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九年级英语中考总复习之语法篇: (五)连词和状语从句人教四年制版【本讲教育信息 】一. 教学内容:中考英 复 之 法篇:(五) 和状 从句二. 重 点 解:1. 帮你快速掌握 家族用来 接 ,短 ,从句或句子的 叫 。 是一种虚 ,在句中不能 独使用。 可分 两 :并列 和从属 。并列 用来 接具有并列关系的 ,短 或句子。常 的并列 有:( 1)表并列关系的and, both and, not onlybut also, neither等。nor( 2)表 关系的or, either等or。( 3)表 折关系的but, while 等。( 4)表因果关系的for, so 等。从属 从属 用来引 从句。常 的从属 有:引 状 从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。( 1)引 条件状 从句的if, unless 等。( 2)引 原因状 从句的because, as, since等。( 3)引 目的状 从句的so that, in order that 等。( 4)引 步状 从句的 though, although, even if 等。( 5)引 果状 从句的so that, sothat, such等that。( 6)引 比 状 从句的than, as as等。( 7)引 名 从句的that, if , whether 等。2. 状 从句的考点用一个句子 (从句) 来做另一个句子 (主句) 的状 , 用作状 的句子就叫做状 从句。作什么 的状 就叫什么 型的状 从句。例如:条件状 从句就是用一个句子来做条件状 。在复 状 从句 , 主要任 是弄清楚引 各种状 从句的 的用法。 就主要考 点 述如下:( 1)引 状 从句的 主要有 when, while, as, by the time, before, after, since, till/until, as soon as等。其中 when 、while和 as 都可表示“当 候” ,但用法有区 : when 意 在 ,可表示点 或段 ,从句 可以是 止性 ,也可以是延 性 。例如:When I got home, he was having supper.We usually stay at home when it is raining outside.注意: when 也可以作并列 ,表示一个 正在 行的 候,突然 生了另外一件事。eg.用心爱心专心I was fishing by the river , when someone called for help.我正在河 ,就在那 有人求救。We were working in the chemistry lab , when the lights went out.我 正在化学 室工作,突然灯都熄 了 as 意 或与同 ,重在表示两个 作同 生,伴随 行。They sang as they danced.As I was going out, it began to rain. while 只可表示段 ,从句 只限于延 性 。例如:While I was sleeping, my father came in.注: while 也可以作并列 ,表 折的关系,相当于but, “然而” 。eg.I like listening to music , while my brother likes doing sports.我喜 听音 ,而我的兄弟 好运 。 since 引 的 状 从句, “自从” ,主句常用 在完成 ,从句常用一般 去 。eg.We have made many dumplings since we began to cook.自从我 开始做 起,我 已 包了 多 子了。We haven t seen each othersince we parted . 我 自从分手以后一直没 面。注: 常用句型: It is + 段 +since 从句 :自从有多 了。eg.It is six years since she graduated from the university.自从她大学 已有六年的 了。 until 意 “直到 ” ,引 状 从句 ,表示主句的 作 生在从句的 作之前。当主句的 是持 性 ,主句常用肯定形式;当主句的 是非持 性 ,从句常用否定形式, not until意 “直到才” , 的 until 可以用 before来替 。例如:I ll stay hereuntil you come back.我会呆在 里,直到你回来。( stay 表示的 作可以持 )He didn t go to beduntil he finished his homework.他直到做完作 才睡 。( go to bed 表示的 作不能持 )( 2)引 原因状 从句的 原因状 从句一般由because, since, as, for引 。注意as, because, since和 for 的区 : 如果原因是构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。 because 引 的从句一般不放在句子的开 。例如:I missed the train because I got up late注: 于以 why 开 的 句,一般只能用because引 的从句来回答 如果原因已 人 所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,就用as 或 since、 since 比 as稍微正式一些。as 和 since 引 的从句一般放在句子的开 。例如:As he was not well, I decided to go there without him.Since this method doesn t work, leter. s try anoth for 表示所 的理由是一种 充 明,因此,for 引 的从句可以放在括号里,而且for 引 的从句一般不放在句子的开 。例如:I decided to stop and have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry.用心爱心专心3. 引 果状 从句的 主要有 so/such that ,so that等。( 1) so.that 构在某种情况下可以与 enough to 和 too.to 构相互 。例如:She is so short that she can t reach the buttons of the lift.=She is too short to reach the buttons of the lift.( 2) so that 也可以引 果状 从句,意 “ 果是;以致于”。例如:They missed the bus so that they were late for class.注: so that 也可引 目的状 从句,此 可用to 或 in order to 替 ,将其改 句。例如:He got up early so that he could get to school on time.=He got up early to get to school on time.=In order to get to school on time, he got up early.4. 引 步状 从句的 通常由 although, though 等 引 。例如:Though he is young, he knows a lot.Although I am tired, I must go on working.注: although( though)不能与but 用在同一个句子中。例如:我 不能 :Though it was raining hard, but he still went out. : Though it was raining hard, he still went out.或 It was raining hard, but he still went out.【典型例题】1.I m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, _ she is interested in reading.A. soB. orC. butD. and(北京 2006)答案: C解析: but 在本句中表示 比我喜 舞蹈而我双胞胎的姐姐喜 。