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Chapter 1 Culture 1. Defining Culture Culture refers to the total way of living of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people think, say, do and make. Culture is a whole collection of our living patterns and behaviors. 2. Metaphors of Culture 3. Characteristics of Culture 4. Subculture and Coculture Chapter 2 Communication 1. Defining Communication the process in which participants create and share information with one another as they move toward reaching mutual understanding. 2. A Model of Communication Section B Reading: CommunicationChannel NoiseCommu icator BDecodingResponseReceiver/SenderEncodingChannel Feedback/Message Message/FeedbackCommunicator AEncodingSender/ReceiverResponseDecoding NoiseCommunication context Chapter 3 Intercultural Communication 4. Elements of Intercultural Communication 1) perception variables: beliefs, attitudes, values and worldviews 2) verbal process: An individuals culture shapes the meaning of a verbal message . 3) nonverbal process: body language, time and space, etc. 4) contexts : business , education and health care Chapter 4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks model What is value? A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable Kluckhohn and Strodbecks Model Range of ValuesHuman nature Basically good Mixture of good and evil Basically evilRelationship between humans and nature Humans dominate Harmony Nature dominateRelationship between humans Individual Group oriented CollateralPreferred personality Doing Growing BeingTime orientation Future oriented Present oriented Past oriented Chapter 5 Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Individualism vs. Collectivism Comparison of the major characteristics of individualism and collectivism Power Distance The degree to which the culture accepts the unequal distribution of power Cultures with a high power distance index: accept inequality; vertical and hierarchical; authoritarian-style communication Cultures with a low power distance index: more horizontal; fighting for equal treatment and questioning authority Mexico; North America; children raised in high-power distance cultures and low- power distance cultures Chapter 5 Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Uncertainty Avoidance norms, values and beliefs related to the toleration of ambiguity. Cultures with a high uncertainty avoidance index: Cultures with a low uncertainty avoidance index: Masculinity vs. Femininity Masculine cultures: rigid gender roles, esteem achievement, success , money, self-reliance Feminine cultures: fluid gender roles, appreciate affection, compassion, interpersonal relationships, responsibility and nurture Chapter 6 Halls Culture Context Model modelA Brief Introduction to Edward Hall anthropologist the father of intercultural communication high-context culture and low-context culture In high context cultures: much information is implied in the context, little is provided in the verbal message itself In low context cultures: the majority of the information is contained in the verbal code, and the message is stated clearly and explicitly Chapter 6 Halls Culture Context Model model Communication Styles Background information Face concerns Nonverbal codes In-groups and Out-groups Orientation to Time Chapter 7 Cultural Connotation in Language Language a set of codes and symbols, along with the rules for combining them with together. Language and Culture The Tower of Babel / Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Cultural Connotations Categories of Cultural Connotations 1) cC=cE 2) cCCE 3) cC=0, cE 0 or cC 0, cE=0 Chapter 8 Norms of Social Interaction Confusion and frustration in the intercultural communication the way in which they speak and the way which they interact with the native speakers Addressing Greetings Saying Goodbye Expressing Gratitude and Thanks Chapter 9 Body Language Kinesics Kinesic behaviors gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, and other physical movements that can be used to communicateEmblemsIllustratorsAffect DisplaysRegulatorsAdaptors Chapter 10 Time chronemics the study of how people use, structure, interpret, and understand time Time Orientations Time Systems Technical or scientific time systems Formal time systems Informal time systems A monochronic time system A polychronic time system Chapter 11 Space Proxemics Territory Territoriality A set of behaviors that people display to show that they “own” or have the right to control the use of a particular geographic area. Cultural differences in territoriality can be exhibited in three ways Personal space the portable territory with invisible boundaries that expand or contract depending on the situation. Four spatial zones or distance ranges Chapter 12 Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes Ethnocentrism What is ethnocentrism? How does ethnocentrism impede intercultural communication ? How can ethnocentrism be overcome? Stereotypes What are stereotypes Why are stereotypes pervasive? What are positive and negative stereotypes? How do stereotypes hamper intercultural communication? How can we go beyond stereotypes?


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