring some pictures of people into the classroom or ask students to being pictures. These can be magazine or newspaper cuttings or photos. Divide students into groups of five. Give a picture to only one student in each group and ask him/her not to show it to the other students. Give blank pieces of paper to the other students. The student with the picture describes the features of the person in the picture while the other students draw the person. On the board, display the drawings together with the original picture. For stronger classes, invite students to find out the mistakes. For weaker classes, ask students to vote for the best drawing which resembles the picture. 2. Alternatively, tell students who are drawing the pictures to ask as many questions as possible to get information about the person they are drawing, e.g., Is your person a boy/ a man/ a woman/ tall /small /fat /thin? Is his/ her face square/ round? The student looking at the picture is only allowed to say Yes. or No.3. Homework. Write a composion about his/her best friends.资料来源:QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:QQ:1805986694,597161994


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