2. Look left and right before you cross the road, _ you may be hit by a car.A. soB. andC. orD. but(黄 2006 )答案: C解析: or 表示否 3. Uncle Wang gave all his savings to the Hope School _ he himself was not rich.A. becauseB. as ifC. thoughD. or ( 云港2006)答案: C解析:本句的意思是 然王叔叔本人不富, 但是却把所有的 蓄捐 希望工程。 Though 表示“尽管, 然”4. My grandma didn ttogosleep _ I got back home.A. whereB. untilC. as soon asD. while(重 2006)答案: B解析: not until 表示“直到才”5. You ll do much better _ you re more careful with your spelling.A. ifB. beforeC. althoughD. unless( 西2006 )答案: A解析: 本句的意思是如果你在拼写的 候更仔 些,你将会做得更好,If 表示假 。6. You watched the fashion show last night, didn t you?用心爱心专心 Yes, _ I missed the beginning.A. soB. andC. butD. then(山 洲2006)答案: C解析: 根据答 可以得到看了 装表演但 了开 。表示 折用 but.7. Please take the medicine three times a day, _ it won t work well.A. andB. butC. orD. so(浙江省2006)答案: C解析: 句型:祈使句 +or 表示“告 你要如何做,如果不 ,就”8. You cannot catch up with a car _ how fast you run.A. howeverB. no matterC. althoughD. whatever ( 2006)答案: B解析: no matter how + 副 = however + 副 表示无 如何9. Study hard, _ you are sure to have a good result in the exam.A. orB. andC. forD. but(天津2005)答案: B解析: 句型:祈使句 +and 表示“如果你做了,就会 生效果”10. Don t be afraid of asking for help _ it is needed.A. unlessB. afterC. althoughD. when (天津2006)答案: D解析: 本句的意思是当需要帮助的 候 客气。【模拟试题】一.选择题1._ he is old, _ he can still work.A. Though; butB. Because; soC. Though; D. Because; 2.Work harder, _ you ll make progress.A. butB. andC. forD. or3.Guilin is the best place to be, _ it s in summer or in winter.A. howeverB. becauseC. whetherD. when4.She used not to like playing with a yo-yo, _ now she likes it very much.A. soB. orC. andD. but5.It is ten years _ I met you last.A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. however6.We were just ready to play football _ it began to rain.A. afterB. as soon as C. whenD. before7.Don t be afraid of asking for help _ it is needed.A. unlessB. afterC. althoughD. when8.It was _ bad weather that we decided not to go there.A. soB. suchC. veryD. quite9.Nancy got up very early this morning _ not to be late for class again.A. sinceB. so thatC. in orderD. till10. You d better do it _ your mother did.A. whenB. asC. likeD. because11. I _ to bed until my granny came back home.用心爱心专心A. didn t go B. wentC. had goneD. have gone12. Please wait here. I ll come back soon. All right. We ll stay at the library_ you come back.A. untilB. forC. whileD. as13. Is David at school today? No, he is at home _ he has got a bad cold.A. becauseB. ifC. thoughD. until14. He met many problems _ he was going over his lessons.A. beforeB. whileC. untilD. as soon as15. Someone called me at midnight, but he hung up _ I could answer it.A. asB. sinceC. afterD. before二.用适当的连词填空1._ they are brothers, they don tlook like each other at all.2.The dress was very expensive, _ I didn t buy it.3. Do you know _ I could pass the exam? Sorry, I ve no idea.4.Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, _ he can t understand the instructions on the bottle ofthe pills.5. The war was over about a year ago, _ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with.6. Is David at school today? No. He is at home _ he has a bad cold.7. _ Lily _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.8. Study hard, _ you are sure to have a good result in the exam.9. Please have a wash _ you go to bed.10. The twins have learned a lot _ they came to China.用心爱心专心【试题答案】一 .1 5 CBCDB6 10 CDBCB11 15 ABABD二.1.Although/ Though2. so3. if/ whether4. so5. but6. because7.Eith用心爱心专心


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